The dirty rags of hotels, revealed by their own employees


We are watching you and Whisper is our religion

The real know-it-alls of the hotel world

Everyone knows that all that glitters is not gold. Behind a good appearance, they hide a thousand and one unspeakable secrets . It happens with technology, without going any further. Experience tells us that for every good use we make of the new tools, we take advantage of them as many times for some of our pranks. Something similar happens in hotels. Although as soon as you enter the room and check that smells clean We are assailed by the feeling that everything is perfect, the smallest detail is enough to realize that, as so many times, appearances are deceiving.

But if before it was nothing more than a simple perception of ours, now an application makes us have doubts again. If you ever had the feeling that the receptionist was somewhat rude Or did something make you think that sheets they hadn't gone through the washing machine in a while, you might be right. There are many hotel employees who have not been able to contain the temptation and have taken advantage of the anonymous forum that Whisper offers them to confess, no remorse , all the pranks that one day they committed.

"I work in a hotel. The blankets are only washed once a year.” Statements as amazing as these (repeated by several users) we can read in this app , available for both Android and iOS. Without anyone asking them for an explanation, there are many hotel employees who have dared to tell what really happened with hygiene and with the treatment they gave to guests.

That smile hides all the evil...

That smile hides all the evil...

Conceived so that the most timid can express themselves openly and reveal their thoughts, ideas and sensations without the need to expose their identity, Whisper was not designed exclusively for those who serve us in hotels . However, for one reason or another, these have landed on the platform to bring to light the dirty laundry of those corners where we shelter when we travel the world.

And yes, as you can imagine, we found few pleasant revelations. From the most radical, who do not hide the lack of spirit with which they go to work every day (“working in a hotel sucks”, reflects some card) to those who recognize how they spend it with rude guests. “When they are rude to me, I put them in the worst possible room ”, assures one of the messages that we found on the platform.

To win this room you have to behave well

To win this room you have to behave well

Apparently, this is a fairly common practice among hotel receptionists. Depending on the treatment they receive from the client, they assign you a better or worse room . "I work in a hotel. If I like you when you check in at the reception I will treat you better (better room, drinks, free breakfast), but if you're rude I'll give you a room next to the elevator and no view.” It's that simple.

Others take the trick a little further. “When customers bother me, I deactivate their access cards just to annoy them” , points another stranger. As there is no evil that does not come for good, we are already warned for our next trip. When we get to the hotel, we better take care of the forms and express our sympathy with the person in charge of placing us in one or another point of the building.

But these shenanigans are just the beginning. In Whisper we found some revelations that we should not read before booking a hotel in our next destination. It is not flattering to discover confessions like the following: “ I work at the nastiest hotel you've ever seen . Dead bugs everywhere everyday. I think they should demolish the building. But I'm too tight on money to give it up for now." The positive part is that, since we do not have any data about this worker or the accommodation, it could be any hotel in the world. The bad thing is to think that one day you may have to sleep there...

Rue 13 Barnacle

Who pulls the strings?

What is clear when reviewing the dirty laundry that we found in Whisper is that the receptionists are the real bosses of the hotel . What bothers you when people spend too much time in the lobby and hallways? It is enough to adjust the thermostat, to the low, so that the clients prefer to be in their rooms or even outside the premises. "I work in a hotel and we put the temperature very low in the corridor on purpose, so people freeze and stupid people don't hang around talking," reads one card.

Of course, the rest of the hotel staff is not far behind when it comes to doing some misdeed. For example, someone who claims to take a snooze in the rooms when he is tired or a guy who claims that, when it is time for room service, he goes to work without lunch. It is enough for him to snack here and there while he takes his food to the clients, in order to satisfy his appetite. “ We never bring or buy lunch , because we take something from the trays before uploading them”, he admits under cover of anonymity granted by Whisper.

Of all the revelations that we find on the platform, there is only one testimony where the person involved claims to feel some regret. “I'm a cleaning lady in a hotel and sometimes when I'm lazy I reuse the sheets on the beds and put them up to make them look nice... I always feel bad for the next guests... #oops ”. Apparently, her guilt is short-lived for this employee. We can only hope that we never have to sleep in a room that this girl had to clean.

In spite of everything, it is not advisable to generalize either, much less alarm anyone. We know very well that broad beans are cooked everywhere and that, as a general rule, the vast majority of hotel employees carry out their work in a respectful and efficient manner . But this does not mean that the next time we check-in we are more friendly than ever with whoever attends us at reception and that if, by chance, something is missing from what we ordered from room service, Let's realize that the guy who served us forgot the Tupperware at home.

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Oh those hotel corridors...

Oh, those hotel corridors...

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