Barcelona celebrates Llum 2020, its great festival of light and technology


Museum of the Moon.

Museum of the Moon.

Barcelona hosts this weekend the ninth edition of one of its most anticipated festivals,** Llum 2020**. Since Poble Nou , the great research laboratory of this festival, a whole series of light shows for the visitor to participate in a magical way in the urban space.

But, what can we see at **Festival Llum 2020**? 23 artists will use during this weekend light, movement, virtual reality and artificial intelligence to give another meaning to the public spaces of Barcelona.

“This is an opportunity to challenge our senses in a** high-intensity sensory experience** and a collective experiment to search for new models of participation and coexistence”, they point out from the Barcelona City Council.

'Lo tèxtil' by Alba G. Corral at Pompeu Fabra University.

'Lo tèxtil' by Alba G. Corral at Pompeu Fabra University.

In this way it will be possible to know the work of important local and international artists such as Julius Le Park , pioneer in the creation of kinetic and light art, with Metamorphosis , on the facade of the Disseny HUB.

We will also see the work of luke jerram , which he will present Museum of the Moon , in the pond of the Disseny HUB Barcelona; and the one of Alba G. Corral shows The textile , at Pompeu Fabra University. The latter is an experimental installation with which the artist pays homage to all the women who worked on the Ca l'Aranyó textile factory in 1877 . The work of United Visual Artists ,** Kurt Hentschläger** and Antoni Arola.

The work of Anna Carreras in Glorias.

The work of Anna Carreras in Glorias.

In addition, in this edition of Llum 2020 they will collaborate with their light installations 17 schools of art, design, lighting and architecture in Barcelona . All of them will convert the spaces of the 22@ in your own lab.

For its part,** Off Llum BCN** returns with 15 small and medium light installations format by the hand of Poblenou Urban District.

And as a novelty the space is incorporated Agora , where for the first time you can attend talks and conferences; Y hackathon , an unprecedented space for participation by Llum BCN for the creating a new mobile app with all the information about the festival, geolocation and participatory spaces for visitors.

So you don't miss anything have created a map with all the facilities available and the information of each one of them. You can find it here.

Sun by Kurt Hentschlager.

Sun by Kurt Hentschlager.

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