Joshua Tree: Solitary Adventure Through the Californian Desert


Joshua Tree California United States

A natural park full of these trees that are unique in the world

Joshua Tree It is just over a couple of hours drive from The Angels . We could say that it is of the garden of Palm Springs, since the national park is located 45 minutes from one of the quietest cities in California . But on this road trip our mission is to find a place where calm reigns and there is no need to worry about social isolation: the immensity of nature is responsible for facilitating your work.

Here, the reddish landscape is full of rocks formed thousands of years ago, wild animals and tumbleweeds that seem to pay homage to the Wild West films of Hollywood's golden age. In fact, in the national park there are abandoned mines that will remind you of the most typical scenes of the Wild West.

Joshua Tree California United States

The landscape is full of rocks formed thousands of years ago

For those who want to jump straight into nature, there are nine camping areas, although only two of them have drinking water and toilets: Black Rock Campground and Cottonwood Campground. The best thing to do to get a place is to make a reservation in advance. Some camping areas require special permits if you intend to spend the night.

The real protagonists, however, are the majestic Joshua Tree. This is the only place in the world where the Joshua Tree can be found (literally translated into Spanish), and that is a plant native to the Mojave desert. Of course, it should be noted that the Mojave desert is so immense that it extends to the states of Nevada, Arizona and Utah.

The tree usually grows between one and two centimeters a year and the oldest are close to 200 years old, although it is difficult to determine their age, since they do not have concentric rings like most trees. Unfortunately, the Joshua Tree is not exempt from danger of climate change, since despite the efforts for its conservation, it is estimated that by the end of the century, 90% of the specimens could have become extinct.

Like any desert temperatures are extreme, with an average maximum of 36 degrees Celsius during the day (in the summer) and a minimum that can drop below 6 degrees at night, so it is important to be prepared for these sudden changes.

Because the desert nothingness can also be beautiful

Because desert nothingness can also be beautiful in Joshua Tree National Park

Planning the trip taking into account the weather is essential in case you want to do any of the available routes. There are several itineraries with all kinds of difficulty levels. One of the most recommended points is the Keys View area, in the south of the park, from where you can glimpse the dreaded San Andreas Fault, the Coachella Valley, the city of Palm Springs and the Salton Sea, one of the most photographable places of this trip.

The Salton Sea is actually a lake created by an engineering error in the year 1905, moment in which the Colorado River overflowed causing a great flood that lasted a couple of years. The city of Salton was inundated, as was the native population of Torres-Martinez. The result of the flooding was the Salton Sea.

Some of the obligatory stops are Skull Rock, Barker Dam (built by herders in the early 20th century) and the small town of Keys Ranch, one of the first modern settlements in the national park (also at the beginning of the same century).

Barker Dam Joshua Tree California

Barker's Dam

The Joshua Tree drive-in ticket is priced at $30 per vehicle and is valid for seven days. The most important tourist attractions are paved and have parking. Some of them offer quick tours on foot, although some paths are more difficult, especially when temperatures are high.

If you only have one day for your trip, it is best to do the tour by car with the stops that are indicated along the way. For longer routes you will need preparation and several days. On the park's official website you will find the open routes.

In addition, this destination is ideal for everyone who likes climbing, because the rocks of Joshua Tree are a real gift for lovers of this sport.

During the day tour it is normal to meet squirrels, rabbits, the famous roadrunner and even the occasional rattlesnake. At night, from the desert cabins you can hear the sound of coyotes howling and also watch out for bobcats and bobcats. The luckiest will come across the desert tortoises, an endangered species that hardly requires water to survive the extreme conditions of the desert.

Once the day is over, Enjoy the colors of the sunset. California offers one of nature's greatest spectacles when it comes to sunsets, with the sky full of pink colors worthy of a good photo on Instagram.

Astronomy lovers should stay awake a while longer, as there is no better place in California from which to view the sky.

Sunset in Joshua Tree National Park

Sunset in Joshua Tree National Park

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