Do you want to celebrate Thanksgiving like an American without leaving Madrid?


Do you want to celebrate Thanksgiving like an American without leaving Madrid?

Do you want to celebrate Thanksgiving like an American without leaving Madrid?

Yes. It's a " american ". Yes. Here we also have many great fall traditions that involve gathering around a table, enjoying, toasting and celebrating again (such as the brilliant Galician magostos or the autumn cultural celebrations in the Ambroz valley, for example).

But there is something funny about emulating what we have seen so many times on television (? Who doesn't remember Joey's Thanksgiving pants? ?) and, above all, as an excuse to try those American preparations full of sauces, stews and baked delicious cakes.

In these restaurants in Madrid you can book your experience Thanksgiving for dinner with your family or with your friends and taste, as Joey would, a good yankee dinner. Although the official night of Thanksgiving is November 28 (perfect to recharge and face ** Black Friday ** the next day), some of these restaurants extend their offer throughout the week. You sign up?

Joey and his 'Thanksgiving pants'

Joey and his 'Thanksgiving pants'

** DISENCAJA AND LA TAJADA _(Paseo de la Habana, 84 and Calle Ramón de Santillán, 15. Price: €40, drink included) _**

Desencaja has been betting on the **Thanksgiving menu for five years (both at lunch and dinner) **, five years of traditional American cuisine recipes with a personal touch, provided by the chef Ivan Saez.

Such is the success that the same menu will also be served at the nearby restaurant in the slice (Despite everything, it is recommended to book in advance).

you can enjoy five succulent dishes (Royal parmesan, laminated Portobello and dried fruit vinaigrette; stewed green beans with spinach and Iberian pork jowls; pumpkin cream and confit cod; sweet potato gnocchi with carbonara herbs and truffle; roast turkey, glazed carrots and red fruit sauce ) .

The icing on the cake? The blueberry pie with creamed corn and vanilla ice cream, to finish off a unique banquet.

Roast turkey, glazed carrots and red fruit sauce from Desencaja

Roast turkey, glazed carrots and Desencaja red fruit sauce

** GUMBO (Calle Pez, 15. Price: €33) NO PLACES LEFT**

Gumbo has been serving its famous fried green tomatoes for years and its deep fried...everything in this corner of the street fish . Gumbo, a restaurant that takes its name from the famous and hearty typical dish of New Orleans Creole cuisine, is one of the few 'American-American' cuisines in Madrid.

So, obviously, every Thanksgiving they offer a complete menu at their tables. First, to choose between a artichoke cream and parmesan cheese or mixed leaf salad with apple. Second, the essential turkey, but this time fried, as the southern kitchen commands. It is accompanied by the large piece of spotted rice, cornbread, baked sweet potatoes, stewed cabbage and, yes, always, the cranberry sauce. To top it off, you can choose between the classic Apple pie or try the most exotic for us Spaniards, the sweet potato and pecan nut.

This menu would also include two drinks, coffee or infusion. It is celebrated on November 28 at noon and in two shifts at night but... oh! Both the 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. shifts. they are already complete. You can book your Thanksgiving menu for November 28 at noon at the number 91 532 6361

THE COOKIE LAB _(Serrano Street, 149) _

One of the most important moments in the American tradition of Thanksgiving is the family cooking and, in particular, the 'baking' of the desserts. well you know Dana Knowles , CEO of Taste of America and founder of this sugar dream shop that she is The Cookie Lab.

That is why Dana proposes a series of special baking ahead of this November 28, for which the American bakery is preparing recipes with the flavors of autumn on the other side of the Atlantic.

Beyond the delicious cookies, you can book traditional Thanksgiving cakes like the one from pumpkin, pecan pie (of pecan nuts), or the classic apple pie (of Apple) .

ALFREDO'S BARBECUE _(5 Lagasca Street, 11 Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, 4 Count of Aranda. Price: €16.95) _

I couldn't miss. One of the best and most emblematic Yankee burgers in the city of Madrid. Alfredo's will offer for Thanksgiving in its three restaurants, a menu that goes beyond its succulent meat burgers. It is a first course turkey burger with sauce , sweet potato fries, corn, cranberries and coleslaw.

For dessert, the tremendous pumpkin pie. In addition, this €16.95 menu includes a drink. You can enjoy it with your family from November 28 until stocks last ( we recommend calling in advance ) .

Alfredo's BBQ

Alfredo's Christmas menu

** JIMBO SMOKEHOUSE _(Plaza del Descubridor Diego de Ordás, 4. Price: 20 euros) _**

You have to go to Jimbo to enjoy that flavor of the well smoked meats , that grilled aftertaste that just thinking about it makes our mouths water. You also have to go to Jimbo to celebrate and give thanks because, oh yes, we have restaurants that take care of the art of smoking as never before.

That is why on **next November 28 (both lunch and dinner)**, Jimbo's kitchens will prepare for Thanksgiving with a very strong menu, as the American holiday deserves. In the center of attention, of course, the turkey , who will be accompanied by his Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Baked Sweet Potatoes, and Homemade Biscuits.

Jimbo Smokehouse

Jimbo Smokehouse Thanksgiving Menu

** DINGO _(Calle de Velázquez, 47 Madrid and Paseo de Recoletos, 14 Madrid. Price: €26) _**

Two locations for a classic American menu, following the tradition that has filled American tables for more than 400 years. The night of November 28, from 8:00 p.m., the two Dingo venues They will serve a delicious pumpkin cream with Parmesan accompanied by a Shrimp Cocktail to whet your appetite.

It will be followed by the great first course: the Sage Cornbread Stuffed Turkey , which will be accompanied by Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, glazed carrots or peas in cream with pearl onions.

To top it off, apple pie with vanilla ice cream. To attend the dinner, it is necessary to book in advance by calling 910 51 05 06 or 917 81 70 73.

Thanksgiving Menu at Dingo

Thanksgiving Menu at Dingo

RESTAURANT NICE TO MEET YOU, DEAR HOTEL _(Gran Vía, 80. Price: 35 euros) _

A menu with views, those that show the 14th floor of Dear Hotel with its 360º viewpoint. Madrid at your feet and, on the plate, a warm clam chowder to start the feast. We continue with him turkey , baked and drizzled with gravy sauce, and accompanied by traditional New England stuffing.

Add, in addition, the garnishes: coleslaw, purees and assorted creams (of turnip, pumpkin or potato), glazed onions, tender steamed peas seasoned with butter, or sautéed carrots and Brussels sprouts. And all, of course, with its large spoonful of cranberry sauce.

We will finish the banquet with pumpkin cake and fresh whipped cream.

Menu available only on the night of November 28. Reservations by writing to: [email protected].

Thanksgiving Menu at Dear Hotel

Thanksgiving Menu at Dear Hotel

** NEW YORK BURGER ** **(Avenida de Europa, 10. Alcobendas. San Germán, 5. Calle Recoletos, 4. Paseo de la Castellana, 89. Price: €17.90) **

Ready to say thank you? Well you should, because this extraordinary feast It requires all five senses.

We had already surrendered to the charm of the pulled pork tacos -shredded pork, smoked for seven hours, bathed in barbecue sauce and on a bed of Mexican cheese-, of the tender ribs and of the mythical hamburgers (soon it will land one with raclette cheese, steak sauce and caramelized onion that will leave you speechless ) .

new york burger

The La Moraleja menu prepared to celebrate Thanksgiving

But the turkey that they will present on the day of Thanksgiving at the tables of New York Burgers from Madrid, the most suitable restaurants To celebrate this American holiday, they also promise to win over each of the diners. And it is that its elaboration is not for less.

The meat is smoked in a spectacular texan oven for five hours, it is later marked on the grill and accompanied by three delicious sauces: gravy turkey, apple sauce Y MASHED POTATOES (yes, like this, in uppercase) . Although we know that it will be an arduous task not to repeat portions of this juicy and at the same time crispy dish, you must leave room for dessert: an addictive date sponge cake with toffee and vanilla ice cream.

The price of thanksgiving menu It is €17.90 per person, it is suitable for coeliacs and is designed for a minimum of two diners. If you don't want to miss this feast, will take place from November 25 to December 1 (from Monday to Sunday, both during lunch and dinner hours), we recommend book on their website.

New York Burger Moraleja Green

New York Burger Moraleja Green, one of the most beautiful restaurants in the world

HALF RATION RESTAURANT, HOTEL URSO _(Mejía Lequerica Street, 8. Price: €66) _

URSO joins the celebration with a m Traditional enú in the purest American style. To do this, the menu will only be available on the night of November 28 for dinner, but open to anyone who wants to have dinner in company (without the need to stay at the hotel).

We will start with a pumpkin cream preparing the taste buds for the roasted turkey in its own gravy with classic red cranberry sauce . What Garrison, mashed potatoes, green beans and spiced sweet potato puree.

To finish off another of the great musts of those gargantuan dinners that we so often see in Hollywood movies: rhubarb tart with reduced cream.

In addition to Media Ración, other locations in the hotel will be made available to diners, such as the greenhouse, the private rooms, the private lounges or the dining room located in what was the original library of the building.

Reserve your table at [email protected]

Thanksgiving at the URSO hotel

Thanksgiving at the URSO hotel

HORCHER _(Alfonso XII Street, 6) _

Horcher is celebrating: 76 years of this restaurant that is part of the history of the 20th century. Today, Elizabeth Horcher follows the recipe book and the spirit that she left as her legacy, her grandfather, Otto, her grandfather. Her game dishes arrive just in time to celebrate the most classic art of cooking around a table.

Thus, Horcher surprises with recipes such as roast pheasant or goose . But beware: the apple stuffed goose It will only be on letter between December 6 and January 6 (or until supplies run out). To accompany, a side as autumnal as the chestnut puree.

Another option is to melt with your roe deer loin, also included in the special anniversary menu (it is accompanied by red cabbage and spatles, a special German pasta).

And to finish? tree cake, baumkuchen, an artisanal sweet that Americans have not heard of... but that would go well (and goes) in a impromptu Thanksgiving menu . This is cooked layer by layer, until reaching two and a half kilos. Later, it is cut into slices (like a carpaccio) and served with hot chocolate, vanilla ice cream and cream.

Baumkuchen Horcher

Baumkuchen from Horcher

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