What would happen if the Sun were in Madrid?


What would happen if the Sun were in Madrid

What would happen if the Sun were in Madrid?

A question in the air and an established equivalence. The first, what would happen if the Sun were in Madrid. The second, every million kilometers of our solar system is equivalent to one kilometer on the map. The rest is imagination and Massimo Pietrobon takes care of that, the thinking mind behind ** these ideas that allow us to graphically understand the dimensions of our solar system.**

To begin with, Pietrobon assumes that if the Sun were in Madrid, we would meet him at Puerta del Sol and its sphere would cover about a kilometer, which would lead the fireball to occupy from the Paseo del Prado to the Royal Palace.

What would happen if the Sun were in Madrid

If the Sun were in Madrid, the Earth would be in Valladolid

From there, the calculations begin. “I searched for the data I needed on Wikipedia. It is anyway about very common data that can be found in any book, even learned at school”, explains to Traveler.es.

A) Yes, Mercury and the approximately 58 million kilometers that separate it from the Sun would be located in a straight line to about 58 kilometers from the mythical Madrid square. This is equivalent to placing it in ** Guadalajara .** A Venus we would find it in Follow, about 110 kilometers; the Land, friends, I would be in Valladolid , 150 kilometers; Y Mars, 230 kilometers away, it would fall in ** Albacete .** Note that we are talking about kilometers in a straight line, not driving routes.

"To do this alone I divided the sidereal distances by the same values ​​and put the distances that came out on the map. Google Earth has an option to generate a circle of a certain radius, thanks to which I can view all cities within the same distance from a specific center, in this case, Madrid, Puerta del Sol (…) I found some significant cities that were at the distance I was looking for. then it was enough place these correlations on a map of Europe to make them clearer”, says Pietrobon.

Continuing to locate the rest of the planets in our solar system would lead us to travel outside the borders of Spain. First, close, as much as the distance that separates Madrid from Avignon, about 780 kilometers. There we would find Jupiter.

What would happen if the Sun were in Madrid

To find the rest of the planets in our solar system you have to travel through Europe

Almost twice as far, about 1,450 kilometers, Already by Venice, Saturn would appear and its imposing rings. To visualize Uranus we would have to travel to kyiv (2,850 kilometers) and our solar system would end in Baku, with Neptune located about 4,500 kilometers.

“What I found interesting was being able to visualize these figures that are almost always impossible to imagine, in a way that would make it clearer to understand the (empty) extension of our solar system (…) If the Earth corresponds to the surface of any flat in the center of Valladolid, it is amazing to think that the most distant planets are floating at a distance that would be that of Ukraine or Georgia. The extent of the nothingness that surrounds us is amazing and finally it is easier for me to understand it”.

What would happen if the Sun were in Madrid

Our solar system would end in Baku

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