24 hours eating in A Coruña


Pandelino always smells like fresh bread.

Pandelino always smells like fresh bread.


There is no better way to start the day than drinking at Pandelino a frapuccino accompanied by an artisan loaf toast spread with homemade jam. It is the most 'broockynian' in Coruña, so you can also order a refreshing smoothie and a carrot cake and imagine that you are on the other side of the East River. So your experience will be, in addition to Galician, 'so yanquie'.

Foods in Pandelino.

Foods in Pandelino.


And there are no excuses, with a full stomach - this time yes - I will go through the entire Paseo Marítimo (considered the longest in Europe), from the Riazor beach to the Castillo de San Antón, which houses the Archaeological and Historical Museum and serves to commemorate the mooring of the Invincible Armada in Coruña and the failed attack on the city by Sir Francis Drake in 1589. Yes, that —more than a pirate— corsair who was defeated by the Coruña town led by Mary Pita to the cry of "Quen teña honor, que me siga" (who has honor to follow me).


Nearby is the new Augamar restaurant, with wonderful views and top-quality local produce. If you are a friend of Obelix size portions, better go to eat in the Old City: it is always a success.

Do not miss the caldeirada of A Mundiña.

Do not miss the caldeirada of A Mundiña.


Stop by the Pablo Gallego restaurant, the best Galician signature cuisine, or savor a caldeirada in A Mundiña, its traditional way of preparing rock fish from the Costa da Morte is the most delicious.


Stroll through narrow alleys that once sheltered the different guilds and that today only occupy the memory and the street plaques, surrounds the Romanesque church of Santiago (after the Tower of Hercules, the second oldest monument in the city) and visit the mansions and palaces of the aristocratic families, as the headquarters of the Royal Galician Academy, former mansion of Emilia Pardo Bazán; the house of Manuel Murguía and Rosalía de Castro or that of the marquises of Camarasa, where it is assumed that Carlos I spent the night before leaving for his Lombard iron crown and that soon (it is also supposed) it will be a civic center.

The contemporary Dessert.

The contemporary Dessert.


For one day forget about the bikini operation, because You can't leave Coruña without getting dirty with the chocolate fondue with fruit and sponge cake from The dessert. After lunch, head back to the coast to discover the secrets of the Tower of Hercules.


They will have told you what it is a Roman lighthouse still in operation (from the 1st century or the beginning of the 2nd century AD), which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which even appears on the city's coat of arms, but you may not know that behind it there are myths and legends from other times. Personally, I prefer the one related by Alfonso X in his General History, the one that speaks of the giant Geryon and how his subjects had to deliver his children to him until he was defeated by Hercules, who he buried his remains in the place where he would found the city of Cruña. Although I am also fascinated by the fact that the point at which it is built was a Celtic cult shrine 'twinned' with the Irish shrine at Kenmare.

A Estación de Cambre occupies an old train station.

A Estación, de Cambre, occupies an old train station.


dinner at the Michelin star restaurant A Estación, in Cambré, or choose a much more modern option: Galician bread burgers Windward, a lively industrial-style venue and where you have to order the sangria with strawberries and the nachos. The menu is simple but everything is up to par, ask for the beef or vegetable burger (Hipsters in the city usually take the homemade one, which has Manchego cheese, Iberian ham and confit onion).

Bread bun burger in Barlovento.

Bread bun burger in Barlovento.


To top off the day go hunting for a gin tonic or at the Bitácora, in Santa Cristina, with its panoramic views, or at the Baobab, one of my favorite cocktail bars.

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Views from the Bitcora terrace.

Views from the Bitácora terrace.

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