The return of the Polynesian and Hawaiian bars in Barcelona


“Putting on my swimsuit, I wonder when I can go to Hawaii. When I put on my suntan lotion, I wonder when I can go to Bombay”, Mecano sang in 1985. At that time, we could have advised Ana Torroja of an alternative: to give a garbeo for one of those trendy bars.

The surf, the sun, the unknown, the exotic, the shirts with parrots and colors, and the good vibes made the restless posh people come back from Polynesia with the desire to take a little piece of the dream they lived there to their city, where everyday life awaited them.

However, in the late 1990s, tiki establishments lost their fame . Of the seven that opened in Barcelona, ​​three remain, Kahiki, Aloha and Kahala. However, we are here to recover them. They are spectacular!

Polynesian Bar Aloha in Barcelona

Main facade of Polynesian Bar Aloha.

If we go up from the sea to the mountain, Kahiki is next to Pl. Universitat; Aloha touching the Hospital Clínic, in the middle of the left of the Eixample; and Kahala near l'Illa Diagonal. Each one in his side, but all in neuralgic points.

The story of Roger, the owner of Kahiki is curious. He is thirty years old and has known the bar since he was a child. “I remember my parents drinking mixed drinks while I slept on those couches,” he comments, inviting a servant to sit down. And he continues: “I have spent many hours admiring the details, from the cocktails with smoke and fire, even the wonderful decoration”.

Bar Kahala in Barcelona

Bar of the Kahala Barcelona bar.

When Roger turned twenty, he made a business plan to open a similar business elsewhere. Unfortunately, it couldn't be. So he spent the next nine years keeping an eye on the place, biding his time. : ”The owners, friends of the family, retired and I insisted that they transfer it to me. It was my dream and I knew that if they left it in my hands, they would be proud!

Kahiki was born in 1977. In 1982, it was acquired by Federico and Eduardo, the two people in charge of ensuring that, for forty years, Kahiki has been a reference in the heart of the Ciudad Condal.

Polynesian Bar Kakiki in Barcelona

Kaihiki Bar bar.

What has Roger preserved? “ I have given it a facelift, but with the same concept . And I have kept Domingo, who has been working at Kahiki almost since the beginning. His good humor is a key piece. Without a doubt, it is part of the history and the present of the place”, he assures with a laugh.

The differential argument of it is the speed . In this sense, we can say that it is the McDonalds of cocktails. Between ordering the drink, preparing it and serving it, it usually takes less than a minute.

Another story that begins in 1977 is that of Miguel, that he is sixty-three years old.

Polynesian Bar Kakiki in Barcelona

View from the second floor at the Kahiki bar.

“I started at Aloha because the manager was a friend of mine. I loved the idea, he was young and very motivated ”, he introduces himself.

Since then, things have changed. Aloha is surprisingly big, and when Miguel got into the business, there were queues that reached the corner with Muntaner , the surrounding street. It was a novelty! Even today, it is very picturesque and extravagant. Actually spending some time there is quite an experience.

Kaihiki bar in Barcelona

Kaihiki bar top floor view.

Miguel points out that “in other times, the clients were older, now they are young people, they have a drink and then they go to the discotheque. It is clear that those were other times”. Marina, his wife and his partner, nods. Although there are faithful who come since television was put in color. “ They love to remember their young days and see that everything is still the same ”, they allege.

Both the Kahiki and Aloha owners agree that the constancy, perseverance, enthusiasm and patience of knowing how to hold the position in any circumstance they are what has kept these Hawaiians going. Ah! And they keep offering courtesy popcorn or fish, something very typical.

Note: for Madrid readers, both recommend Bora-Bora (C/ Ventura Rodríguez, 5).

Bar Aloha Barcelona

Drink at the bar in Aloha bar.

The recipes that they suggest us to travel from home:

Kahiki. It's called TIKI MANGO: mango, pineapple, rum and apricot. A delight for the palate.

Aloha. Same title, ALOHA: vodka, coconut, banana, lime and strawberry.

khala . SAN FRANCISCO: orange, lemon, pineapple, peach and strawberry (alcohol free).

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