These couples of travelers have not returned (nor will they return) from their honeymoon


These couples of travelers have not returned from their honeymoon

These couples of travelers have not returned (nor will they return) from their honeymoon

This only happens when two travelers meet. Real travelers. These couples fell in love and created the unfinished honeymoons. Holidays that, far from the fifteen days in Bali or the Greek islands, never ended. While you have been waiting three Augusts for your vacation, they have already traveled the entire world. But, who are those people? Do they really exist? Yes, and they are among us.


The first story is given to us Jose Alejandro Adamuz and Cristina Romagosa, a couple from Barcelona authors of the blog ** Now It's Time to Travel **. They are the protagonists of a Honeymoon what's up something more than 555 days , “Everything has happened very quickly. Let's say we measure time in intensity. Many times we don't even know what day it is . We said we were leaving for a year, but here we are still on the road!” comments José Alejandro.

Now it's time to travel

A honeymoon of 555 days

While other couples spend their time choosing the colors of the napkins, the wine or where to seat the typical guy who messes it up at all weddings, for them his biggest concern was the trip . “The hardest part was saving enough for the route we wanted to do; not for the wedding, it was something simpler. It was actually a farewell party for friends and immediate family with travel theme ”. Also for getting rid of a whole life because, without a return date, they have had to leave their job, the house where they lived and the fear of leaving. “Not so much material things, which we had few because the trip was always on our mind. We knew that a backpack only holds what you really need on a daily basis”, he explains.

your personal Honeymoon , which began in Costa Rica, has taken them to practically all of Latin America: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Amazon), Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina where they are currently. “More like a traveling honeymoon. We have given ourselves some occasional luxuries, but nothing to do with a traditional honeymoon trip. Our luxuries are others: we have had the opportunity to swim among sea lions in Galapagos, climb Machu Picchu, we have seen sunsets on paradisiacal beaches of Utila (Honduras), we were able to contemplate the stars in the Atacama desert... We have recovered time, life, joy ”.

Although their intention was to reach Ushuaia from Mexico and they are already close, the couple already has similar trips in mind: “We will see what we do in a few weeks. In any case, we do not plan to return to stay ”, they conclude.

Now it's time to travel

In Patagonia, continuing their eternal honeymoon


This couple does not stop walking their love around the world. ** Molaviajar are Adrián Rodríguez, Gosia Bendrat and, now also, Daniela.** A family of traveling YouTubers who have taken a liking to weddings and have gotten married seven times!

Their first link took place in Las Vegas: "That was in 2006, we wanted to do something different and fun," says Adrián. “The following were in our places of origin: Poland and Spain . In them we realized that there were many cultural differences. We wondered how they must be in other parts of the world and we launched to try it. So far there are seven, but there will be more”, he explains.

Adrián and Gosia met in Scotland . Love arose there and, since then, they have not stopped traveling. Their first honeymoon lasted 8 months : “We started in India and from there we jumped to Thailand, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, West Coast and New York, among other countries. We have also traveled a lot in Europe.”

Among his different weddings are the one held in a cruise or in Villena , where they dared to go dressed as medieval. Both links can be seen on his YouTube channel. “They are honeymoons with a camera” - he laughs- “For me the most special it was the celtic It will be because I am Galician, or because the whole family was in that one, not even the tato came to the others. It was a lot of fun, everyone was dressed according to the time and the ceremony was in Galician. For Gosia, however, her favorite is the Polish one, the one we did in her country. There weddings last three days and, in addition to the party, we included a tour of Warsaw so that the guests could get to know the capital”.

From the Celtic link came Daniela, the little girl who is possibly the most traveled girl of her age. At only two and a half years old, she already has Europe, Southeast Asia, the United States and her first trip around the world in her mini backpack.


Jennifer and Jeff Salvage they have only been married once. It was in March 2008, on Easter Island. So far everything normal. The peculiar thing about his story is that, from the very day of the marriage, she has not taken off her wedding dress . At least for travel... This couple from Medford, New Jersey, has toured more than 32 countries with Jennifer dressed as the day of the link. We can see the result in his project One Dress One Woman, where Jeff hangs the different images that he has taken of his wife around the world with her indestructible dress.

“The idea came from the link. We wanted to get married in a place where we could take good photos,” explains Jeff, a professional photographer whose career he combines with his classes at Drexel University. “During that week on Easter Island I photographed Jennifer all over the island in her wedding dress, the photos were amazing. That summer we decided to travel to different countries around the world and we took her dress with us. When we saw that people liked what we were doing, we continued with the project”.

In his case, the honeymoon was fragmented: “We have been taking advantage of the vacations of the education centers where we work to lengthen it, although in reality it never ended, we continued traveling with the wedding dress and taking all the possible photos with it ", Explain. In the last eight years, Jennifer and Jeff have traveled more than 350,000 kilometers and have taken some 233 images different in countries like Australia, Bahamas, Jordan, Iceland, Puerto Rico, Southeast Asia, New Zealand or Egypt , among others. When asked if they have encountered any impediment in countries with a Muslim tradition, Jeff told us that “we have always been very respectful when taking photographs. In general, we have not had many problems. In some Muslim countries, Jennifer has had to cover her shoulders. In Egypt, for example, in Karnak they didn't let us use a flash, while in Luxor they caught our attention with the first photograph. We ran away,” he recalls.

The next countries to witness your honeymoon will be Ireland, Scotland, England and, later, Rio de Janeiro to attend the Olympics. Never has a dress been so resistant, nor so amortized.

One Dress One Woman

Traveling the world in a wedding dress

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