Five games to test your travel knowledge


Do you think you are a globetrotter?

Do you think you are very globetrotting?

From answering questions about flags or country capitals to trying to identify cities in google earth , there are options for all geography lovers .

To kill the melancholy for a place we have just been or while we wait for the next trip , there is nothing like continuing to think about the corners of the planet in which we live. geography lovers and of the tongues they know it well: cities that leave us speechless, postcard natural landscapes or exotic or recognizable sounds delight the eye both on a getaway and indoors. And if we see or listen in a playful way, better than better.

For these people there are several games in web format and Apps with which to test knowledge. Knowing which is the capital of a remote country, the river that flows through that mountain or the language to which some words belong has never been so attractive.


Available in Spanish and seven other languages, world geography (iOS and Android) delivers what it promises. It is a game of questions like the ones that would fall on the blue box of Trivial Pursuit: capitals, languages, currencies...

According to the data of the App, there are 6,000 questions with four levels of difficulty, because the capital of a country is not the same as its GDP per capita, life expectancy or the amount of arable land in a nation.

Because there are questions about geographical data , there are even fertility or percentage of people according to their religion. Once the game is over, the points are added to a ranking of players from all over the planet, another of the attractions of World Geography.


Geography Quiz (Android) has up to 36 levels of questions, a very attractive design and gives the possibility to choose between the solo mode or online multiplayer , with strangers or with friends. In addition, certain achievements can be unlocked. Without forgetting the classic questions about flags or capitals of the world, The App also proposes knowing the seas of each continent.

geography quiz

geography quiz


From capitals and mountains we jump to languages. That the tower of Babel is as real as life itself can be verified in Great Language Game, a website that proposes recognize many of the languages ​​that coexist on the planet.

Its operation is very simple: we enter the home and click on Play (play). An audio snippet will appear in which one or more people speak and several options to choose as a response.

We will have three attempts to get it right (if we do it the first time we will receive 50 points) and skip to the next audio. The languages ​​that you will hear or have as an option are those that you can learn in the official school and others that are more unknown such as Ossetian or Hausa.

Great Language Game It is an initiative of an Internet user called Lars Yencken which can be supported through patreon . Yencken has also created the Wide Language Index , a project to store podcast and other files of all possible languages. On the game's website there is information about the languages ​​that users fail the most, for fans and researchers. African and Indian languages ​​are the most confused, while French and German are the best distinguished. Finally, Albanian is very confused with Romanian and vice versa.


If guessing languages ​​could seem difficult, geoguessr (web version, but also available for iOS) complicates the fun pulling Google Earth. Of Swedish origin, the game will put us a random image of the service and you will have to guess what place it is.

And maybe recognizing a view of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican is easy, but a secondary road is more complicated. And both are in the system. They can be enlarged or rotated a bit, but it won't always do much good.



There are two modes, solo or competition , challenging friends by email or Facebook. Next to the image there a map in which we must select the place where we believe it is.

It only remains to try your luck and not miss the shot many kilometers, since it will depend on it if we get more or less points. It can be played with random or thematic maps: United States, European Union... and even Spain. Youtubers in Spanish as famous as El Rubius or TheWillyRex have commented on it on their channels.


This game ( iOS and Android ) is focused more than any other on learning geography, since it is connected to Wikipedia to learn more about the answers and allows you to record your progress by guessing places.

The objective is to get as close as possible to the point that they propose to us, something that reminds us of Geoguessr. The variety of challenges is varied, from the easiest countries to the most hidden skyscrapers or stadiums. To do this, **OpenStreetMap** maps are available.

where is that

Where is that?

Another attraction is that it can be done a game with up to 8 players . Only one device is necessary, which is passed between the companions to get it right. Where is that? It also has a stopwatch to make it more exciting the challenge and easy or difficult modes with which to simplify or complicate the game.

And in case you've been left wanting more, the fun doesn't end here. On the web ** Geographic Games ** there is more entertainment like the one we have seen, to point out capitals, flags or countries, but also to learn about the atmosphere, volcanoes or deserts. It can be played from the web or downloaded as an App.

When we click on them a world map is displayed with some highlighted areas . The system asks us where the Teide or the Sahara is located and we must aim carefully. When we get it right, we will receive some extra information: last eruption, length of a river...

The good thing about the list that we have presented to you today is that It works for children and adults , for a meeting with friends or for school. Open a tab on your computer, smartphone and tablet, find someone to play with or do it alone. Surely you will know the destination of your next vacation.

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