What you need to know before moving to Barcelona


What you need to know before moving to Barcelona

Sorry but... you will always be a charnego

Living in Barcelona implies many things . To begin with, lose one's identity, you're the one outside and, even if you marry a Catalan, you will always continue to be. Does it have a name: charnego . And yes, it sounds ugly. "Let them call me whatever they want, I'm from Bierzo, and very proud." Already, the problem is that in El Bierzo you will be Catalan, and so on with everything . In the end, your lack of identity will put you in gardens that, without anyone deserving it, will make you here defend those over there, "But they don't rob you"; and there to those from here, “I don't go because I don't understand them, they only speak Catalan”. And no one will ever thank you. Damn! Although it will not be the only thing you will have to get used to.

1. You will live constantly disoriented. All the neighborhoods are different, but once inside them, all the streets are the same. It doesn't matter if you're in Gràcia, Borne or Eixample. You will spend part of your life circling the same block.

two. You will do a bicing, because otherwise you will not be fully integrated.

3. You will never find any bike available . If you are lucky, then it will be spoiled.

Four. And if she's not, you'll go down with her but you'll never get back up (pedaling, of course) .

5. In the end you go by subway.

You will live constantly disoriented

You will live constantly disoriented

6. At least the subway is not very expensive . He is the best in Spain, if only because on Saturdays and the eve of holidays it opens 24 hours.

7. The bad thing is that if you take it at dawn you will fall asleep and they will rob you. Three hours later you will leave the police station, "We'll call you when we find it" . You will have hope, even five years later.

8. You will do the Camino de Santiago without leaving the Paseo de Gracia transfer.

9.**Terraceo, Barcelona is an ideal city for it**. It's always hot, they'll tell you, but you'll freeze to death in the dead of winter until you find one with stoves. If there are, then they will be full of foreigners.

10. They always find out about things first.

eleven. There should be none left in your country, they are all in Barcelona.

The Guingueta

Quality beach bar

12. Here the beer is served alone, soulless. But when you find a bar where they give you some peanuts, it is the equivalent of finding a euro on the floor. At least the peanut entertains the stomach until you finish those 17 stars.

13. They also have the Moritz but it tastes weird.

14. In order to pay them you will have to assume that you will live on pasta all week.

fifteen. Barcelona is expensive , but the fault lies with the foreigners, who like to pay for precooked paellas and sangria on Las Ramblas. With how good the butifarra is, the escalivada or the Coca de San Juan.

The sausage food truck of Mr Frank and the Butis

The sausage food truck of Mr Frank and the Butis

16. Forget that beautiful apartment in the Plaza de la Virreina . You will end up in a room with a window to the interior patio, or to the stairs. You will convince yourself that it is not so bad, and you will donate your kidney as bail.

17. It will be a fifth which is actually a seventh. Dont have a elevator.

18. you will move One, two, seventeen times. As it seems that there are no individuals, all that salary that you were wondering where it would go will be distributed by all the real estate agencies in the city.

19. There is a 90% chance that your floor (if it is low and old) has cockroaches.

20.**You will love pa amb tomàquet **. You will have it for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, and so on until you have gained a few kilos. Take advantage of, outside of Catalonia they don't know how to do the same.

Pa Amb Tomàquet


twenty-one. You will almost never flirt, unless you are the one who takes the initiative (Although perhaps our guide can help you...)

22 . It's not that you're ugly, the problem is theirs have not seen you.

23. Okay, they haven't looked. No one here looks at you! Well, if you get naked and start screaming in the middle of the street, maybe yes. I don't think they like that though.

24. You will want every day to be calçotadas. oh the socks ! That is if you make friends first, of course.

25 . "The Catalans are sometimes a bit closed, but once they open up they are very good people."

26. Not everyone is going to speak to you in Catalan . In fact, no one will.

27. You, on the other hand, will end up giving them the “ bona nit to tothom ”.

'Vicky Cristina Barcelona'

How to flirt with a Catalan?!

28. They are not stingy. Well, there will be some, but the same as in the rest of the country.

29. Yes they are with the croquettes. It will make you sad that there is always someone at the table who stays without trying them. They come counted and, either you hurry, or that someone can be you, although later you have to pay them anyway.

30. There are no rounds here , so you can go out without fear of having to invite all seventeen of your friends all at once. Okay, the rounds are cool, but that's what you save for the holidays.

31. In the end the stingy is you.

Mr. Vermouth

A classic vermouth with a potato side dish

32. Nor do they always go with a estelada as a cape . That is only on September 11, or when Barça wins.

33. We are not going to talk about politics, let's love each other

3. 4. not football, we will continue to love each other.

35. But you can talk to them about how beautiful their city is, that you are in it for a reason. Or of the times that they have robbed you, they also rob them.

36. Going back to the foreigners, thanks to them you will have the feeling of always being on vacation , or in any other country.

37. You moved because there was a beach , but it is possible that in summer you will never step on it. Not because you don't want to, but because there will be so many people that you won't even see the sea.

You moved by the beach but...

You moved by the beach but...

38. You won't be able to nap in it either. , because in the background you will always be accompanied by a “beer, beer, friend”.

39. It is true, beer cans are kept in the sewers. But we have all seen it and have subsequently drunk for them.

40. In the end you will end up in the Rodalies heading to Gavá, Casteldefells beach, Ocata, Premiá de Mar , or any other beautiful and wonderful place where tourists have not yet arrived (or at least not that many).

41. The bad thing is that you will stop going out every weekend. Not because there is no party, that Apollo is always cool but because you won't be able to pay for it.

42. Oh, what money do you have left? Then you can order another serving of croquettes.

43. In general, you will complain a lot about everything.

44. But the fact is that Barcelona will be cool and, in spite of everything, you'll never want to leave.

Four. Five. In fact, you're still here.

What you need to know before moving to Barcelona

Sorry but... you will always be a charnego

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