Sun, waves and style: Roadtrip to the sun with surfer Lex Weinstein


road trip to the sun

road trip to the sun

Now around 55,000 people from all over the globe follow this **wanderlust spirit** on his trips to the sun throught social media . And there have been many: the North American has been looking for waves and fun in Tahiti, Bali, Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Samoa, Japan, Hong Kong, Cuba... She has a lot of memories of water and salt, and there are so many that she can't evoke a favorite one.

After a while, she makes up her mind: "The most special thing I've experienced has been looking at a sky absolutely full of stars in Tahiti: there were more lights than black sky! ", she recalls her. Another one occurs to her, also in that land:" See the Teahupo'o wave breaking up was one of those opportunities that only appear once in a lifetime, I will never forget it. the ocean has much power over there".

the call of the ocean

the call of the ocean

However, when asked about his perfect paradise for surfing she is clear: Australia . "There are many point breaks (places where the wave breaks when it hits a ledge on the coastline) with a precious aquatic clarity and a lot wild life to enjoy", she explains. And, although the country is at the top of her list, she does not forget to Sri Lanka and Mexico, who also score high.

She is going precisely to Mexico on her last trip. She, as a stylist, and two more friends, intend get to Tijuana -They are already in Lower California - to document the production process of **the table covers created by one of them, Romain Goudinoux **. Guigo Foggiatto, the third in discord, will be the one who records everything , from the production by hand in Tijuana to its sale to the public in the to always hip Venice Beach.

The trio heads there in a beautiful vintage van of another of his friends (the good news is that you can also rent it), giving rise to a composition more typical of a clothing catalog that of a road trip: long hair in the wind, shapely bodies, designer smiles ... For her, however, things are quite normal: " I love traveling by van ; Before coming here, I took a trip with a couple of other friends around the Australian East Coast (of course she fell in love with Byron Bay). The power to stop wherever you want to surf or camp has something, something that turns those trips into mind blowing adventures "explains the young woman.

surfing way of life

surfing way of life

bahamian style

bahamian style

This postcard landscape also helps a more than chic selection of essentials , of things Lex never steps out of the house without: " My surfboards, my ukulele, my journal, a good book, a beach blanket, a backpack, a water bottle, bikinis, a wide straw hat, my favorite jeans and my tarot cards ", she details her smiling.

Nothing more? No, she doesn't need it: "Right now I am a perpetual nomad. I have my belongings in several different places, but I try live with as little as possible. The less you have, the less you need; It's amazing when you realize that it doesn't take much to lead a happy and wonderful life ".

that touch gypsy and free accompanies him wherever he goes and gives him that extra charisma that her audience seems to adore , the one that differentiates her from hundreds of other surfers with beautiful photos: "I live my passions by traveling the world, immersing myself in nature and celebrating the feminine through fashion. I am a health advocate and wellness of body and soul as well as this precious home we call Land ".

the only thing necessary

the only thing necessary

The ukulele a must

The ukulele, a must

In fact, it was her passion for the most abundant element on Earth, the sea, that led her to fall in love with surfing: "When she was in high school, one summer, I was a lifeguard. That meant having eyes fixed on the ocean or for nearly eight hours a day, every day. Finally, I started to take a board with me during the lunch break, and thus I took advantage that beautiful and aquatic playground that I had at my disposal for so much of the day," she recalls.

"As soon as I started I was hooked, and I started traveling to surf different types of waves. From my total respect and admiration for the ocean my passion for surfing grew, because I have never felt more calm and present than in the moment in which I am sliding on a wave ", Lex tells us to say goodbye to her, while she prepares for her next adventure with ad sunset included.

the power of the sea

the power of the sea

waves and laughter

waves and laughter

the perfect sunset

the perfect sunset

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