This is why you love hotel rooms


warm bedroom ikea

pure peace at home

We love the ** rooms of ** hot l , those welcoming oases of peace where everything always seems to go well. But have you ever stopped to think why they make us feel so comfortable, regardless of their style? We want to take home its tranquility, its calm, we want to be in the holiday mood throughout the year... The good news is that we can easily achieve it with these ideas. aim!


We can think of many reasons why we would stay in a hotel, starting with its kingsize beds, where it is possible to stretch out without thinking about anything -or anyone- else. We are also tempted by their soft white sheets , perfectly ironed, in which one, rather than lie down, slides with pleasure.

To achieve this effect at home, we have several allies, starting with those mattress pads that are placed on the main mattress, in order to make your bed an even more comfortable space. Also, it is better to opt for ** cotton sheets **, as they are breathable and help regulate body temperature better. To optimize this aspect, it also helps to choose the right duvet, the one that accompanies you throughout the year and never makes you feel cold or hot.

Likewise, to replicate the letter of pillows of the best accommodation, nothing like getting the one that best suits you according to ** your posture ** when sleeping.

ikea bed

At home we can also have beds that invite a restful sleep


And what can you tell us about those? always perfect towels that hug you with care when you get out of the bathroom, exactly how are you? Oh, and let's not forget the extraordinarily soft cloths that are always on the dressing table, with which drying is a real caress...


The warm lamps are another of the elements that add extra comfort to a hotel room, which has several points of indirect light instead of a single one in the middle of the ceiling, as is the case in most common bedrooms. Thus, intimate and peaceful spaces can be created effortlessly, with the necessary lighting in every corner.

To replicate this effect at home, simply choose a **pretty table lamp** and place it in a strategic space. We can also put another one on the bedside table -we love this one, whose power is adjustable- and one standing in our favorite reading corner.

Of course, for the rest to be perfect, it is also key to block the light that enters from outside. We will achieve this with thick curtains or opaque blinds, which will ensure us a restful sleep whatever time it is.

shelf with lamp

A few points of light strategically placed throughout the room will make it warmer and more welcoming


It cozy of these spaces, designed for enjoyment, are another of its main assets. The feeling, very easy to copy at home, is achieved with multiple fabrics with pleasant textures: natural fabric rugs, large cushions, wool blankets...


However, analyzing the subject thoroughly, there is one reason that stands out above the rest, one that dazzles us especially in hotel rooms and that makes us feel extraordinarily good: They are always neat! And we are not talking, precisely, about room service -which, obviously, adds comfort to our stay-, but about the peace of mind of knowing that everything will be in its place when we need it for the simple reason that each one of the things has a optimal allocated space.

But it is that, even what must leave its place for a while due to its use, finds a new hole where it can be housed. Think, for example, of the cushions and the bedspread: when you lie down in your house, they go to the floor or to a chair; in a hotel, to a gallant night like this. Thus, they are perfectly organized even when we do not use them, offering a wonderful appearance whatever the time and providing serenity to the whole environment.

And what peace to use a wardrobe in which there is always room for everything, something that seems impossible at home! Although it is not! In reality, you surely have more space than it seems: to get the most out of it, all you have to do is have order elements such as ** drawer dividers **, with which you have everything organized and visible, or baskets in which classify each of our complements.

ikea nightstand

In a hotel, the bedding does not go to the chair in any way...

And if that's still not enough, we're sure you can carve out a ** chest of drawers **, which will add plenty of storage space.

Now let's go back to our bedroom, one of the places where we spend the most time every day. And yet, its care and renovation is not usually among our priorities, perhaps because it is a 'private' area, which visitors do not usually enter. It's a mistake! As the renowned organizer Marie Kondo assures, order brings us happiness, but not only that: it also affects our health.

Thus, experts assure that a visually orderly and pleasant environment facilitates rest and reduces anxiety, giving us a more relaxed and receptive state of mind. In addition, this type of environment in which everything is in its place also influences professional or academic performance.

In fact, although the common belief is that chaos fosters creativity, the opposite is actually the case: it turns out that organized spaces facilitate concentration, and put us in a more prepared state of mind to face new challenges.

tidy closet

According to experts, more order is more happiness

But let's focus on the effect of a messy environment that perhaps affects us the most on a day-to-day basis: the amount of time it makes us lose! How many mornings are we late for work because we can't find our wallet? Or the shirt that we wanted to wear and that we would swear we had left on the dresser? Such a thing does not happen in an organized space, in which you always get going faster, gaining time for what is truly important: having breakfast calmly, going out slowly, or sleeping five more minutes!

Also, keeping everything in its place makes it easier to clean and know what you have and what you really need, avoiding duplicate purchases and useless expenses. Yeah, like that time you thought you'd lost your yoga class tights...and found them in the back of the drawer, right after you'd unlabeled the new ones.

To avoid all these daily frustrations, let's go back to the beginning, to the icon we should be guided by: hotel rooms. Just saying it makes you breathe more deeply, right? We want their calm, their calm, the good humor that we always have when we inhabit them. here you have more ideas to get it!

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