Language, the main barrier to travel for Spaniards


Language is the main barrier when it comes to traveling

Language is the main barrier when it comes to traveling

What exactly are we worried about and It prevents us from making the most of our trips, launching ourselves 100% and feeling like citizens of a place called the world. ? What stops our desire to travel without limits?

Language . Although it sounds superfluous and simple, it turns out to be **one of our worst enemies and one of the impediments when traveling as shown by a study by**. According to this, in which they have participated 20,500 travelers from all over the world and the one that has been carried out to find out the barriers and concerns that prevent making the most of each trip, confirms that "a 64% of Spanish travelers believe that they do not take advantage of everything what your travels could".

But it is not because we are not wishing it with all our might: The study also confirms that "62% of Spaniards are interested in discovering new cultures", whether it be their local dishes, their places or their people.


There is something inside us that awakens that spirit wanderlust and that makes us want to go to the other side of the world, but when we are going to take the step... what stops us? Does the new and the different scare us? Is it the journey or is it us? 15% of Spanish travelers have never felt that they have unlimited opportunities during their vacations, the largest gap being that of the language.

The latest study carried out by certifies it: "Language continues to be a barrier for 20% of Spaniards when traveling" , 20% take the language barrier as if it were the Winterfell wall. Did Willy Fog know how to speak all the languages ​​in the world?

Also, to a lesser extent, it takes into account the difficulty they believe they have in finding accommodation (33%) or having to face something unknown during those days (19%) .

We have endless opportunities more than before to organize a trip

We have endless opportunities more than before to organize a trip


The survey shows that all is not lost, gentlemen. 36% would remove these barriers if they found good accommodation options and, of course, it is very recurring know the opinions of other travelers to follow the same path.


Let's not think that this wanderlust spirit we are referring to belongs to a small part of the population: it is not only in the genes of Generation Z (half of those surveyed between 18 and 24 years old are willing to make a route by car) .

An increase in the number of solo travelers has been observed

An increase in the number of solo travelers has been observed

this spirit It is also found among those between 55 and 64 years old (the so-called Baby Boomers): 44% of Baby Boomers would prefer to live a gap year, and in them it is also observed an increase in the number of solo travelers to overcome limitations, more than half of those surveyed have already done so and it has been in the last year. Travel without limits has no age, of course.


Are we Spanish adventurers? Or are we a box of desire with buts? The truth is that dreaming that they don't take it away from us, “Organizing a sabbatical trip (49%) , taking a long-distance train route (46%) or taking a surprise trip (44%) are the main getaways that Spaniards would like to experience although they do not dare”, this is demonstrated by the survey.

In fourth and fifth place are the wishes to do volunteer trips (43%) or trips to meet local communities (39%) .

However, what we do dare with and practice all the time, are camping trips (59%), last minute trips (37%) or car routes (34%). 30% of Spaniards yes, they fulfill their desire to take long-distance train trips and another 30% embark on "gourmet adventures". This type of trips they affirm "that they allowed them to live a complete experience", which they would repeat.

Many of the respondents would like to take a long trip by train

Many of the respondents would like to take a long trip by train


We are in front of the computer, a hundred open tabs, twenty maps, fifty guides with 'everything you should do', but... "I still don't have it completely clear". Does the excess of information paralyze us? The recent survey shows that every time technologies put it on a plate, and yet it seems that we continue to doubt the chef, looking for the fine print.

More than half of those surveyed admit to using technology frequently while traveling. Your best companion or perhaps the one that cannot fail.

Many Spaniards would like to have a gap year

Many of the Spaniards would like to have a gap year

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