Inverses: chain poems in times of pandemic


Inverse chains of poems in times of pandemic.

Inverses, chains of poems in times of pandemic.


***"The night, a patient mirror ***

that beats with the gift of applause.

**Never mind these empty suitcases,**

*** just restore what unites us. ***

** The distance looks like the swing **

**that disguises the humidity of the grass; **

contemplate remorse

***that sleeping habit***

before the beating of the walls".

This is how the first verses of Jota Santatecla (@jotasantatecla), better known as the subway poet , the thinking head of Inverses , a** chain poetry initiative** that was born on Instagram on March 27, thanks to the collaboration of KO Company of the communication consultancy Grupoidex.

"Through a challenge, different poets we will be telling the emotions we are experiencing this period of confinement , there are only two rules: when an author receives the nomination he will have ** 48 hours to write the poem ** of him, which has to be related to some concept of quarantine. Applause at eight, loneliness, the commitment to stay home...whatever the poet chooses. The important thing is to share what we are experiencing, ”said Jota on his Instagram profile.

The first poem** ‘Distancias’** gave way to 'Alarm clock ’ by Nerea Salgado. And from Nerea's, he went to Raquel Beck's, 'Expect' ... And so on.

To participate, the important thing says Jota, is that ** the poem is related to the feelings that quarantine suggests to us **, that the title has one word and that the extension does not exceed 120 words . The rest is in the hands of the author or the author, to whom he gives everything to free to create.

“We wanted to bet on a project that is not only relevant in the situation we are experiencing: also useful. Poetry is a type of content that has been experiencing a second youth for some time thanks to social networks and with Inversos we want to make evident their ability to communicate and keep all kinds of people company, dealing with moments, feelings and sensations that, at one time or another, we are all living during the course of this quarantine ”, says Rubén Ferrández, executive producer of KO Company.

All the poems that are collected during these days** will be collected in a book**. "They will remain, thus, as an unusual testimony of a critical and historical time both for our country and for the world in general. A sentimental chronicle nourished by moments, sensations that in the future can complement and put an emotional context to the data and information collected by the chronicles or the history books", they underline from the web.

Do you want to participate? "To do so, they only have to send us their proposal to [email protected] , the title of the poem must be one word, the theme a feeling related to the current situation and it is recommended that it does not exceed 120 words in total". 200 people have already sent theirs, now it's your turn!

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