Modern Magellan: the Instagram accounts where you can find travel inspiration


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As important as going around the world: telling it

Tour dozens of countries and step on the five continents It is not something available to everyone. There are many who have made this adventure a way of life and now, thanks to the resources they have, they make us all participants sharing their journeys around the globe on their social networks.

of the journeys of the great travelers of the past we know thanks to writings that have survived and some engravings from those years.

However, we do not know what the sensations of Juan Sebastian Elcano after having completed the first circumnavigation of the world aboard a ship.

Although the adventurers of yesteryear had very limited resources to testify to their great deeds across the seas, the intrepid travelers who travel the world today not only have equipment so as not to get lost, but also carry with them all kinds of devices to narrate stage by stage his journey through the world.

Each new country, each new city... Thus, if we want to be envious we only have to follow them on Instagram.

So necessary it seems to leave audiovisual footprint on round-the-world trips, without which no adventure of this kind takes place.

If not, tell the promoters of the ** Energy Observer trip, a catamaran that only uses renewable energy.**

Gone are the thousand and one tests that the engineers who have participated in the construction of this ship have had to carry out, which began to be designed in 1983 by the naval engineer Nigel Irens.

Now beyond testing this 28 ton ship propelled by the hydrogen that it generates with sea water, the important thing is that everything that happens is filmed.

A team will handle record during the six years they plan to navigate the seas of planet Earth, to produce an eight-part documentary on the use of renewable energies.

In addition, they will a series that will be broadcast on the internet throughout the journey. We will not lose any detail of what happens aboard the Energy Observer.

In most cases, when it comes to going around the world, it is not usual to have a team of people specialized in the audiovisual section.

Typically, it is the intrepid traveler who, while advancing from one country to another, from one continent to another, goes collecting snapshots and videos of those places that he leaves behind.

This is the case, for example, of the American Tom Turcich or TheWorldWalk on Instagram. This intrepid young man decided at the age of 26 to launch The World Walk project, in which he intended walk the world.

Nothing more and nothing less than five years walking across all continents.

The idea came after the death of a friend. That led him to know the stories of Steven Newman and Karl Bushby: the first of them had already completed a walk around the world and the second was immersed in the same adventure.

All this coupled with their lack of resources, because he only had $1,000 to his credit, led him on an adventure that would test him.

Nowadays, He has been on the road for two years, in which he has traveled more than 16,000 kilometers. But he still has a long way to go.

To achieve his purpose, he has also turned to Patreon, a crowdfunding platform in which he tries to find resources to continue his adventure.

Although he did not go on foot but pedaling on his bike, who has already completed his trip around the world was the Spaniard **Javier Colorado.**

The first pedal was given at kilometer 0 of the Madrid Sun Gate on October 1, 2013 and completed his journey around the world 1,158 days later with more than 65,000 kilometers behind him.

An adventure in which, as if that were not enough, he had to witness two attacks in person. He recorded all of this through the videos that he shared on his YouTube channel and, of course, on his Instagram account.

Other Argentine nomad who is trying to emulate Phileas Fogg, the character created by Jules Verne and the protagonist of Around the world in 80 days, is Aixa Romero.

This intrepid adventurer, who has become known on the internet as Chicas Nómadas, always dreamed of going on a great trip that would take her to visit the five continents.

to their 37 years She decided that the time had come to also try to reverse a bad streak that she had been dragging on for years.

She planned that great adventure that she had been imagining for so many years and now she tells us about it through her Instagram account. **


And while there are those who decide to travel alone, to find themselves or simply to overcome the goals that were set one day, others prefer travel the world enjoying in the company of this incredible adventure.

It is the case of Valen and Gala, a couple that recounts their skills in the corners of the globe they visit. They do it in the Around the world 2018 account.

There we can see what happens to them throughout the six months they have planned to tour the southern hemisphere and visit everything they can as they pass through Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia, South Africa and Kenya.

And just as there are those who see it as a dream to fulfill, there are those who take it one step further to make your journey around the world your lifestyle.

It is the case of Alison and Chef, who in 2012 decided show the world to his sons D and Boo and they embarked on a great adventure that would take them to discover the five continents together.

This is how the World Travel Family project arose, in which they not only recount everything that happens to them throughout the planet, but also they advise families who want to be nomads like them.

“My husband and I had the idea, so we sold everything, we created a website and we started with our backpacks. This is a story of travel and freedom, from education and adventure, from the most modest budget to luxury”, Alison highlights in the article in which she explains what her project consists of.

An adventure that, without a doubt, none of the members of this nomadic family will never forget.

And while in the past the great explorers such as Magellan or Elcano had no choice but to travel by boat from one place to another, since there were no other means of transport capable of crossing the seas and oceans, now there are many other alternatives.

So much so that it can even be done around the world by car. If not, let them tell Lydia and Javier, two Spaniards who in 2014 decided to board their VW T4 van from 1994, nicknamed La Furiosa, to go around the world.

Now, these Van Travelers, as they call themselves online, accumulate more than 76,000 kilometers under your feet and more than 31 countries through which they have passed.

All this, of course, leaving a mark on his Instagram account and sharing some videos on Youtube.

Different ways to move around the planet Earth, but the same purpose: to go around the world.

And so that no one doubts whether they have succeeded or not, there they are Instagram, Youtube and the rest of social platforms that, in addition to making everyone who wants to complete the same trip envious, serve to share experiences, recommend and teach us that infinite world that remains for us to discover.

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