Get to know the Camino de Santiago (and more) from home


Every summer has specific destinations that stand out as the most visited in the holidays, those who live the glory days one year, and then pass the baton to the next trend. But if there is one that does not go out of style and is not relegated only to the summer season, that's him Santiago's road . The Xunta de Galicia and Google Arts & Culture They have made the impossible possible: we can now go through it from home and know its ins and outs thanks to Good way!

In this modality you will not need your physical effort, but all your curiosity . In a year in which visits to the famous route were plunged into uncertainty caused by the pandemic, the Camino de Santiago has once again shown that its historical, social and cultural influence is above all . Like its tour, this project is intended for all travelers: to calm the nostalgia of those who did and increase enthusiasm of those that have not yet been released.

Good way! is a virtual open door to the different (and numerous) paths that lead to the desired city of Santiago de Compostela , both inside and outside of Spain and going one step beyond the religious orbit that surrounds them. Because the Camino de Santiago keeps many motivations, whether they are personal, lucrative or devoted goals.


Route, history and culture: we know all the secrets of the Camino de Santiago.


These two concepts make up the identity of the Google Arts & Culture project. Perhaps the first is not true in the literal sense of the word, but it is figurative, and that is that all users we can choose how to start our journey , which routes to travel: that of Fisterra and Muxia , the Portuguese Way along the coast, the primitive path , the French Way , the north road And a long etcetera.

But perhaps one of the advantages that these new homemade pilgrims will have is that with just one click! will be able to access 108 exposures on-line, more than 4,750 photos and videos, 15 360º virtual visits and a video that will invite you to a fully immersive and sensory experience , a way to feel the Camino de Santiago without leaving the chair.

Good way! It is the best way to become a true expert pilgrim. We will can discover remote villages that seem taken from a fairy tale, spectacular monuments , The different participating cities and even the story of some pilgrims who have already been there, willing to share recommendations for those who are ready to live the adventure.

Santiago's cathedral

An exclusive (and virtual) invitation to the Cathedral of Santiago.

Illustrated maps, curious facts, musical exhibitions, architecture... Everything you can think of about the famous route can be found on your computer screen. Discover the different roads existing in Europe where does it come from the name of Compostela why is there so much korean influx in Santiago, how to find accessible trails that can be done wheelchair bound or learn about the history of people whose jobs are linked to the Camino.

And if you're wondering, Yes, we can enter the Cathedral of Santiago, with its 360º virtual tours . But also in the Ethnographic Ensemble of O Cebreiro, the Tower of Hercules or the Monastery of Sobrado dos Monxes, among many other places. Good way! does not leave out any detail, any cultural discipline, because what it intends, precisely, is to make everyone take part in an experience that has conquered travelers from all over the world for centuries.

Who was going to tell you that you could do the Camino de Santiago over and over again without leaving home? For before and after, this project is a book of infinite knowledge which has as its objective share the secrets of a legendary treasure , is an opportunity to become, at least, in virtual pilgrims.

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