Challenge the cold and take a dip (at 40 degrees)


Archena Spa

Outdoor hot spring pool

Greeks and Romans were the first to discover the benefits of hot springs, a therapeutic and social ritual that they practiced for centuries. Bathe in thermal pools and lakes, with temperatures above 30 degrees , helps us relax our muscles, eliminate tension, improve circulation and tone our skin at any time of the year. At Condé Nast Traveler we suggest you challenge the cold of winter with a very hot bath, while the thermometer shows temperatures below zero around us. An irresistible plan even for the coldest.

About 100 kilometers from Saragossa and on the banks of the Jalón river is Alhama de Aragón, a municipality that houses an impressive two-hectare thermal lake whose water flows throughout the year at a temperature of between 28 and 32ºC. With a depth of two meters and two small islands inside, the lake has become a place visited by families throughout the year. Admission is €20 for adults and €12 for children. For clients of the Termas Pallarés Spa it is free (976 840011). This complex dating back to 1863 also offers three types of accommodation for those who want to extend their stay and enjoy this thermal lake for more days.

Also in Saragossa , in the town of Jaraba, we find the Balneario de La Virgen (976 848 220), a thermal complex open since 1828 that offers an outdoor pool whose temperature is maintained between 30 and 34 degrees. The Romans referred to this lake as Aquae ninforum or Water of the Nymphs. The spa is located in a beautiful natural area flanked by the Mesa River canyon and offers its clients tickets to the nearby Monasterio de Piedra, just 20 kilometers away.

Outariz thermal pool

Outariz thermal pool

we travel to Ourense , a true paradise of hot springs. In this Galician city we find numerous outdoor swimming pools that are free to use where you can take a hot bath: As Burgas, Muiño da Veiga and Tinteiro , a fountain that reaches 43 degrees. In this same city, there are the Chavasqueira Hot Springs (988 214821), a complex that imitates a Japanese Zen temple located on the right bank of the Miño River and includes three hot springs with a temperature of 40 degrees. The Termas de Prexigueiro (988 470950), located in the Ribadaviense parish of Francelos, also offer hot baths in the middle of winter. And not only that, but they also combine them with wine therapy treatments. Also in an oriental style, the Termas de Outariz (988 364650) are a magical place where we can relax for hours at temperatures between 35 and 41 degrees. In the town of Laias, the Balneario de la network Caldaria (902 492400) also has an outdoor pool with thermal waters that are around 35 degrees and offers accommodation.

Located in the Natural Park of Valle de Ricote, in Murcia , we find the luxurious Balneario de Archena (968 688022), where we can take a relaxing swim in its outdoor pool whose temperature does not drop below 34-36 degrees. Located next to the Segura river as it passes through Archena, the spa owes its fame to the birth of a mineral-medicinal water spring.

In The Rioja we find the natural pools of Arnedillo, small outdoor pools that offer temperatures between 35 and 40 degrees throughout the year. Popularly known as the baths of the poor, access is completely free. Very close to these pools, on the other side of the Cidacos River, is the Arnedillo Spa (941 394 000), whose outdoor pool is also fed by the thermal waters of the river. The spa offers accommodation and various thermal treatments. Do you dare to take a bath?

Thermal Lake of Alhama de Aragon

Thermal Lake of Alhama de Aragon

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