Welcome to the Azores islands: paradise was this


you won't want to come home

You won't want to come home

If you are one of those who fall asleep as soon as the plane takes off, set an alarm to open your eyes ten minutes before landing , because the experience begins in the heights. São Miguel ( Portugal ) from the window is an immense green canvas with rough black brush strokes which is worth looking at.

The main island of portuguese archipelago -which dots the Atlantic midway between Europe and America - stars in such a perfect picture that even the most skeptical will begin to believe in the existence of some kind of divinity.

São Miguel the island of the cows

São Miguel, the island of cows

A nature exuberant to the rage -with an amalgamation of plants that keeps the essence of each continent of the world -, impressive coastlines with cliffs and black sand beaches , the contrast of the heat of the hot springs with the freshness of the ocean and coquettish cities carved in basalt such as Ponta Delgada, the capital of the archipelago.

The Azores they have that special atmosphere of the islands, that attraction that makes volcanic lands irresistible, that duality between the warmth of the Earth and the serenity of the sea that makes you question everything and understand it at the same time.

That is the essence of the nine islands that make up this little paradise. They exude harmony from north to south, exude beauty from east to west, beginning with Santa Maria, Sao Miguel, Terceira and Graciosa , going by São Jorge, Pico and Faial , and ending in Flowers and Raven.

That yes, the chaotic weather of these islands will be in charge of putting your feet on the ground from time to time: it is essential that your suitcase has both a raincoat and a swimsuit Well, as the Azoreans say, in a single day you can experience the four seasons of the year.

In your favor we will say that neither the summers are very hot nor the winters extremely cold , maintaining moderate temperatures throughout the year. The best time to visit the Azores? If you want to avoid precipitation, keep in mind that the wettest months are from October to March.

You will fall in love with its coast

You will fall in love with its coast

Summer, with an average temperature of 25ºC, It is ideal for practicing water sports. Hiking trails, canyoning, mountain biking, canoeing, diving, surfing, paddle surfing or body boarding These are just some of the activities that sports lovers can do to enjoy the natural wonders of the island.

Not forgetting golf, of course. Surrounded by hydrangeas and cryptomerias, you can improve your swing in any of the three golf courses in the Azores: Furnas, Batalha or Terceira , the first two located in São Miguel and the last on the island of the homonym. As a curiosity, the rains (very frequent) are responsible for its irrigation.


Each island has its one, but Sao Miguel , being the largest -about 62 kilometers long-, is the one that hides the most treasures. A few minutes on the island are enough to appreciate that In this piece of land there are more cows than Azoreans.

Here Mother Nature reigns at will. The shores of his winding roads -passing through pineapple and yam plantations, imposing cryptomerias and enormous planters- are adorned by delicate belladonnas or meninas-pra-escola, one of the most common flowers, along with hydrangeas, on the island.

Islet of Vila Franca do Campo

Islet of Vila Franca do Campo

Secondly, Gorreana tea fields , which claims to be the last great tea plantation in Europe, are well worth a visit. Its intense green color stains the parish of Maia since 1883 , date from which they have been conquering palates with the pure flavor of their teas without preservatives.

In the Azores you will have your heart divided between land and sea: is one of the places in the world where dolphins and whales show off their charms shamelessly, being able to spot in its waters up to 24 different types of cetaceans , something worth admiring at least once in a lifetime.

Calderas das Furnas

Calderas das Furnas

Mandatory tasks during your route through São Miguel? Try an araçá -a small Brazilian wild fruit from the guava family-, drink natural sparkling water from one of the three Furnas fountains with a giant leaf - flavored with iron, magnesium or calcium, to suit the consumer- and, of course, visiting the most magical corner of the "enchanted valley" (Furnas).

We talk about the Lagoa das Furnas , which can be viewed from the Pico do Ferro viewpoint , where the powerful heat of our planet's magma is manifested through fumaroles. In its famous Caldeiras -holes in the ground- Azoreans make one of their most traditional dishes: cozido (similar to Spanish), which after about seven hours underground, is served in restaurants in that town.

And, to finish falling in love with Furnas, stroll through the ** Parque Terra Nostra ** (located at the back of the Hotel Terra Nostra), a huge centennial garden that, apart from having a pool of thermal waters that are around 30º C and whose orange color (because of the high concentration of iron) hypnotizes, has a spectacular flora.

Gorreana tea plantation

Gorrean tea plantation

Norfolk pines, corridors of lush New Zealand palms, the largest collection of camellias in the world (with more than 600 varieties), ponds with ducks and water lilies, African banana plantations , azaleas, all kinds of hydrangeas or Japanese cedars are some of the wonders you will find in this science fiction setting.

The natural beauty of this island of Azores reaches its peak in the parish of seven cities . The road route that will guide you to the Vista do Rei viewpoint , where signs warning that "the cows also rule here" are frequent, will give you postcard landscapes.

Once you have reached the famous wild balcony, you will be able to contemplate the Green and Blue lagoons, the most photographed in São Miguel. The reason? The turquoise and emerald color of the two huge puddles housed in the crater of an ancient volcano. A legend tells that they are the fruit of the tears shed for impossible love between a shepherd and a princess.

This picture will not leave you indifferent, but do not dazzle you too much, because you must put the finishing touch in this pair of coordinates, take note: the Grota do Inferno viewpoint, with its panoramic views of Lagoa do Canário, and Lagoa do Fogo. If you are willing to descend a steep slope, you can go down to the banks of the latter.

Sete Cidades and its incredible lagoons

Sete Cidades and its incredible lagoons

Do you fancy a dip? The islet of Vilafranca do Campo, a nature reserve that can only be reached by boat, since it is located one kilometer from the coast, hides a small bay of white sand. Standing in the middle of the sea is a luxury that becomes a reality here.

On the other hand, although it is an arduous task to opt for one of the many beaches on the island, the warm waters of the Praia do Fogo, in Ribeira Quente, or Ponta da Ferraria are ideal for a relaxing swim.


O Principe dos Queijos (_Rua dos Mercadores 50, Ponta Delgada) _

Cheese, cheese and more cheese. Although they have only been selling all kinds of cheeses from the Azores for three years, they have a background of 26 years dedicating themselves to making this dairy delicacy. The one from the island of São Jorge, a little spicy, and those from São Miguel are the most successful.

Complaints from Vila do Morgado _(Rua do Penedo 20, Vila Franca Do Campo) _

These small sweets, made by hand and with great care in Vila Franca Do Campo , have been conquering palates since 1961. You cannot leave the island without having tried what can boast of being the typical delicacy of the Azores.

Gates of the City of Ponta Delgada

Gates of the City, Ponta Delgada

Hotel Terra Nostra _(Rua Padre José Jacinto Botelho 5, Furnas) _

The stew of Furnas It is one of the dishes par excellence of the Azores. Made with the heat that emanates from this volcanic land, after about seven hours of cooking , the Terra Nostra Hotel restaurant is responsible for presenting it as it deserves.

Louvre Michaelense _(Rua Antonio José d'Almeida 8, Ponta Delgada) _

An old shop where in 1904 hats and fabrics of Paris , now it is a gastronomic temple in which any moment is good to taste a natural passion fruit juice, a tiborna (toast with oil), a piece of chocolate cake or some homemade dumplings.

Quinta dos Sabores _(Rua Caminho Da Selada 10, Fish Tail) _

Healthy food, homemade flavors and a romantic atmosphere to say the least. If you are looking to feel at home (literally), this is your place. The married couple who live on the farm and run the restaurant make a delicious closed menu in which the vegetables they grow in their garden are the undoubted protagonists.


Santa Barbara Eco-Beach Resort _(Regional Road nº1, 1º Morro de Baixo, Ribeira Grande) _

A hotel that respects nature, that is how it is defined. This accommodation has the perfect location to enjoy the sea, with direct access to Santa Bárbara beach -a perfect enclave for surfing- , villas that invite you to relax and the first sushi restaurant on the island. And what sushi.

Terra Nostra Park

Terra Nostra Park

White Exclusive Suites & Villas _(Rocha Quebrada Street 10, Lagoa) _

It is true that the Azores are not made to stay in a hotel, but you will not want to leave this one. You won't need anything but his infinity pool with sea views and its bohemian rooms of an immaculate white that catches you to be happy. Its copious, healthy and succulent breakfasts will leave you speechless.

La Maison by White Exclusive Suites & Villas _(Regional Road No. 65, Rosario, Atalhada, Lagoa) _

A private villa with all the comforts of a hotel, the perfect option for a family vacation. Host a late-night barbecue with friends and wake up to freshly cooked breakfast on the dining room table. In case we hadn't convinced you: It has a private pool!

South Villas _(R. do Dr. Filomeno da Câmara 42, Lagoa) _

On the south coast of São Miguel, in the heart of Lagoa, we find this contemporary architecture and impeccable design.

dolphin in sight

Dolphin in sight!

This hotel has rooms that adapt to different types of travellers: from suites with a swimming pool, perfect for a romantic getaway, to spacious suites -equipped with a kitchen- to enjoy a family vacation, passing through **rooms with Jacuzzi ( although guests can also abandon themselves to relaxation in its spa) **.

All bedrooms have a private terrace and spectacular views of the bay of Santa Cruz , the same ones that will hypnotize you during their delicious breakfasts.

Lagoa do Fogo

Lagoa do Fogo

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