Rocamadour and its religious tourist eccentricities


Reasons why Rocamadour is the most visited town in France

Reasons why Rocamadour is the most visited town in France


Rocamadour is no more than a street and a half. What's more, from Porte du Figuier the asphalt disappears to make way for the paving of a long pedestrian street. Everything else is souvenir shops, hotels and restaurants. And so it has been since its inception. We are facing one of the great religious and tourist pantomimes promoted by the Church. She took advantage the legend that says that in the stones of this great cliff over the Alzou river are the relics of Saint Amador to turn the place into a pilgrimage site. Or what is the same, fresh money obtained from donations and lodging expenses. A palace-castle was built on top of the cliff to accommodate the most VIPs and, in addition, it used the proximity of the Camino de Santiago that starts from Puy-en-Velay (one of the busiest) to try to steal the limelight from the great medieval highway. **The invention went more or less well (it is the second most visited 'site' in France only behind Mont Saint-Michel) ** and this year they are celebrating the millennial jubilee even if they haven't given it much hype, that's why that dance the dates in a disturbing way.


However, a first look at Rocamadour casts not a hint of religiosity but rather amazement at the technical prowess. The monumental town stands balancing in the shelter of a mountain which in turn has been excavated to house part of some chapels. At this point you can understand why people surrendered to an almighty force. The panorama amazes, it is epic and it is well cared for, illuminated and made up so that the postcards are perfect. Of course, its strong exterior walls make us think that we are facing a more palatial and medieval destination than a religious one.

an architectural wonder

an architectural wonder


The only normal street, called Roland le Preux , it crosses dodging anachronistic and decontextualized souvenirs (level: Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings merch) . It is the lowest level of the set. Above, the gothic details of the sacred heart of the place appear. But to get here you have to pass a physical test: 216 steps of stairs that the most pious climbed on their knees . Today, thanks to common sense, they are overcome on foot with the consequent breaks to instagram at ease.

Rocamadour a town with many steps

Rocamadour: a village with many steps


In the face of so much religious fury, a temple alone was not worth it. Nor did the evangelizing bombast help the little space left by the rock for a large basilica. That's why they got up up to 12 small churches of which only 7 were restored. Upon reaching the religious epicenter, a certain feeling of anger arises: too many civil references and nods to the fortifications of the Middle Ages. Come on, it's a bit of papier mâché. This is due to the role played in its reconstruction by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, the great French rationalist architect of the 19th century who dedicated himself to applying his imagery of medieval clichés to his projects. Not a freak of course, but yes it conveys a certain feeling of artificiality.

But beyond the anecdote and the sheet metal and paint session, the sanctuaries have their artistic interest. Saint Sauveur is surprising for having two altars and being divided into two so that nuns and friars do not share space. Also noteworthy are the exterior frescoes and the Romanesque paintings that still survive on some isolated walls, although the general public tends to succumb to the gimmicky mix of rock and architecture.

A balloon flies over the town

A balloon flies over the town


The most popular sanctuary is that of Our Lady of Rocamadour. Is about a small chapel presided over by a black and almighty virgin . Well, okay, this is not at all strange. What is disturbing are the ship models hanging from the ceiling. The explanation? That marine miracles were attributed to this image, located about 300 kilometers from the Atlantic. And of course, the poor cabin boys appreciated the protection with these votive offerings. And to top off the mysterious roll, a bell at the top of the vault that moves on its own when a ship survives a storm. High eye talk.


Do they seem few eccentricities? Here is the height of all. nailed to the cliff appears a sword that they say is that of Roland, who before dying in Roncesvalles (always according to legend) he threw his faithful metal companion far away so that it would not fall into enemy hands. The place where he fell is being raffled off by many places, although this may be the one that wins the prize for the greatest imagination and nose.

Cave paintings in Rocamadour

Cave paintings in Rocamadour


The eighth shrine is the most modern of all, in every way. Outside the small walls that protect the rest, this small chapel was built with a simple wall that closes a recess in the rock. The nicest thing about this place is that it is dedicated to Our Lady of the Oval, patron saint of rugby players . That is why, in a large showcase, the jerseys of such mythical teams of this sport as the New Zealand All Blacks or the Stade Toulousain sheepskin jacket, the most popular team in the region, are displayed.

Rocamadour postcards to cascoporro

Rocamadour: postcards to cascoporro


Outside of this religious sphere, Rocamadour has much more to offer. Starting with the cave of wonders , a cave with prehistoric cave paintings suitable for the whole family. Then there is the visit to the walls of the castle-palace, at the highest point of the place, and from where privileged and vertiginous views of the whole complex are obtained. Finally, the only nocturnal activity that is worthwhile: the little train that takes you to admire the magnificent illumination of Rocamadour at night. And in the gastronomic section, that little piece of glory in the form of goat cheese, fundamental in all the menus of the place.

And on top there is cheese

And on top there is cheese

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