FotoRural 2019, the photography contest to fight against depopulation in Spain


Do you have photos of the rural world? Sign up for this contest

Do you have photos of the rural world? Sign up for this contest!

The depopulation in numerous rural areas of Spain it is a problem that affects us all. Autonomous Communities like Castilla la Mancha, Asturias, Extremadura and Aragon They are some of the most affected by depopulation according to sources from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

From 1998 to 2018, these have been the percentages of population loss in these four Autonomous Communities: 87.23%, 87.18%, 84.55 and 77.81%. The Autonomous Communities that receive these migrations the most are Madrid, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.

Up to 26 provinces saw their population decrease , Specially in Zamora, Avila, Leon and Caceres . The main cities present, due to depopulation, structural problems of various kinds such as rising housing prices, overcrowding and pollution, among many others.

This is the reason why this year The Rural World Photo Contest wanted to address as the main topic depopulation and its effects on rural society.

'Redileo de Geometries' in Jerez de la Frontera was one of the winners of past editions.

'Redileo de Geometries', in Jerez de la Frontera, was one of the winners of past editions.

“Those of us who were always there, like the entities that we organize and support the Rural World Photography Contest , we congratulate ourselves on the qualitative leap that the country theme in public opinion in recent months”, point out its organizers, which are the Rural Studies Foundation of UPA and Eumedia, S.A., the Inter-food Forum and the State Agricultural Insurance Entity (ENESA).

Depopulation is a scourge with multiple and diverse causes and with very negative effects for the whole society. The contest aims to show the effects of this depopulation as a way to raise awareness so that the population becomes aware of the problem and solutions are articulated”, they underline.

So one more edition, now 13, they intend to make visible the reality of the rural world in Spain and agricultural activity.

“The Rural World Photography Contest 2019 will continue betting on show the reality of the Spanish countryside and will analyze the confidence provided by agricultural insurance as an essential tool in the face of uncertainty for farmers and ranchers ”, which is why part of the prize (400 euros), as confirmed by the rules, will also be awarded to the 'ENESA-Campo Seguro Award for the best photograph related to agricultural insurance'.

'Cria echo de Betisu' in Goizueta.

'Cria echo de Betisu', in Goizueta (Navarra).


It is possible that you are in your town right now or you will be in the next few days, so it may be a good time to reflect what you see. Do you want to participate? Take note, these are their bases.

May participate individuals and residents in Spain regardless of their nationality. And there will only be a maximum of one photograph for each prize category: General -with the theme Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock-, fademur -only for female photographers- and Agricultural Insurance.

The photographs presented they cannot have been awarded in other contests , nor have been commercially exploited, whether for journalistic, advertising or any other purposes.

'With all the love' Madridejos.

'With all the love', Madridejos (Toledo).

If you are thinking of sending it, do it right now because you only have until September 18 . The finalist and winning works will be published on the Rural Contest 2019 website on September 30.

What will the prizes be? A first prize of 600 euros, a second prize of 400 euros and a third prize of 300 euros will be chosen, sponsored by the Foro Interalimentario.

The jury will also award 400 euros and a special mention to the ‘FADEMUR Award for the photography of Rural Women’ , sponsored by the Federation of Rural Women's Associations and by the Inter-Food Forum, which will be aimed solely at women photographers who submit images that highlight the situation and the lives of rural women.

While the 20 finalist photographs They will receive 80 euros in compensation, in addition to the three winners, and the Fademur and 'Campo Seguro' prizes.

Boqueixón in A Coruña.

Boqueixón in A Coruña.

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