Why a Christmas in New York is one of the best experiences of your life


Snowy Central Park

A better Christmas than this?

We can always blame Macaulay Culkin. It was probably he who got it into our heads that no city in the world lives Christmas like New York. And if it wasn't him, maybe it was Meg Ryan in You have an email? We can go even further back in the history of cinema, and think that Natalie Wood and Maureen O'Hara They put it into our heads that miracles happen on the avenues and streets of New York at that time of year.

Let's say that movies and television, in general, may be to blame for the fact that we idealize New York so much in one of the times when it has more tourists, in which it is more difficult to move even along its widest sidewalks, those of the Fifth Avenue. And yet, if you've never been to New York for Christmas, you're missing out. one of the experiences of your life. Why?

1. Because It's the most wonderful time of the year! A city that always goes so fast, that rarely stops to enjoy what it offers, on these dates, it does. New Yorkers do stop to look around, the new lights, the new shop windows … They smile! And they even change their stark black for ugly sweaters (see below) .

two. because the Christmas in New York starts as soon as Thanskgiving and Black Friday pass, that is, the last week of November and that is more than a month and a half of christmas spirit in its streets (and in its stores) .

Christmas in New York

It's Christmas in New York!

3. Because the first could fall great snowfall of the year on those dates. And a snowy Christmas is a dream if you don't live in cold places. And something mandatory if you live in places as cold or colder.

Four. Because ice skating (and freezing) while night falls in Central Park is such a romantic experience to be able to share as a couple and so much fun to be able to do it as a family.

Snowy Central Park

Christmas spirit 100%

5 . because a visit to Dyker Heights, the Brooklyn neighborhood with the most Christmas lights per square meter in the world, will revive the Christmas spirit of the greenest grinch. The neighbors spend an impossible amount to renew their decoration every year (and pay the electricity bill for the season), a strange and endearing competition that began between them more than 30 years ago and you should enjoy with a hot chocolate to go. And if Dyker Heights is far from you, the Macy's storefronts and Fifth Avenue stores they are a good substitute, and much more elegant.

Dyker Heights

Christmas PRO level.

6. Because only in New York and at Christmas can you get on a rooftop and see the empire state tucked into a transparent igloo while you drink a hot cider, or a Martini and spiced whiskey cocktail, to warm up.

7. For the pop carols sung by Salvation Army volunteers. Dressed as Santa Claus or not, they sing and dance, sometimes only accompanied by a bell. And suddenly, the New Yorkers in his path stop being so serious and haughty.

Rooftop Igloo in New York

The Christmas winter rooftop.

8. Because the city smells like Christmas. And you'll wonder What does Christmas smell like? A firs tiny ones, like the ones they sell at street stalls to take you home, or giant ones, like the one in Rockefeller Plaza, which is always a must-see.

9. Because second-hand clothing stores are filled with ugly christmas sweaters In red, white and green colors, with large elves, even with hanging ornaments. And yes, you also have the markets with nice souvenirs.

Colin Firth in Bridget Jones

He was to blame.

10. Because there is a place where Christmas extends until May: Rolf's. The German restaurant in Gramercy Park that puts Christmas decorations from floor to ceiling, a lot, a lot, and leaves it there until the heat arrives in the city.

*Report originally published on November 27, 2017 and updated on November 28, 2018

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