This map of Lithuania collects the most magical places in the country


This map is a tribute to everyday magic

This map is a tribute to everyday magic

what lithuania revere the supernatural It's not trivial, it was the last pagan nation of Europe. Even though the country It was Christianized between the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th. paganism remained dormant for another two hundred years or so. Today, Lithuanians remain faithful to the mystical essence that gives off its land.

For this reason, Lithuania Travel, the national agency for tourism development of Lithuania, has drawn up a map that brings together more than 50 sculptures, monuments and enclaves They have a magical story.

This map is a tribute to everyday magic

Lithuania has more than 50 corners where magic reigns

Distributed throughout the country, the peculiar coordinates they invite us to travel -for the time being, virtually- from the capital to the Baltic coast. Animals, people, symbolic structures or household objects are the motifs of the sculptures and monuments, which, it is said, They grant miracles.

While some of magical relics require rubbing or touching , others promise to grant wishes after completing a ritual such as circle around oneself several times or go up the stairs without looking back. To see the full map , visit this link.


Here is a list of ten objects with miraculous attributes most popular from Lithuania:

1.The miracle tile: this legendary tile, nestled in Vilnius Old Town has the word inscribed “stebuklas”, which means miracle . Visitors passing through cathedral square they will have to stop at the tile, located next to the bell tower, and make a wish, following a ritual, of course: some believe that the tile will grant the wish if a person turns around himself when he stands on it Others say that it is necessary to jump for the miracle to occur.

2. Lighthouse of Happiness Monument: a must stop for every mystical soul. The monument, which is nothing more and nothing less than the grave of the well-known Lithuanian writer Jonas Biliūnas - the creator of the fairy tale The Lighthouse of Happiness -, is on top of a hill of Anykščiai, a city in the region of the Highlands. Legend has it that happiness will be granted to those who manage to reach the top of the hill without looking back, while climbers who turn around will be turned into stones.

The Lucky Belly in Vilnius

The Lucky Belly, in Vilnius

3.The witch: a sculpture of a witch with an owl on her shoulder hides in the Witch Hill, in Juodkrantė, a town on the Curonian Spit. The sculpture is believed to have the power to bestow the visitor with an offspring of the desired sex.

4. The cat: "Rub my ear and the fear will be gone", pray sculpture a chubby cat with an earring, located in front of V2O Jewelry Home , in the bohemian neighborhood of Užupis (Vilnius). The story behind the sculpture tells that a feline asked the jewelers of Užupis to make an earring with all its wisdom engraved on it.

5.The tail of the donkey: people who are tired of failing need head to Alytus, the largest city in southern Lithuania. It is said that stroking the tail of a donkey that belonged to Hodja Nasreddin, the famous trickster of Turkey , gives whoever does it a dose of confidence.

Tree sculptures or tiles are some of the amulets collected.

Sculptures, trees or tiles are some of the amulets collected.

6. The belly of luck: visitors who want to attract success should look for a small at the same time voluminous male belly (tied with a ribbon) in the center of the Lithuanian capital. The piece of art is on the facade of the Novotel Vilnius Center. The sculpture's powers originate from an ancient legend about the 19th century mayor of Vilnius, who once visited a poor family with two successful sons: a merchant and a jeweller. When the mother was asked about the success of her children, she replied that she used to caress the merchant's belly and the hands of the jeweler.

7.The detective: like many other sculptures in Klaipėda, the country's port city , this one also has a secret. detective's cape he has a hidden badge that he brings peace and success.

8. The tree of keys: the magic ash tree rises in Panevėžys, the fifth largest city in Lithuania. The story that accompanies the tree is unique: a box with seventy keys was found next to him. Lithuanian ancestors believed that the keys had a symbolic meaning. When they were hung on the wall, they became protective amulets. While countless passersby approach to caress its trunk in search of luck , the newlyweds hang up the keys hoping to ensure your future success.

The miraculous tile located in Vilnius

The miraculous tile, located in Vilnius

9. The clogs: in Plunge , a city in northwestern Lithuania, rest bronze clogs symbolizing the city's eternal love for folk dance. There are symbols inscribed on all the clogs, and one of them is the city's coat of arms. It is said that if you touch it, you are forced to return to the city one more time.

10.The cow: the district of Birzai has a statue of a cow with a magic udder . If you rub it, your wishes will come true. Or so they say...

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