The Chivatoscope: the Motor Market returns


The Motor Market is back

The Motor Market is back

IN THE BED : A happy world. Aldous Huxley . This novel, published in 1932, is more current than ever. It always comes in handy to remember old great classics and even more so when they are so revealing. A little soma to calm things down?

IN THE BAR : Coconut Bar . Holy Spirit Street 38, Madrid. It's like being at home but with more beer and laughter. The deal, unbeatable. An essential war card. Who doesn't need a good Cuban style rice for a hangover? And watch out for your avocado sandwich...

Coconut Bar

The best for a hangover in the best environment

BETWEEN FRAMES: Fatal Marilyn. Pilares de Madrid Gallery (Miguel Ángel Street, 16). You have until May 10 to gloat over one of the great figures of film imagination: Marilyn Monroe . The portraitist José Parra-Moreno compiles the works that he dedicated to the great muse, emphasizing her last days and her tragic end.

suicide work

suicide work

IN THE CLUB: The Madrid party is lived in the streets and in places as crazy as the mythical Josealfredo (because nobody conceives him like José Alfredo, period). Here the good atmosphere and the passing of some other well-known/famous/celebrity from Madrid, is unavoidable. Another recommendation: finish in a ** karaoke **, any of these tremendous follies that we have reviewed in Condé Nast Traveler. Madrid without a bus is not Madrid.

Jose Alfredo

Actually, he will always be "el josealfredo"

IN THE TABLE: some go and others come... our beloved Gustava from Noviciado street says goodbye (momentarily until confirming her reappearance in some other corner of the Conde Duque neighborhood) and we welcome Quirce, the new infiltrator of this small but thuggish street . A perfect place for a weekend brunch or to taste its product cuisine: pay attention to today's dish... pleasure.

the quirce

The new one in the Conde Duque neighborhood

ON THE ROAD: a seafaring escapade. How about we get away from the storm and head south? If you want city, Malaga and its festival; do you prefer town? Choose .

IN THE CLOSET : Motor Market . HE'S BACK! Like the prodigal son who returns among the hustle and bustle of the people... This way we can go back to browsing through the stalls of the market located in the Train museum (Paseo de las Delicias 61, Madrid). You know it's one of our favorites...

Motor Market

Good news!

ON THE WALKMAN: there is a lot of cloth to cut, and more in Madrid this weekend. We are left with the double session of Nudozurdo. The people of Madrid return with red is danger and with two dates (today, Friday the 17th, and tomorrow, Saturday the 18th) in which they will present their new work surrounded by friends in the The Sun Room . It is fair and necessary.

Red is Left-Knotted Hazard

Red is Danger, Left Knot

ON THE SCREEN: The selection of films at the ** Malaga Festival ** is enough to literally spend a week from film to film. Here is our proposal, seasoned with plans more from Malaga than the people of Malaga themselves to open the mouth and close it with a lot of party. Speak , by Joaquin Oristrell, all your secrets by Manuel Bartual the heroes of evil , by Zoe Berriatúa how to survive a farewell , by Manuela Moreno... you choose.

The bonus: Little Galicia . We have to say (and we are sorry to sound presumptuous) that in its day we already anticipated the existence of a Little Galicia in New York (with its octopus á feira and its perfectly thrown Estrella Galicia). Today the film that bears as its title the name of this fictitious (but real) neighborhood of the city of cities, a comedy about a group of Galicians who spends a somewhat eventful weekend in New York.

Malaga and the festival of its cinema

Malaga and the festival of its cinema

IN THE NET: an Instagram to eat it up, the work of culinary photographer Marcus Nilsson, who shows not only his work but also the entire process behind it. A pleasure for lovers of photography, good food and a vice for esthetes.

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