Plans and nonsense for a 2020 filled only and exclusively with the things that really matter


Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg

Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg (April 1977)

It's time to pack, buy those tickets and keep your doubts in the drawer of things that don't matter; An immense world awaits you out there, brimming with places to discover and experiences to experience that will never happen if you don't take that first step.

Life is out there and it won't pass by your house twice, What are you waiting for to open the door and eat it in bite-sized pieces?

Eat light, always travel with a notebook and a pen, write things down, draw, scribble (Children do it, don't be afraid to be a child because they understand everything as a game and perhaps they are not so far off the mark...) .

Things are because we name them; call things and people by their name, be respectful but not meek, be brave but never rude, ** leave the planet as it was when you came or, why not, better.**

Don't buy cheap perfumes, invest in design, read tirelessly, kiss in every city. Do not distinguish between work or pleasure, that life does not understand watertight compartments.

Listen carefully to those who don't think like you It is the only way to grow. Walk, walk without stopping because the world has a different rhythm on foot; savor every drink because you never know what the last bottle will be, always leave a tip.

Pay attention to the sounds around you, respect customs, be honest with yourself and with others, always ask permission. Education is the only universal language.

Shop in small local businesses, learn to love crafts, be attentive to each story behind each object, each canvas and each plate: behind each one there is always a story waiting for you.

pulp fiction

Here we have come to dance and nothing more than to dance

Listen to Jhony Cash but also to Magdalene, have Salvador Dalí's words engraved on fire: "Life must be a continuous party". Here we have come to dance and nothing more than to dance.

Stop giving the grill with that so childish idea of ​​perfection: we are nothing more than the sum of our imperfections and each of our scars; and if you don't accept yours –there is only one way to accept: understand–, you will never do so with those of others.

Be infinitely harder with yourself than with the rest, dedicate time, do therapy, sleep more, put the important things in order because tomorrow the storm may break out.

Be careful with 'success'. What is success? Every day I am less clear about what a good part of the world understands as a victory.

There is no reason to share life with anyone; but if you do, always remember the reasons why he chose you. Don't take things for granted - it's the beginning of the end - do not think that it belongs to you because nobody belongs to anyone, do not kick because people do not act as you expect them to; understands that freedom is our greatest treasure.

Do not judge. Be more aware than cunning, be more emotional than practical. Not being a feminist is being an idiot. Don't waste time with toxic people, remember that the light (yours) will shine brighter if you know surround yourself with people who know how to look at you; love them very much. Tell her. Do not be afraid.


"Always remember the reasons why he chose you"

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