Ireland will debut this year a new route of 330 kilometers that will link Dublin and Galway


Do you want to travel to Ireland this 2022? We have rarely told you about the beauty of the country, without a doubt, the paradise for lovers of landscapes, hiking and cycling. For some years, moreover, the country has launched several projects that indicate their priority for the sustainability . Specifically, we refer to its greenways.

The greenway projects for 2022 form part of the Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways launched by the Irish government in 2018.

This 2022 a total of 60 million euros will be allocated in 40 projects that will reach practically every county in the country. One of them, perhaps the most ambitious of all, is the Dublin Galway Greenway , a 330 km corridor linking Dublin and Galway, a route that goes from the Atlantic coast to the eastern coast, and which has currently completed the first half, from Dublin to the town of Athlone.

The section from Athlone to Galway could be completed by the end of 2022 after a five-year hiatus. To finalize this last route, a public consultation has been carried out on which options are the best for this section and, finally, an agreement has been reached.

Once completed, this greenway will be one of the longest in Ireland that will be accessible to all, including those in wheelchairs. This great route is part of the international EuroVelo network, the long-distance network for cyclists that will also link Galway with Moscow.

See images: The 50 photos that make you want to travel to Ireland

Limerick Greenway Ireland.

Limerick Greenway, Ireland.


Although already in 2021 it was anticipated with the inauguration of the Royal Canal Greenway and the Limerick Greenway , it will be in 2022 when Ireland takes off towards sustainability with the inauguration of numerous greenways throughout the island.

Another project of great importance will be the 100 km road that connects limerick with the towns of Fenith Y Listowel , in County Kerry. In 2022, the sections that connect the towns of Bring Fenit , and of Listowel to the border with County Limerick. Another road that will be ready for this year is the South East Greenway, which will connect with the existing one Waterford Greenway and will unite the Norman city of new ross with the Viking city of Waterford through the scenic landscape of South Kilkenny.


If you are planning your trip, Ireland has announced that it has lifted Covid restrictions this January. This means that restaurants and bars have resumed normal business hours; and that restrictions on indoor and outdoor events, including sporting events, will be lifted.

“The announcement that most of the Covid-19 restrictions in Ireland will come to an end is excellent news for tourism and hospitality. It means we can now move forward and start planning holidays to Ireland with confidence for next year," Niall Gibbons, CEO of Tourism Ireland, said in a statement.

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