Why you deserve that getaway with your best friend


Reasons not to postpone the trip of your lives any longer

Reasons not to postpone the trip of your lives anymore

1.Because there are a lot of places you dream of going together and you take too long putting off your journey for one thing or another. It's a mistake! Don't wait until you have more money, more vacation days or less desire to be with your boyfriend/girlfriend: there is no better time than NOW. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?

2.Because only planning it already you will be almost as excited as when you are flying towards your destiny, and you already know that, when you get excited together, the joy is not multiplied by two, but exponentially!

3.Because there won't be not a single downtime on the journey : A lot of driving hours? Great, so we can listen to our favorite music! Too much flight time? No problem, so we can catch up with everything that has happened lately!

4.Because you know that no matter how many mishaps you encounter on your trip, you will always find a reason to look at each other, laugh out loud and overcome any moment of tension. And even turn it into a memory memorable !

5.Because you understand each other, love each other and respect each other so much that you quick deals when choosing what to do and when to do it, until reaching a consensus that makes both of them equally happy.

You understood each other with a look

You understand each other with a look

6. Because with her you feel true freedom , that is to say: no self-imposed responsibilities and the possibility of being one hundred percent yourself at all times. Pure brain therapy! Now that's disconnecting!

7.Because you have known each other for so long that you have acquired the same rhythm To do the things. Tour a museum, go out to eat, explore an unknown city? Everything will be equally comfortable, because you go to the same beat.

8.Because, quite simply, there are places you can't imagine traveling to with another person: They are perfect for you two.

9. Hairbrush, sun cream, mobile phone charger? It doesn't matter if you've forgotten something: not her, and you know that, among friends, sharing is as natural as locking yourself in a hotel room to dance as if there were no tomorrow great songs from when you were teenagers.

10.Because apart you are great, but together you will still feel more powerful : with it, it will be easier to meet people, sign up for that activity in which you are a little embarrassed to participate or even dare to do things that have always scared you.

With your best friend any moment is cause for laughter and celebration

With your best friend, any moment is cause for laughter and celebration

11. Because, let's face it: the photos of the trip are going to be AWESOME.

12.Because you can go out until the time you want and there will never be fights to choose the bars! But that's not the best: the best thing is that you will savor this experience doubly when you get to the room and lie down to comment, between laughs, each of the things that have happened.

13. Because maybe you know how to speak English very well, but she is great with schedules, or maybe you are terrible at calculating the currency exchange rate and she does three-digit multiplications without batting an eye. What is clear is that, together, you are the perfect team.

14.Because, although it seemed impossible to you, spending so many hours together and living such intense experiences outside of your comfort zone, you will take your super friendship to a new level. And you will end up becoming even more essential (in the non-psychopathic sense of the word) in each other's lives.

15.Because you will create new private jokes, battle stories that will make you laugh for years and some very special memories that will be one of those that you try to tell others about and -before their stupefied faces-, you always end up saying: “It doesn't matter, counting isn't funny: you should have been there to understand ”.

*Article published on March 1, 2017 and updated with video on July 7, 2017

be a perfect trip

It will be a perfect trip!

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