This hostel is in a house in the middle of the water


hostel colombia House on the Water

It does not look real!

A wooden holiday home in the middle of the ocean. could be the beginning of a disney movie, but they are the coordinates of House on the Water , a Colombian eco-hostel located in the middle of the Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo National Natural Park. Specifically, in the middle of... his ocean.

"The tourist will find in the middle of paradise , in a hostel surrounded by crystalline waters , with diversity of marine fauna, Very good atmosphere and delicious seafood from the area", they explain to us from Casa en el Agua, which five years ago went from being the summer house of a family to become lodging by the hand of a Californian and a Colombian entrepreneurs.

hostel colombia House on the Water

privileged environment

Now, if you want to enjoy this curious experience, you will have to catch a boat to arrive at your door and decide where you want to rest: in a hammock , in a room just for two, in a multiple room with other travelers ? Of course, from all of them you can see a sky full of infinite stars !

And the fun? That's shaped like reggae and cocktails that are enjoyed floating in the Caribbean, from visits to the nearby Santa Cruz del Islet -"the most populated island in the world", according to what they tell us from the hostel-, of mornings of snorkel to wonder -"an island that disappeared due to the rise in sea level and has left behind some beautiful corals", they explain to us- and nights diving among bioluminescent plankton .

hostel colombia House on the Water

Any effort is small to sleep in this paradise


Given their extraordinary situation, since they are in a protected environment , at Casa en el Agua they take the environmental care. But don't settle for classify the trash ... "Our bathrooms are dry toilets or latrines, in which all the human waste and mix with lime and sawdust so that they do not generate odors and can be used as compost. This process is carried out by the same guests : when they finish relieving themselves, they deposit a certain amount of this mixture, which is available in the bathroom. So we generate awareness and, in a certain way, we make them part of this process ", tell us those responsible.

In addition, all its amenities are "environmentally friendly" , despite which its wastewater is also treated to separate water from fat and everything that can generate pollution. Of course, all the energy they use is solar, plus, showers are limited at certain times of the day and are carried out with the old method of Cube in order not to waste resources. And to further help maintain the area, they sometimes organize expeditions, in which the guests themselves can participate, to collect garbage from the sea. if you join, "the ocean will love you and you will have good karma!" , they assure from Casa en el Agua.

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