Max Halley's Sandwich Gospel in London


The Korean Gangster from Max's Sandwich Shop

The Korean Gangster, from Max's Sandwich Shop

“Hot, cold, sweet, sour, crispy and fluffy” . Again: "Hot, cold, sweet, sour, crispy and fluffy." The mantra by max halley It is composed of six adjectives that suppose “ the secret of what is delicious ”. This is how this British chef sanctifies from his local Stroud Green (19 Crouch Hill) in London.

Max's Sandwich Shop it is a place to find happiness between two slices of bread . Beyond the classic ingredients that would make a good sandwich, but would not meet its parameters, Halley proposes a menu with elaborations in focaccia bread that surprises diners and leaves behind the identity crisis of the British sandwich.

“Before, the sandwich was consumed in the lunch deals (the classic meal deal) with a drink and a packet of chips . I have tried to make it a meal on its own by expanding the options of everything that can be put in bread, ”she tells on the other end of the phone line.

Ham Egg and Chips from Max's Sandwich Shop

Ham, Egg and Chips, from Max's Sandwich Shop

Halley runs one of the UK's most popular, quirky and fun sandwich shops . After training and working in various Michelin restaurants in London, in 2014 she started her own project that has become one of the temples of the sandwich in the British capital. She opened her business with the aim of offering what she values ​​most in a gastronomic establishment: "That they serve sandwiches until late, that you can get drunk and that they don't nail you with the price".

Max's Sandwich Shop

Max's Sandwich Shop

With the prescribed mission, she only had to put all her culinary knowledge at the service of sandwiches. “It is said that only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure beyond procreative reasons. Only they have taken one boring biological function and have performed it for fun . A good restaurant does exactly the same thing, takes the mere biological function of consuming food for energy and makes it a joy to ”, notes Halley in the introduction to her book, Max's Sandwich Book , which was published together with the also cook Ben Benton in 2018.

Max's Sandwich Book

Max Halley

Max's Sandwich Book

Max's Sandwich Book

It's a guide to sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner . And even for dessert. The recipes offer variations on classic recipes such as the BLT and there are also chapters for bread, sauces and other garnishes. Anything can fit into a sandwich and Halley and Benton come up with more than one Thirty options that include those that are prepared in the sandwich shop.

The most popular sandwich is Ham, Egg 'N' Chips . A pork knuckle sandwich, a fried egg, straw potatoes, piccalilli (sauce with pickled vegetables) and a malt vinegar mayonnaise. Halley always offers a menu of four sandwiches, a couple of starters and a dessert. Among the others, the This Is How We Spring Roll featuring a spring roll, fresh ginger, cilantro, parsley and mint. All accompanied by homemade kimchi, black and white sesame, blanched green beans and mayonnaise. There are also nods to Korean cuisine with a braised beef sandwich with soybeans and fried noodles ( The Korean Gangster ), Indian, with carrot bhajis and Bombay Mix ( The Bhaji Smuggler ) and even has an approach to Spanish gastronomy with a croquette stuffed in bread and seasoned with a Moorish mayonnaise ( The Spaniard).

Another rule: no sandwich has cheese . Halley hates it and only serves it at fried jalapeno mac and cheese balls . In addition, the alternatives on her menu show what is really important for a good sandwich, according to Halley: "It's all about having a liberal attitude towards mayonnaise understand that lettuce isn't crispy and sourdough bread doesn't work."

Sausage and Egg Max's Sandwich Shop

Sausage and Egg


“My sandwich shop, honestly, is not a place to have to wear a mask. That is why I am going to wait a little longer to reopen, ”says Halley. If you get a place ( the quietest nights are on Thursdays ), the diner will arrive at a small place, dimly lit and with very good music. The decoration is part of the bizarre air of its owner . Full of stickers, the occasional funny and off-key quote and its own merchandising.

Halley has created a relaxed place for enjoy some exquisite sandwiches and where there is no shortage of craft beers, cocktails and shots . The sandwiches come in a brown greaseproof paper and tied with a rubber band. They are gifts that will end up being devoured with a full mouth. Don't ask about the napkins each table has a roll of kitchen paper and a bottle of tabasco . Play!

It is common for the cook to sit behind the bar and, as the night progresses, have a drink with the diners. In the end he invites you "Feed the ducks." Ergo, leave a tip . He is cheerful and loose-mouthed, a character that has led various media outlets to invite him to make his audience aware of the importance of a good sandwich. His next goal is to revive the classic British picnics and, in addition, he has recently published his new book: Max's Picnic Book , also co-written with Benton.

Max's Picnic Book

Max Halley

Max's Picnic Book

Max's Picnic Book

Max's Sandwich Shop claims the sandwich as a festive dish . Halley has started a movement that brings the sandwich back into prominence and there are more and more establishments in the United Kingdom that are betting on this type of business. The chef seeks the quintessence of a typical product, but without the pomposity that surrounds the gastronomy sector. He is not a pedant; he does not expect his clients to bake bread at home, pickle vegetables or braise veal for 12 hours . The only thing he asks is that they take an interest in sandwiches, innovate and snack without restraint. “ Food culture is dominated by chefs when it should be by things that are delicious ”, He finishes.

Max's Sandwich Shop

Max Halley in his sandwich shelter

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