Madrid with a magnifying glass: Manuela Malasaña street in four unrepeatable businesses


Madrid with a magnifying glass Manuela Malasaña street in four unrepeatable businesses

Madrid with a magnifying glass: Manuela Malasaña street in four unrepeatable businesses


Sometimes the best idea lies in the background of a glass… of milk. White Pitcher , the project of Adrian and Nacho , is born from a doubt in full enjoyment of the white element "Why does it have to be a luxury to drink fresh milk?" After investigating the matter they found the solution: open a dairy and stock it with produce brought directly from the mountains of Madrid and adjoining areas to achieve unbeatable quality/price ratio. The location was also part of the careful study, as befits a (first) business venture. “ We think that an idea like this would be better received in a neighborhood like this one, open to these initiatives . And so it has been." The carte blanche is completed with all known non-dairy milks and a large assortment of yogurts and sweets . You can combine everything in some great gift boxes, which at this time you can not get to any house to swell empty handed.

White Pitcher

An ode to fresh milk


Zapatelas is "Carmena's store", yes. Before his obligations took up his time, there he was. “Every Saturday with coffee her cupcakes” , says Meli, one of the shop assistants. But that does not stop being a good anecdote within an idea full of generosity . This clothing store for children up to 3 years old is part of “Sewing the dole” , a project that aims help in their reintegration to inmates of different penitentiary centers and other people at risk of social exclusion . Cutting and sewing for a better life.

Manuela with Manolito in Manuela Malasaña

Manuela with Manolito in Manuela Malasaña

The most famous Manuela in Madrid , after Malasaña herself, she was the promoter of the project, both in thought and work, She "she constantly visited the prisons and workshops" . Between minishoes made without seams -the name of the establishment comes from them- and the first garments of a life, scale versions of those seen in the neighborhood, they smile Manuelitas and Manuelitos , the star dolls among the toys, which also exist. In case the gifts, go.

Zapatelas seamless shoes

Zapatelas seamless shoes


In the midst of the bustle of the street we find a haven of peace, so warm that the contrast in temperature with the outside almost makes one sleepy upon entering. The combination of light and silence creates the ideal relaxing atmosphere. This is the **Kadampa Meditation Center,** nemesis of seeing and being seen, here you look inside . Each to his own. “We think that this is a neighborhood where people, because of their mentality, would welcome us positively. it's people open minded ”, affirms one of those responsible who, with a kind smile, prefers to ignore his name because “ here we are all volunteers . We want people to know this to be happier.” The most varied public attends the classes to seek that inner balance that allows them to face their daily life with serenity and balance.

Kadampa Meditation Center

modern Buddhism


But above all, and although the scenario has changed a lot, too much for some nostalgics, Malasaña is still a bar area. At the end of the street is the Green Club , that of bar has it all and still that is only a small part. Of the Irish pub attempt on which it rises (which in turn relieved one of those businesses that closed so late that it closed early, say those who remember it) there is nothing left. Now two floors, the upper one glazed and bright, bricked and intimate the lower one, They literally allow you to spend a whole day there without experiencing any hardship, in full enjoyment of great solid and liquid quality that comes from the kitchen and the bar. Breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner every day, sessions of the best house on the weekend . Unmissable, as big as it is good, there is nothing bad there.

Green Club

there is nothing wrong here

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