16 Natural Wonders of the World We Must Protect: It's Now or Never!


The natural wonders of the world they deserve to be allowed to exist in peace… so that we can continue to enjoy them. “These are places that can really be visited, although they seem unreal for its beauty”, they explain from Anaya.

This year, the publisher launches, on the occasion of the World Environment Day, the book Natural treasures that we must protect , written by Ana Alonso and illustrated by Violeta Monreal. The volume introduces the whole family” mountains that rise directly from the sea, immense and amazing deserts, legendary trees, dreamy lakes, rivers of strange colors, fairy tale caves, frozen plains where the sun never sets...”.

See photos: Natural wonders of the world that you still do not know

Or, in other words, the most incredible natural landscapes on the planet, their stories, their animals and their plants, in order to make the little ones understand "why they are jewels that we must preserve among all”.

Inspired by his selection, in Traveler we present these 16 fantastic places, a formidable walk through the beauty of the earth that encourages us to keep improving and reminds us why each sustainability effort bill.

broceliande Paimpont forest merlin forest

Merlin's Forest

The most magical forest: Merlin's forest

The Paimpont Forest, better known as the Merlin Forest, it is a natural area of ​​exceptional ecological, floristic and faunal interest for the conservation of plant and animal species in the heart of Brittany (France).

But, in addition, there is the Château de Comper, one of the most important interpretation centers of the Arthurian Imaginary in the world, which works on three repertoires: the tales of death, those of fairies, goblins, giants and dwarfs (the traditional ones) and the Arthurian legend, to promote and recover the intangible heritage (including language) that arrived 1,500 years ago from the south-west of England, when the Celts fled to the continent before the invasion of the barbarian tribes of Angles and Saxons.

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji

The most beautiful volcano: Mount Fuji

If there is an iconic profile in Japan, that is without a doubt that of the Mount Fuji. There are few people who would not recognize its silhouette when seeing it even on paper, so symmetrical that it really looks like a god's creation.

In fact, the birth of this volcano, still active , is surrounded by legends. It is said that the smoke ejected from the crater comes from the elixir of eternal life which the emperor of Japan resigned after the departure of his beloved princess Kaguya her, when she went to live on the moon. Mount Fuji, with its consideration of holy mountain , is, therefore, the most loved and portrayed mountain in Japan, a treasure that we cannot afford to lose.

Miguel Gatoo

Over the Namibian desert

The most disturbing desert: The Namib desert

The Namibian desert is one of the most world originals: here you can enjoy a forest of dead trees, the Dead Vlei , in the surprising Naukluft Park; of dream vision giant dunes , the Sossuviei , and some of the strangest plants on the planet. But, without a doubt, one of the most unforgettable images of the area is that of the dunes of namib , which almost fall into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. If you have the opportunity, book a Helicopter ride in the city of Swakopmund and go through what is known as skeleton coast . The fusion of sea ​​and desert is impressive.

The deepest abyss: The Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench is the deepest known point on our planet , the closest to the center of the Earth. Only three people have managed to reach this place. One of them was the film director james cameron , who made an unprecedented marine dive to document the deepest depths of the ocean: the pressure exerted by the water in this area - at 10,900 meters below sea level, more than the height of Everest - is so strong that We humans have no chance of surviving there without enormous protection.

The Amazon more in danger than ever.

The Amazon, more in danger than ever.

The largest jungle: The Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is the largest swathe of tropical rainforest on the planet. . A region in itself that promotes a partially self-sustaining regional hydrological and climatic system that, however, is growing risk of collapse, according to the latest studies.

So the Amazon now releases more CO₂ than it absorbs, contributing to global warming. Above all, for the many fires that are caused in the area , which release black carbon into particles that capture sunlight and increase temperature.

Secondly, deforestation alters rainfall patterns; without it, the forests get much hotter and drier, and if we add to this flooding and the construction of methane gas dams, the result is a key ecosystem for life on Earth in high risk of extinction...

Mirror effect in the Salar de Uyuni Bolivia

Uyuni Salt Flat, Bolivia.

The whitest salt sea: The Uyuni desert

The Uyuni Salt Flats (Bolivia) is the largest salt desert in the world more than 10,500 square kilometers of salt in the Bolivian Altiplano, 3,600 meters above sea level.

In the rainy season (between December and April), this space as from another planet becomes a gigantic mirror, and it is impossible to distinguish heaven from earth. It's time to live adventures in an off-road vehicle, visit the train cemetery in the city of Uyuni or tour Isla del Pescado, an oasis of centuries-old cacti.

Bora Bora

Bora Bora, one of the paradises that make up French Polynesia

The most beautiful island: Bora Bora

All the islands that dot the southern seas are of volcanic origin, and are divided between those that conserve their volcano governing the island and those that have become an oceanic coral island. That is, in a atoll.

One of the great surprising features of this typology are those that are reduced to the minimum expression, which are a fine coral ring that limits an interior lagoon of implausible colors. Among these lagoons, probably the most iconic in the world is that of Bora Bora (Society Islands, Tahiti), paradisiacal destiny where they exist, only suitable for high standing tourism.

Mount Everest from 7,300 meters

Mount Everest from 7,300 meters

Highest mountain: Mount Everest

With 8,848.86 meters high, the legendary Everest is the most imposing mount in the world. Of course, not even its power frees it from suffering human damage: not only does it house tons of garbage, but it has also found a high concentration of microplastics around base camp (79 microplastic fibers per liter of snow), where hikers usually stay for almost a total of forty days.

They have also found microplastics at 8,440 meters above sea level , very close to the top of Mount Everest, and in Camps 1 and 2 on the climbing route, with up to 12 microplastic fibers per liter of snow. What we do about it…?

From New York to Canada by car for eight days 'on the road'

Niagara Falls

The most powerful falls: Niagara Falls

It is one of the most photographed and most visited places in the world. And, without a doubt, the adrenaline rush caused by sailing near the waterfall of the Canadian waterfall is understandable. Experience Yankee and tourist where there are , the charm of your visit oscillates between the beauty of the natural landscape, the obligatory memory of Superman's flight and the fact of knowing that we are sailing over border waters that divide two countries. Now, they can also be visited by zip line.

tulle tree

tulle tree

The fattest tree: The Tule tree

The Mexican state of oaxaca can boast of having the tree with the largest trunk diameter in the world, the tule tree . Pay attention to the measurements: this ahuehuete has a circumference of 42 meters and a height of 40. To completely embrace its trunk, 30 people with intertwined hands would be needed. And if you're looking for its shadow, don't worry, there's something for everyone: below, fit up to 500 people.

The Caño Cristales riverbed displays its reds, blues, yellows, greens, and pinks like a liquid rainbow.

The bed of the Caño Cristales River (Colombia) displays its reds, blues, yellows, greens and pinks like a liquid rainbow.

The most beautiful river: The Caño Cristales River

Only one percent of Colombians know instead . For this reason, several projects promote it, but they also try to raise awareness of the importance of protecting it and avoiding mass tourism.

And it is that Caño Cristales seems to be a thing of Magical realism: the chromatic festival, enhanced by the transparency of its waters, leaves you speechless. Their five colors are the result of the presence inside of a striking red plant called Macarenia clavigera (which, in times of high light, can appear orange or purple), and the optical effect caused by its crystalline waters, whose hue can appear green or blue under the intense Colombian sun.

Jiuzhaigou Valley

Jiuzhaigou Valley

The brightest lake: Five Flowers Lake

The jiuzhaigou valley , 450 kilometers from chengdu , in Nanping province, is one of the most amazing natural parks in China. An enclave dotted with a hundred colored lakes , lush forests and a gigantic waterfall, which are home to a large number of endemic species of plants, including 212 algae, and animals as endearing as the giant panda , the golden monkey or the blue sheep.

The crystalline green and blue waters of its Lake of the Five Flowers reveal an authentic natural treasure in its depths, with hundreds of fallen trees that seem preserved in formaldehyde in its depths.

Benagil Beach Algarve

Benagil beach, Algarve (Portugal)

The most refreshing caves: The caves of the Algarve

Among the many treasures that the Algarve keeps, the Benagil Cave, also known as 'the cathedral of the Algarve', is the most impressive. The vault of rock, which has its own beach, is illuminated by the light that enters through the hole in the highest part.

You can get to the grotto by boat or swimming, but the tourist boats only enter to take the famous photograph, without giving the option to get off. You can also look out from above. Of course, keep in mind that the best time to visit it is between 12:00 and 14:00, since then, the light illuminates the entire cave.

Indispensable Ha Long

Indispensable Ha Long

The most amazing bay: Ha-Long Bay

Vietnam's most famous bay is sprinkled with almost 2,000 limestone islets that stand out among the waters, of a characteristic emerald green color. It is so beautiful that it has been included among the seven natural wonders of the world.

There it is also possible to visit the striking Sung Sot Grotto , with strange rock formations, or the many traditional fishing villages that surround it. But what takes the cake is enrolling in one of the luxury cruises who go through it for a couple of days: in the good season (from March to October, although it rains a lot during the summer months) there are few more romantic experiences to enjoy its magical sunsets from the deck of a boat.

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

The longest reef: The Great Barrier Reef

The successive massive whitening caused by global warming are destroying Australia's Great Barrier Reef: more than half of its ecosystem has disappeared in recent years, and it is feared that it may never fully recover. If so, we would be left without one of the areas that more oxygen they bring to the earth , removing its more than 1,800 species of fish, 125 sharks and more than 5,000 types of molluscs that live in it.

The Artic

The antartica

The most fragile place: The Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and northernmost part of the world ocean on the planet. It's found north of the arctic circle or, occupying the area between Europe, Asia, and North America. Live there polar bears, walruses, riverhead whales and other wild animals, all in danger of extinction due to global warming, which is destroying their delicate ecosystem.

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