Little is said about Lugo and much less about its tapas...


Tapas from Lugo

Little is said about Lugo and much less about its tapas...

It is curious about ** Lugo .** Free caps. Little is said about it despite the fact that it is more than 2,000 years old. Normal, we assume that it is because of the wall, which is still standing. Free caps. I mean that this structure may function as a protector from the wild world, as an oasis in the middle of a hostile desert, like one of those castles we used to make as children, with towels and sheets, to protect ourselves from the barbarism outside. It is the only one in the world that preserves its original perimeter and is twinned with the Chinese wall of Qinhuangdao. Free caps.

Tapas in Lugo

What happens intramural stays intramural

As children we imagined a colossal monster when they spoke to us about the city, because the adults did so with their eyes out of their sockets and with trembling hands. Even in college, those who set foot in the old Roman camp swore never to leave it again. Free caps. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 2000. Yes, that was going to be the final cataclysm and the computers would eat us with potatoes. Nothing happened but adult and serious and decent people were still amazed by what was happening intramural. Their arms danced and their legs trembled and their corneas made them biribiri when they commented on their trip to the already ancestral Lucus Augusta.

Something will have this city that drives us crazy. Free caps. Despite this, we still do not know what his secret is, although we sense it. You may have to read between the lines to find out. Free caps.

If you go from the coast, the first stop will be at the Miraculous neighborhood. As we have not yet reached the domains of the former Roman camp, it is good to take a walk outside the walls to see what kind of enemy we have encountered. In this neighborhood is **the Lagar brewery** _(rúa da Milagrosa 38) _. Intimate and personal atmosphere, few tourists in sight and many small tapas or raciones on wooden tables and chairs. The raxo is very typical, but if you want to dare as the Roman legions did try the pork cheek.

Tapas in Lugo

Few tourists and many tapas and portions

But if your entrance to the two-thousand-year-old city -which is soon said- is from the interior, before immersing yourself in the madness of Lugo it may be worthwhile to do a stop at 134 Magoi Avenue. Is he Pure cuban -before it was Oh my Havana!- and you can get an idea. If you arrive at night a cocktail will be a good accompaniment to the Cuban-style rice tapas , to give an example that is not at all original but that always works. That is if there is no concert and before trying a bite you end up in a conga.

However, for this culinary anthropological study we opted for old traditions and more conservative methods were taken. The reconnaissance area begins bordering the river Miño, from the N-VI until you reach the Roman bridge and to your right, a stone's throw away, a spa hotel that is attached to the same river. Going up a winding path you find the park of the great Rosalía de Castro, and a few more steps will take you to the Santiago gate and Pio XII square where is the Lugo cathedral. Following its right side, our left, we will find alleys that lead to the Praza do Campo. That's where it all starts.

From this enclave there are three streets: the Rua do Miño, the Nova and the Rua da Cruz. In any of them, the bars eat up the walker, making it difficult for him to choose because they all have looks. In addition to what they can offer on the day as a cover, here they go Some interesting tips.

The Riba is in the same Praza do Campo , and it's perfect as gastronomic operations center. The days of pleasure and roses should start with a homemade vermouth from this corner. Special for gourmets, since they have delicatessen preserves at good prices and tapas made with care, like the shrimp skewer.

Or, if you prefer to die, venture into The Tolo _(Praza do Campo, 9) _ with the potatoes with hell sauce, made with Assam chilli, the Naga Jolokia, which is like eating a million hot Padrón peppers.

In 101 Wines _(rúa Miño, 6) _ Liters of beer cost the same as tapas. But if you want to get serious, if there is Hake Galician try it. hail caesar _(rúa Nova, 10) _, those who are going to drink greet you. No, I'm not kidding, it's the welcome sign. Black rice is highly prized here.

In To Factory _(rúa Nova, 15) _ the ideal, as in all bars, is to start the rest day with a wine and a cap of tripe. For those for whom the maelstrom is not their medium, the octopus is a good way to escape from the world.

Tapas in Lugo

Turnip tops with seafood

In the Daniel's Tavern _(rúa Bispo Basulto, 4) _ there are many eggs. Try the tortillas, They come in every color and flavor imaginable. the one with raxo is especially good, but if you prefer to get into more serious topics, the guts are a good start.

In The Five Beams (rúa da Cruz, 5), the specialty is stewed tongue, but the baby squid they are not far behind. Next to it is the Alberto's Inn _(rúa da Cruz, 4) _, a classic among classics -it has been at the top for more than four decades, which is nothing- giving rise to great dishes, such as seafood with turnip greens, although the tapas will not leave you indifferent.

As an extra ball, far from the center of gravity is a colossus that carries more than a century making meals . Is he restaurant Spain _(rúa Teatro, 10) _ which is one of the few that can boast of offering beef raised by the family itself. Here we speak of major words, a respect.

Many of these temples of gastronomic wisdom they have their space for those who prefer a table plan and tablecloth. The Servings are plentiful and inexpensive. Here you come to play. These people have been doing it for two millennia and they know what they're doing. Perhaps one of his ancestors invented that toast thing. Because, since they were overflowing with food, they only had the sound of the tinkling of their glasses to satiate the missing sense.

With the category of umami present in the taste, we will have to know if the people of Lugo already knew it, and they were waiting for humanity to be ready to enjoy it. That, or that the real secret of his success was to offer free tapas. No way. It will be the umami thing. Permanent.

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