Banksy pays tribute to George Floyd and condemns racism in his latest work



Banksy pays tribute to George Floyd in his latest work against racism

Protests and demonstrations calling for justice for the death of George Floyd They started in the United States, but soon spread to all parts of the planet.

The most famous and vindictive street artist in the world was not going to remain silent. And he spoke as best he knows how to do: through his art.

In his latest work, Banksy pays tribute to George Floyd, the black citizen who was suffocated to death by a white police officer in Minneapolis and thus shows his total rejection of racism.

The image, posted on the British artist's Instagram account, shows an altar with a frame where we can appreciate the blurred face of a black person. Next to him, a candle whose flame is beginning to reach the American flag.

"At first I thought I should shut up and listen to black people on this issue. But why should you? It's not your problem, it's mine," says Banksy in the statement that accompanies the image.


"If white people don't fix it, somebody's going to have to kick the door in."

“The white system is failing black people. Like a pipe that floods the floor of the people living below. This faulty system makes your life miserable, but it's not your job to fix it. They can't, no one will let them upstairs,” he continues.

The text concludes with a few words that invite people not to stand idly by in the face of the grave injustice that racism entails: “This is a white problem. And if white people don't fix it, somebody's going to have to go upstairs and kick in the door."

A month ago, the artist manifested himself, also through Instagram, to pay tribute to health professionals with the work baptized as *Game Changer*, in which a child leaves several dolls like Spiderman or Batman in the wastebasket to opt for a nurse with a superhero cape.

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