This Is What The Empire State Would Look Like If It Hadn't Been Built In The 1930s


panorama of the empire state

This is what the iconic building looks like now

Everyone knows what the Empire State Building looks like, emblem of art deco and tallest building in the world until 1977 , year in which the Twin Towers were built. John Jakob Raskob, the promoter of it, only said to the architect: “Make it as high as possible without falling” . And the architect, William F. Lamb, was inspired by a pencil to design it. In fact, did you know that the antenna that shines was built to moor airships ? However, after two failed attempts that almost ended in tragedy, it remained only as an ornament.

The question that the home maintenance services company HomeAdvisor has asked, however, has less to do with its real architecture than with the possible one: what would happen if, instead of having been built in 1930, with its predominance art deco, the Empire State would have been erected during the height of brutalism? Or in the Gothic period?

To find the answer, they have carried out a collaboration between researchers, designers and architects Przemysław Sobiecki and Maja Wrońska from THIS IS RENDER . These, in turn, were guided by the art director of the NeoMam digital art studio, Povilas Daknys.

After a long task of collecting information and brainstorming, the team produced nine snapshots with the styles that the Empire State Building could have had. They are spectacular, and, in addition, they constitute an enjoyable architecture lesson. Take note!

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