How to take advantage of Barcelona during Primavera Sound (being realistic)


Princess Hotel

From the pool to the festival

If you also want to try your luck beyond the possible hangovers and endless tiredness of Primavera Sound, put your body to the test and wake up, because Barcelona well deserves it.


Barcelona is one of those cities that makes you want to pedal. Of course, the objective is in the east of the city, in the Parc del Fòrum, the epicenter of Primavera Sound. Service bicing in Barcelona it may have its shortcomings, yes, but how much time is saved and what pleasant rides one can take around the city on two wheels (despite the controversies). The diagonal avenue , with a bike lane, will allow you to cross the city comfortably, until you reach the Parc del Fòrum itself. Take the opportunity to divert to Turó Parc, to the Sagrada Familia , building Agbar in the Plaza de las Glorias and before arriving at the Fòrum, stroll through the Diagonal Mar Park. And no loitering... Along the way, notice that Modernism will open up to you in buildings like the Comalat House or Sayrach House.

The coastal area is mandatory for bicycles: It is not understood to walk around Barceloneta without a bike , but of course, the Paseo Marítimo is not understood without the Blue Summer moment . We propose an idyllic exit: Montjuïc Castle . From here, we take the Paseo de Colón and we turn off at the height of Barceloneta to stroll through it on two wheels until we take the Paseo Marítimo de la Barceloneta, which will take you to Bogatell and Mar Bella. The line of the sea continues and... Next Stop: Forum.

By bike through Barcelona

La Barceloneta, by bike, is something else

WE DON'T FIT THE TYPICAL But not everything is going to be exercise, that we cannot spend all the energy on the pedal. Let's spend it on the mind . Another Barcelona is possible, beyond the orthodoxy of the guides. We suggest you visit and eat at the Hare Krishna temple (Calle N'Aglá 14), where they serve a Vegetarian menu from Monday to Friday until 3:30 p.m. . There are obligatory visits to the 'usual' museums of the city such as the MACBA (take a walk through the drawings of Lawrence Weiner), the CaixaForum (crazy about cinema, don't miss the exhibition The Magic of Cinema Founded on the Figure of Georges Méliès), the CCCB (exposure essential) 'Bolano Archive' ) ... But not. We are not satisfied.

We go to the bowels of Barcelona visiting the Vault 307 , vestige of the Civil War and the only refuge that remains standing and that can be visited of the more than 1,000 that were built in Barcelona during the war. Now what for freak-freak, the Whiskey Museum , (it's tricky, it's a local but it has something of a museum, something like more than 600 brands of this precious liquor) the Hearse Museum (in Mare de Déu de Port) or the automata museum (which, especially for those who are terrified of clowns, will be more dark than colorful and childish).


**Sleeping in the sand (and shouting "beer, beer!" **)

That's how it is. You wake up almost without having slept and "take advantage of the morning" taking a walk to sightsee around the city after having taken A good breakfast and of course, looking for the perfect place to take a comforting snooze . The best sites are the obvious ones: parks and beaches in the heat of the morning sun. the beach of the Barceloneta and Sant Sebastià surely they are very crowded by mythical, but kick them, have a cocktail at the Arts next to Frank Gehry's fish and continue to the Bogatell and Mar Bella area. Perhaps we are exaggerating, because as you keep walking you will come face to face with the Levante beach in the very Fòrum but... You know, a good walk on the sand and a little nap on the Barcelona coast cannot fail.

Terrace of the Hotel Arts

Terrace of the Hotel Arts

dry roll

We could be typical and opt for the ** Parc Güell ,** but it is closer to the festival (more on the yellow metro line) the Ciutadella Park , without a doubt: a lake to fall asleep with the sound of ducks splashing in the water, groves, a greenhouse... and a mammoth? It is the perfect park for the festival-goer.

Give everything

If you want to give it your all, and you are one of those who exclaims “from lost to the river” as a vital motto, get away from the safety of the yellow line and enter the Labyrinth Park in the Horta area , brave, where to walk through the network of cypresses until you reach, oh, how metaphorical! the statue of Eros . What has been said: if you get lost along the way, siestica.

Ciutadella Park

The SIESTAZA, in the Ciutadella Park


eat 'cuckoo'

The rogue hour is coming and your eyes are glued behind your sunglasses. Get up and go... to a restaurant that revives you with a good lunch but without losing your form, festival-goer, going to Primavera. The 600 of the Pepi It is that picturesque place that will make you amaze as soon as you enter the door (the 600 is literal): international food, the possibility of having a brunch if you have woken up at the silly hour of "neither breakfast nor eat" and in the Raval . NUMI. Another breakfast-brunch-lunch or whatever you want, which we fully recommend, is ** Tonka Bar **, in Sant Antoni ** (be careful with their cane+tapa plan for 1.50, which is addictive) * *.

The 600 of the Pepi

International food for an international date

Gastro-beach plan

Shake the sand off your body and approach the Filferro, in Barceloneta , Mediterranean and very Italian diet with vegetarian dishes; an unpretentious place where you can feel comfortable away from foreigners (although let's not fool ourselves, you will be just another foreigner) and six stops from the Fòrum. Now, if you woke up electronic-warrior-already-six-in-the-morning, eat near the Parc del Fòrum in a beach club, the Mac Sand Sea : DJ sessions, Mediterranean food and a digestive gin between chest and back to start off on the right foot.

coffee in vein

Of course, it is forbidden to enter the festival without taking you a good coffee shaker : the ** Satan's Coffee ** is that necessary take-away coffee so you don't lose your eye with the first groups in the afternoon sun. If you prefer to taste caffeine calmly, the terrace of the **Crayón Café** and the musician and internet user **Bornet Café** to enjoy your cup listening to jazz and update your social networks, are perfect.

*More ideas on the tour breakfast and brunch of the city, in the gastronomic guide dedicated especially for hipsters and in this alphabet of the vermouth life from Barcelona .

tonka bar

For when you wake up: breakfast, brunch and lunch


The key to any good festival is a good rest (or a state of permanent catatonia, of course). But the good thing about ** Primavera Sound ** is that being an urban festival, we can leave the old tent of sticks or the modern Quechua at home (goodbye extreme survival plans). Take note of the options to get a good mattress in Barcelona.

'Like a star'

Throw the house out the window and live the festival **as Nick Cave or as Kurt Vile **: like a gentleman. The stars of the poster usually stay at the hotel ME Barcelona , where artist Pete Wentz opened his Angel's & King's. Pure and hard artistry. Of course, if you want proximity to the Parc del Fòrum you cannot miss the Hotel ** Diagonal Zero ** and its pool on the 17th floor, or the avant-garde hotel ** Barcelona Princess ** and its pool-solarium on the 23rd floor.

ME Barcelona

Techno-musical rooms with views

To the rich hostel 'molt, molt chic'

Sharing is living so hostel! Chic & Basic It is just as its name suggests: mul cool, with a decoration so instagrammable that before arriving at the festival you will have already made an entire board of ** Pinterest ** and on top of that it is located in Carrer dels Tallers (*Take note of your offer 'Early days' ): if hype mattresses exist, they are in Chic & Basic. Very colorful and above all ecological, you may also be interested in **Mellow Eco-Hostel** whose declaration of intent is found in a part of the terrace: the solar panels. Respect the environment and your fellow hostel and live green in this accommodation near the Guinardo Park (not so much from the Forum) .

Finally, cool&chic , another binomial of verbiage very well suited to wandering festival-goers: a little further from the center but close to the Sant's station , this hostel is perfect for large groups of friends who go to Primavera in a pack: rooms of 12 with all the comforts in an international environment.


This is how they will receive you on Las Ramblas


Cool & Chic, close to Sants

Like at home

If there is something that can lift one's spirits, it is hospitality and feeling at home. Thus, airbnb opens the doors of the people of Barcelona who have a spare room, or their entire house, so that you can spend the days of the festival there.

But without a doubt, if there is something that is going to make you float with happiness, it is knowing that you are paying for what you are using, neither more nor less. ByHours is the best option for those who go with few rooms and tight time: it is the first website for hotel reservations by the hour and throughout the Spanish geography (you can reserve for 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 or 48 hours). In addition, in a couple of weeks a apps that will locate the hotels by hour closest to your location and, in the cool section you can find a section dedicated to music, with those hotels with a more festival spirit, such as Vincci Bit , next to the Forum. In short, a very suitable option also for those sneaky lovers who know each other between stage and stage (whoever wants to understand it) and for the crazy people of the pajama naps.

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- All the articles of María F. Carballo

Vincci Bit

Art and avant-garde a stone's throw from the Forum

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