Gastronomic trends in Barcelona right now


caravan made

delicious street food


One of the consequences of the crisis is the redefinition of workspaces: the office and the indefinite contract have been succeeded by the home and autonomy, that is, the “make it yourself” (or “there you manage it”, depending on whether you are optimistic and lively on your day) . A multitude of businesses arise and function no longer in an office with methacrylate walls but in the kitchen of your neighbor's house, and from there to the house itself being the business, one step.

In Barcelona we must point out the case of Rooftop Smokehouse, two young people who create their own beer on their roof terrace in Sant Antoni (so far more or less common) and smoke, in a Priorat wine barrel, their own pastrami, duck or fish, all delicious and surprising , and incidentally they embarrass all those who do not get the same performance from their terraces. In these times of precariousness, if you have anything, you have the possibility of monetizing it, and thus platforms with airbnb They make it easier (controversies aside) for you to rent a room or your entire house for a few days, or, if you have culinary skills and an appropriate space, set up a restaurant in the middle of your living room.

Rooftop Smokehouse

Craft beer and the best product to accompany

** Eat with ** allows tourists to enjoy a gastronomic experience (yes, it is also a trend not to talk about eating but about "gastronomic experiences") that combines an elaborate menu of quality with that feeling of hospitality that it would be difficult for a restaurant to take it in a house, s sitting at the table with the cook himself. It works because it achieves that search for authenticity and escape from very touristy places that many of today's travelers pursue. This definitive break between the public and the domestic works internationally, and in Barcelona enjoys especially good health not only among visitors, but also among locals looking for something different. The offer ranges from Thai menus of 25 euros to elaborate tasting sessions cooked by a Michelin-starred chef.

In this wave, the ** Plateselector ** web team has set up in Barceloneta, the Plateselector inn, which is his home, his office and also the opportunity to enjoy his talent and hospitality. They organize evenings with guest chefs or menus that change periodically drawn up by Johann Wald himself (part of his crew) and basically allow them to understand why everyone loves them.


Eat like at home


In our minds, Mexican food is not subject to the ups and downs of trends, but we accept that if something as basic as bread can also become fashionable, then definitely Mexico is. Three openings complete the most careful and select Mex scene in the city : we talk about Saint leaf and Niño Viejo when mentioning the openings of Sant Antoni here; This restaurant and its informal taqueria neighbor on Avinguda Mistral have been accompanying ** Oaxaca ** for a long time, the mezcalería of Pla del Palau. Talking about the new gin and tonic has already become a recurring joke because this drink has ended up becoming black, the unbeatable color that never goes out of style, but after a few failed attempts to overthrow it, it seems that It's time to bet on tequila and mezcal . There are no shortage of places to do it.


The mezcalería of Pla del Palau


The crisis, our best friend, also represents a return to more humble and traditional dishes not only at your table, but also at the best restaurants. The marrow joins the offal as an upward trend that captures that need to claim humble products, left aside in the crazy years of gold battered peanuts paid with expense card on account of the company, and discover that we love them. In the recently expanded ** L'eggs ** they serve the dish that forms the backbone of their menu, the eggs , on an open bone with the marrow clearly visible and in the ** Succulent ** on the Rambla del Raval they add to their delicious steak tartare a teaspoon to scrape off every last bit of this easy delicacy.


Humble but delicious dishes


Let's call it what we want (knowing that they are not the same) ; the sausage or its refined and traditional Catalan version, the sausage, is a star of fast and versatile food, and since it deserves an article on its own, we do not want to dedicate more space to it. But suffice it to say there are sausages everywhere.

Butipà sausage in the Raval

Butipà: sausage in the Raval


If a few months ago we wondered if this trend was starting in Spain, we can say that in Barcelona and its area is becoming a reality . The claim to eat on the street that initiatives such as the Eat Street organized by Bcnmes or the Van Van Market held during the Mercé festivities have been making for some time are resounding successes with critics and the public. People want to see, photograph and above all consume food truck products , especially when they are reinforced by a discourse and, fundamentally, a flavor that forces us to rethink current regulations.

Caravan Made

Food Trucks in Spain? Yes, we can!


Something that has been around for so long in other countries seems to be starting to creep us out. Concepts such as organic, biodynamic, ecological, fishing quotas or sustainable, when what we should be clear about is consuming products, fundamentally food, that are respectful of everything around us and incidentally with ourselves. Places like the ** Feeld Organic , Obbio or the Woki Organic Market ** (or direct purchase through, for example, Haciendas Bio ) or restaurants like ** Nonono and Rasoterra ** are the starting point of what you intend be a paradigm shift.

Woki Organic Market

Here everything is organic and healthy


The new favorite food of the basics is what we have known all our lives as “cabbage” or in Galicia, directly, as “vegetables” (the one with the broth). This star superfood gives its name to **Flax & Kale, the son of one of the best vegetarians in the city,** Teresa Carles. It is a beautiful flexitarian restaurant (that is, a flexible vegetarian who occasionally includes some fish in his diet) that covers any culinary desire we have during the day, including weekend brunches. Naturally too they serve colorful juices full of health looking for a hole in our diet. The word flexitarian will end up entering, as strange as it may seem, in our vocabulary.


A lovely flexitarian restaurant


Let's list: ** Praktik Bakery is a hotel with a bakery** (Baluard's bakery, no less); Jaime Beriestain is a decoration shop, bookstore and cafeteria; La cuina d'en Garriga is a grocery store and restaurant; the aforementioned ** Feeld Organic is a supermarket, a restaurant and a flower shop...** the labels fall, the businesses are brands that encompass many things at the same time, flexibility is imposed in the businesses of our time.

Praktik Bakery

The best of the hotel, its pastries

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