Traveler Agenda (July 29, 30 and 1)


Summer the same as from festival to festival and shot because it's my turn

Summer equal to "from festival to festival and shoot because it's my turn"

A FESTIVAL. On June 29 and 30, the ** Memory Park ** meets at the Manguilla park in El Escorial to all nostalgic for eighties and nineties music.

Concerts and outdoor attractions, with 17 pop and dance performances, and above all music inspired by the 90s.

The little ones will have a lot of fun with it. musical 'Tadeo Jones , workshops and water activities.

Also, there will be space for urban art and gastronomy -food trucks lovers, we see each other again-, and an exhibition of vintage cars.

Through the stages we will see artists like Íñigo Band, Nacha Pop, Social Security, Paco Pil, Jumper Brothers, Cómplices, Taxi, Revolver, Celtas Cortos or Chimo Bayo.

Were those 90's better times? Let's find out dancing!

Memory Park Festival Map

Memory Park Festival Map

A RESTAURANT , or two! Because we can go to El Canadiense to celebrate Canada Week, or we can also go to Comala to try the gastronomic innovations that this new summer calendar presents on the terrace.

At ** El Canadiense ** (Carranza 10), we tried the Poutine, its various hamburgers, the meatloaf or the rib eye with maple syrup . Also, if you are Canadian and you have a passport, there is a gift!

In ** Comala, ** we sit on the terrace at street level, where we can choose some of the new recipes among which stand out the strawberry salmorejo with Iberian ham , the capresa quinoa salad, the tuna tartare on a bed of avocado with sweet potato chips or the Thai fettuccine with chicken and julienne vegetables.

One of the desserts that can be ordered in Comala

One of the desserts that can be ordered in Comala

FASHION GOES TO THE STREET, and it does so in one of the most traditional neighborhoods of Madrid with the Latina Fashion Weekend , a weekend full of cultural activities and fashion shows that forms part of the Madrid City Council project: **Madrid Capital of Fashion (MCDM)**.

It was a year ago when the first urban parade was held in Madrid, and its success makes it come back even stronger. Friday afternoon is celebrated a Maison Mesa show on the street.

For lovers of fashion, culture, art and for the whole family, a weekend that promotes entrepreneurship, design and creation.

ROCK AND LOADED METAL! What are we talking about? Of DOWNLOAD MADRID FESTIVAL , the second Spanish edition of the mythical festival that comes from the United Kingdom and that takes place in the magic box on June 28, 29 and 30.

We know that there are still tickets left and it is an appointment not to be missed, because among the 55 artists who will perform during the three days of the festival are Guns N' Roses, Ozzy Osbourne, Avenger Sevenfold, Judas Priest or Marilyn Manson.

Download festival poster in Madrid

Download festival poster in Madrid

AN EXPOSITION, that of **Zero Gravity by Roberto Maján**. From June 29, at the Fiambrera Art Gallery, located in the street of the Fish, a selection of watercolors that revolve around love, celebrate Gay Pride also in 2018 , talking about sex, food, laughter, sorrow and pain.

AND WE CONTINUE WITH THE ART SECTION visiting the exhibition that opens the ** Thyssen Museum ** about two painters, master and disciple: Boudin and Monet.

A tour of the impressionism art movement which can be visited until September 30.

Impressionist painting by Monet

Impressionist painting by Monet

OF SHOPS IN BARCELONA . Ok, we all know that sales are coming, but we prefer to get away from the hustle and bustle and discover treasures like this.

We present ** Honne The Brand ,** at number 14 Pere Serafí street, in the heart of the Gràcia neighborhood. Shop, showroom and studio, in which Rosa, Estefanía and Eire present a collection that will make you fall in love from start to finish.

OF WINES : on June 30 we are going to visit the ** Bodega de Las Moradas de San Martín ** to spend a very special night in which After making the visit and the wine tasting, we will end up seeing the stars with AstroAfición.

The price is 35 euros and the hours are from 8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Bodegas Las Moradas de San Martin

Bodegas Las Moradas de San Martin

ON THE BIG SCREEN, we take advantage of the time and we go to the mythical and wonderful summer cinemas of which Madrid has been infected. Which of them?

In this article we offer you the best, to enjoy classic and current titles in the car, under a glass dome or by moonlight.

Summer cinemas in Madrid movies by moonlight

Summer cinemas in Madrid: movies by moonlight

BOOKS with whom to plan our dream trip by train. Travel by train: Interrail Europe Y Travel by train: The Trans-Siberian They are two books from the Anaya Touring publishing house, which are the definitive guides to know everything about this adventure that yes or yes you have to live. Do you want to carry it out? Here you have all the keys!

IN THE NETWORKS , we began to follow the trail of photographer Mario Villamiel, but in the traveling version of him: @mevout, Name? 'Mevo' is a seagull in Esperanto, and with it symbolizes that freedom with which he began to travel and which is inspired, of course, by the mythical book of Juan Seagull.

So in his photos he shows us the soul of different people in the world. He also has a web page, in which he publishes the portraits with the different stories of each of those people with whom he spoke , on a map.

In it he explains his project and does it like this: “I go to meet people who are looking for simple and original solutions to problems that affect us all”.

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