Barcelona cyclist: guide to get around Barcelona by bike


Manual of the cycling lifestyle in Barcelona

Manual of the cycling lifestyle in Barcelona

The city has an extensive network of bike lanes , which allows us to circulate without any danger when we are foreigners, being able to roll at moderate speeds while enjoying the urban landscape with the characteristic and pleasant Mediterranean climate. A In addition, it has a public bicycle rental system (Bicing) , a large number of rental companies and the great incentive of being able to move around one of the most attractive places in Europe.

Our day begins with a coffee at the Orbea Campus _(Carrer Consell de Cent, 321) _, and then we go to ** My Beautiful Parking _(Carrer de la Bòria, 17) _, one of the most emblematic shops of urban cycling of the city**, where the decoration and its usual events make it a must for bicycle lovers. You can't miss out on our Laser Barcelona tour _(Carrer Doctor Dou 2) _, a well-known place for lovers of trends and clothing linked to the skate and bicycle sector. In the premises they have their own workshop, where they elaborate their products with care. Surely if you are a little integrated into the world you recognize their designs.

By bike Barcelona WIN

By bike, Barcelona WINS

Strolling through the port towards the Parc del Fòrum is a must for lovers of two wheels. in the Forum, The Red Hook Criterium, the largest fixed gear criterium in the world, is held each year in late summer. , an adrenaline show that would become the Formula 1 of cycling.

We end our day joining Roger and Diego, couriers from Apinyó Bicimissatgers, an emblematic bicycle courier company in Barcelona, ​​who will invite us to Cyclo _(Ronda de Sant Antoni, 41) _. It is a regular event at the old Moritz factory where talks are held on cycling news and its surroundings , but with a different touch, because it brings together athletes, pedal lovers or simply people interested in this lifestyle. It is, without a doubt, a great leisure option for Monday afternoons.

Barcelona cyclist by bike through the Ciudad Condal

One of the most emblematic stores on the urban circuit


In recent times, we are seeing how the paradigm of the sports bicycle world changes in our country. Among other things, we are experiencing a marriage with the world of coffee and Barcelona, ​​as could not be less, is at the forefront of this type of establishment yes

- Farm Coffee: Founded in 2009 on the outskirts of the city, specifically in Casteldefells, this establishment is a pioneer in the concept of specialty coffee. The love for cycling of its founders, the pleasant atmosphere and a team that is in charge of showing you everything they know have made it become in one of the obligatory stops for the groups that leave the city every weekend.

In addition to this, they have a selection of high-quality products, from wines to preserves, which will not only enchant bicycle or coffee lovers at the premises._(Passatge Mercè Rodoreda, 2) _.

Barcelona cyclist by bike through the Ciudad Condal

Love for cycling and good atmosphere

- Orbea Campus : For those who do not want to go so far, in the heart of the city we have their corner. It is a privileged place, a space like there are few in the peninsula. The famous bicycle brand from Eibar has arranged a place with a spectacular decoration that will delight lovers of things well done . Among other things, you can see exhibitions, such as that of Brazo de Hierro, one of the most cutting-edge photographers in the national cycling sector, which can be enjoyed today.

Within this space, we can enjoy the grindings of the expert baristas of Café de Finca who bring us a selection of coffees every day specialty of its toaster, in the premises of Castelldefells. _(Carrer del Consell de Cent, 321) _

Barcelona cyclist by bike through the Ciudad Condal

It will delight lovers of things well done

- On and Goes : its name (the French expression to refer to 'Let's go!') is already suggestive and perfectly defines the spirit of all this: having a coffee and start, start pedaling or start your day, but always maintaining this common link between both exciting worlds. The story of On and Va began as a brand of cycling diaries, some notebooks in which you could write down your training sessions and bike rides... Little by little, they opened this place, which regularly organizes bike rides after a good coffee and annually holds a challenge called The Honor Race, a must-attend event for fans of scenic and road cycling. _(Carrer de la Ciutat de Balaguer, 45) _.

Barcelona cyclist by bike through the Ciudad Condal

It was all about that: having a coffee and starting the day


- Bicycle rental: The city has a public bicycle system, Bicing, although it is necessary to be a subscriber to use it. On the other hand, there are numerous private rental companies that for a modest price they will rent us quality vehicles.

- Unsafety: In Barcelona many bicycles are stolen each year, but that does not mean that we cannot use them, just use common sense and a good lock.

- Bike lane: Thanks to it, we will be able to move safely around the city, although despite this, we will have to take precautions, such as night visibility and respect for traffic signals.

Follow @jaimeaukerman

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