Fly from London to New York in 11 minutes? It could be possible!


This would be the Antipode a super fast commercial aircraft for only 10 people

This would be the Antipode, a super fast commercial aircraft for only 10 people

To give you an idea, a New York-London, which now It lasts about 7 hours, it could be solved in... 11 minutes. To Paris it would be 12, to Tokyo or Dubai 22, to Shanghai 24 and to Hong Kong 26. We say more: from New York to Sydney, practically its antipode, it would take a whopping 32 minutes! Can you imagine the kind of revolution that something like this would entail?

However, what are the chances that this aircraft will go from 3D to reality? Right now, seems not many. To begin with, it would be necessary to contribute nothing less than $150 million for its creation, and even if they got the money, it still takes much more research time . Despite everything, Bombardier believes that "it could become a reality if there is demand", but seeing how the Concorde ended (its low profitability took it out of circulation in 2003) things are not very clear...

supersonic is always cool

supersonic is always cool

For example, you need to find out what materials could overcome the sonic boom noise it would generate on Earth and the heat that would build up in the ship's nose and wings (and ImaginActive's own engineer isn't sure they exist). In addition, it would be necessary, on the one hand, to develop a stable and reliable enough motor , for another, alleviate the effect of g-forces on passengers (i.e. the feeling of acceleration) .

However, Bombardier has already alleviated other pitfalls , such as making it possible for Antipode to take off from any airfield : its previous creation, Skreemr -presented last October-, a commercial plane with capacity for 75 people that would exceed ten times the speed of sound (this one exceeds it by 24) he could not give an answer to the matter when propelled thanks to a magnetic rail.

Now, the idea is that the new aircraft take off with reusable oxygen or liquid kerosene rockets , which would return to base just like the boosters of the Blue Origin (the ship of the space transportation company of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos). And if the Canadian has fixed this sticky pothole in less than four months, who tells us that within another four he will not bring us the definitive version of the Antipode?

Do you remember the future was already here and passed by

Do you remember? The future was already here and passed by!

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