Boisset Brothers: traveling with a 'like'


Contact with nature has become a prevailing need, which is why there have been an increase in the sale of motorhomes. And this is just one of Alex Boisset's favorite means of transport, the oldest of the Boisset brothers (27 years).

“The most fun trip I have ever taken was one to France, Switzerland and Dolomites. We were 6 guys in a motorhome. Lots of testosterone, lots of methane and lots of laughs." says Mikel, the little one (25 years old), accompanying the comment with great laughter.

The traveling youtubers Boisset Brothers

Journey of the Boisset brothers to the island of Komodo, where they spent three days on a boat.

Today, outdoor spaces are a valuable refuge, however, the secret is to adapt to whatever comes. "RVs are great. Sometimes, It's cool to sleep in the open at 2,800 meters, with zero comforts... and even in a hostel with cockroaches. And others, they also want to afford the luxury of enjoying designer villas in Bali”.

So versatile are the Boisset, children of a Basque mother and a French father (from near the Alps), who were raised by the sea, in Castellon.

The traveling youtubers Boisset Brothers

On a beach in Tenerife.

We are interested in knowing some of his secret spots in the Valencian city: “We do the shopping at Herbolario Navarro, we cut our hair at The Hair of Rosa, and a fun plan is to go jump from a cliff called El Satán”.

99% of the time they travel together. And they ensure that this passion for traveling the world comes from their parents that, when they were little, they showed them the photo albums of their own adventures. How things have changed since these notebooks full of pictures stuck with glue!

“We started by uploading content from our trips to the networks, especially videos. Nowadays, we have generalized and deal with issues such as sports, food, sustainability... our day to day, go ”, they explain to Condé Nast Traveler.

The traveling youtubers Boisset Brothers

Travel by caravan along a dangerous route in the Dolomites, arriving at the refuge after a long day.

Now, earning a living was never his primary goal. “Before the first invoice, we already created mini-documentaries for pleasure. The money was just an extra motivation to continue and be able to work while enjoying it”.

If we ask them about the most memorable journey they have made, they do not hesitate: “For me, the best and worst was in Nicaragua. I started running out of money, I was taken in by a shaman who performed an exorcism on me, I had an accident with a motorcycle that they had lent me and I couldn't pay, and I ended up being scouted down the street to start being a model”, Alex comments. Yin and yang.

For Mikel, it was a turning around Sri Lanka in a tuk-tuk On the third day, there was an attack. “It was a very extreme situation, the country was on high alert, there were soldiers on every corner, literally." narrates Boisset Jr.

On the positive side, when things calmed down "we found a woman who cooked spectacular vegan curries in her house and we ate there every day,” she clarifies.

The traveling youtubers Boisset Brothers

Sunrise on Teide after four hours of walking in the dark.

What motivates them to choose one destination or another? "We like them so much hot tropical sites, beautiful landscapes, impressive and photogenic. Although, from time to time, some walks in the mountains make us experience very strong sensations”.

And he continues: “The best moments of our lives have been in the middle of nature, whether it was on a wave or 10 meters underwater.” What surf lovers, they add: "The waves usually have their importance, we are very obsessive with this".

Also they often think of conceiving a trip without being photographed or recorded, simply taking advantage of the present moment. However, they quickly forget the idea when they imagine themselves without graphic memories to fall back on when nostalgia sets in.

Travelers youtubers Boisset Brothers

Sunset in Moliets.


His height of popularity was with the video 9 Minutes to Save the Ocean. Not so much for the number of views but for the impact it had and what they achieved with it: “The Canary Islands is one of the places we visit the most, because it is a paradise. A few months ago he wrote to us a group of marine biologists and activists to inform us that a port was going to be built in a protected area.”

"They explained to us all the negative consequences it would bring to the ecosystem and its marine life. It was going to be devastating!” they remember sadly.

Travelers youtubers Boisset Brothers

Caravan trip through the French Alps, where they spent a night high above Chamonix.

"We decided to join forces with them to tell the world what was going to happen.” Within hours, the video had reached thousands of people (they even shared it Jon Kortajarena, Aitana or Miguel Bernadeu). More than 400,000 signatures were collected and… the project has just been cancelled!

That is pure connection with the planet. As if that were not enough, they have set a new goal to replace all the snacks on the market with healthy alternatives. For it, have created a food brand (@b3tterfoods). “We believe that it can have a very positive effect on society and on people's health. Is about products that we have always wanted to find in supermarkets and, since no one made them, we decided to make them ourselves”. Anything else?

Travelers youtubers Boisset Brothers

Walking in Switzerland.


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