With babies, pets or in a wheelchair: bloggers and youtubers who teach how to travel in a different way


wanting is power

wanting is power

how many times have you thought “If it wasn't for...” would I go on a trip? In many cases, these are not problems of time or money, but of preconceived ideas that stop us and make us believe that, because we have small children or go in a wheelchair, We can't do anything but stay home. Nothing to see. The question is knowing how to adapt to the circumstances and, of course, give it a lot of desire (and why not also something of value) .

Although it is not about leaving everything behind to undertake a new adventure (which can also be the case), the main thing is that the passion for traveling can you. This does not mean that we are not able to recognize our limitations, but they can also be used to turn ours into a different experience.


For Max and Susagna, from the ** Familia en Ruta blog ** and parents of a 9-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy, the idea of ​​having children not only did not take away their desire to travel but rather increased it. Even so, they are aware that not everyone embarks on a trip with children. Therefore, your experience serves as a guide.

In case of traveling with babies advise , for example, keep schedules and habits as far as possible, never be in a hurry and pack just enough. In most destinations you can buy diapers and accessories. In addition, all traveling parents are recommended to get a baby carrier and, if you are in the lactation stage, the food will be in the mother's own body.

Others in love with traveling with children are Mari Carmen and Gustavo from ** loc@sxlosviajes **. Although their blog has been open since 2009, in 2013 they added a very special companion, their daughter Iris, and since then they have been sharing what it is like to travel with small children. To do this, this family from Madrid recommends ideal destinations to go with a baby .

Among them are Prague and Budapest , the East Coast of USA and Japan and, thanks to the experiences of other family bloggers, to the Black Forest (Germany), Greece, Croatia or a cruise through Middle East.

Another family that enjoys seeing the world, this time aboard a van, they are the protagonists of the blog the van . In the Heber and Maria share their trips with their daughters Éire, 6, and Olimpia, 2, and give a lot of “van tricks”, from the legislation on motorhomes in each place until how to organize routes with little ones or do the best recipes to eat healthy on the go.

In addition, they have created a special on active parenting with games and tips for The education of children during journeys. “Although we believe that traveling is the best way to learn, we also believe that, with eyes wide open, they discover inspiring places just around the corner”, they say in their description.


Although it is not only small children that can hold back more adventurous. Taking care of pets is also a reason that some use for not traveling. However, while there is no doubt that it is a responsibility, there are also ways for your dog travel with you and enjoy it as much as you.

Laurane and Javier they show it on their blog backpacking dog recounting his long drive from Spain to Thailand with his dog Meko. Unfortunately this golden retriever is no longer with us, although this experience of more than 35,000 kilometers has allowed its owners to make a guide with everything you need to travel with your dog : from vaccinations and the necessary documentation to cross borders to how to travel with them in train or plane.

Cooper, another golden retriever who accompanies his owner Covadonga on all his trips through Spain, belongs to the same traveling dog club. The result is a ** blog ** where, in addition to recounting their travel experiences, they offer hotel lists , campsites and ** apartments ** where animals are welcome.

Something more risky mayra , a Brazilian terrier who narrates in the first person your trips along with her owner Jenny Villar and her fake aunt Derby. In the majority, they go through paths, mountains and cities of Andalusia.


Although many other times it is loneliness that can make us stay at home. Given this, the experience of hundreds of solo travelers (and much more if they are women) can give us a boost. For Cristina Spinola, from alone on bike , “there is no better way to know the reality of a country and its inhabitants than traveling by bicycle”.

Also, this Canarian journalist and youtuber She was the first Spaniard to go around the world alone with her bike. Her goal: "to serve as an inspiration for other women so that the only chains they wear are those of her bicycle."

Although cycling is not the only sport that Cristina practices. At the end of 2017, she set herself the challenge of traveling alone from north to south Gulf of California aboard a kayak. And she got it!

Other intrepid travelers gather at Solo Travel platform . Created by the photographer rose martinez in 2016, features stories of brave women who go on an adventure. This is the case of Rosa herself, who recounts her experience traveling alone and pregnant .


Of challenges he also knows well Michael Nonay , from the blog A leap from Mata. This wheelchair traveler has turned his passion for traveling the world into a job. For this, he has created Unlimited Travelers , a consultancy dedicated to making tourist destinations more accessible and spreading them. Thus, he has contributed to adapting more than 700 hotels for people with disabilities and design more than 500 routes and activities in Spain. His work has also taken him to Belgium, France and Argentina, where he has created accessible routes from Iguazú to Usuhaia.

In addition, in his blog he not only tells about his traveling experiences, but also gives several recommendations for, for example, adaptive diving or use a handbike safely .

So the next time you have desire to travel and make an excuse, take a look at some of these bloggers that nothing and no one gets in front of. Without a doubt, for all of them, wanting is power.

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