Andalusia with foam: the best craft beers in the South


road and foam

road and foam

** MALAQA - Malaga **

Two and a half years after the launch of Malaqa beers, this brand already has the largest Andalusian craft beer factory . Those responsible for this project are Pablo from Huelva and Army from Malaga, who after brewing beer at home decided to make the leap to commercialization. Today, after a makeover of the image, They have two main references: Kernel Panic , with a fruity and citric touch typical of American hops and Awesome Bear , which has neither more nor less than 9.2 degrees of alcohol, perfect to induce forgetfulness of what you want to forget.

In addition, they have released In yer Face , a lager that is a true rarity in the world of craft brewers, as well as the so-called BootLegger "of a style rescued from before the Dry Law, easier to drink and, perhaps, closer to industrial beer," they explain in Malaqa. And for Christmas time they will bring out a dark beer called Kosmonavt , in case you want what you want to forget is your brother-in-law.

They can all be drunk brewpub that the team has launched in the very Malaga street Carretería : it's called ** The burrow **, and there you can drink beer, go to concerts or enjoy the 'Wednesday Pulled Pork', in which you will savor a delicious meat cooked for eight hours over low heat . Also bring your litrona to be filled with their Malaqa beers, like in the old days.

A step away from there you can stroll through the center of Malaga to take a gastronomic route through new and interesting restaurants. And if you're left wanting more, don't worry: Malaga is one of the provinces that produces the most craft beers . Today there are about about twenty brands spread over a good number of municipalities throughout the province: from La Catarina in Marbella to La Rondeña in Ronda or La Axarca in Frigiliana. If you get lost, don't worry: in Malaqa they also put you on a plate an app where you find the places where you can drink your beers. A way to get to know all the regions of Malaga with the best taste in your mouth.

Malaqa pure character

Malaqa, pure character

** TARTESSOS - Huelva **

hoppy beers with tropical flavors. These are the varieties of Tartessos, the first craft beer in Huelva. A brand that has a specialty that could only be produced there: a strawberry beer , taking advantage of the good product that is born in the province. It has an appetizing aroma and a little acid touch which makes it very special, also becoming a light and perfect drink to enter the world of craft beers.

The company has just completed their second anniversary after facing a design change at the hands of Severiano Vargas , brewmaster who joined the project last February. With experience in the United Kingdom, Vargas has given a british touch to Tartessos Beers, which has gone from its first three varieties in the summer of 2014 (Rubia, Oro and Strawberry) to having a catalog of seven varieties. Of course, some are seasonal, such as the strawberry one that is made in season or the black one, which is made for the winter. His factory is very well located in Huelva capital, just five minutes from the Casa de Colón , on the Avenue of Italy. And ten minutes away is one of the team's favorite places to drink their beers: ** El Tercer Tiempo **, next to the Gran Teatro de Huelva and the Casa de las Conchas. A great excuse to get lost in the center of Huelva's capital, trapped by the Tinto and Odiel rivers.

Flavor of Huelva

Flavor of Huelva

** BEERS APRIL - Seville**

He is a chemical engineer. She, educator for development. And both have created The Red Rooster , which they define as “an art gallery, coworking and educational space where you can learn and enjoy with a craft beer in hand” . This space located in the historic center of Seville It organizes talks and poetry recitals, performs arts programs and has a small art gallery. In addition, and for what we are going, it is the place for fans of craft beer: he and she, that is, Javier and Teresa, are also responsible for Cervezas Abril, which is the brewery base of El Gallo Rojo and one of the projects of the cooperative La Tertulia.

Javier started the project after work as a researcher , first in Germany and then in Valencia. He invested his severance pay in the idea that was in his head and at the end of 2014 he brought his first beer to the market. Today, this is still the protagonist: It's called Zurda and she defines herself as an unassuming and very drinkable blonde. She is the pretty girl of the house (although probably in a few months he will have a brother) and in his retro aesthetic also has a cultural component: each production has a different poem on the back label written by Javier himself.

You can also try his beers in interesting restaurants like El ** ConTenedor, ** with a menu based on the slow food concept, The Tragonería , the ** Tavern of the Commons ** or even in the position that the team of Taifa beers , also Sevillian and artisan, has in the Triana Market. So you can make a route through the center of Seville, which has a lot to tell you about gastronomy. And if it's with a craft beer in hand, better than better.

El Gallo Rojo multipurpose space

El Gallo Rojo, multipurpose space

** THE CAPE - Viator (Almeria) **

In 2012, Juanfran Caballero, Félix López and Javier Yebra were a few simple amateurs who made beer at home. It was a hobby that they combined with their jobs. Today, they are all part of El Cabo beers, or ne of the most interesting craft beers in Andalusia, which is based in the town of Viator, at the foot of the Almeria desert.

They make the perfect team: a chemical engineer, an agricultural engineer and a graphic designer they are lifelong friends. In December 2013 they released their first two varieties on the market and their project worked; so much so that today there more than 200 establishments in Almería where you can taste their beers and are part of the paired menu of the Barcelona restaurant ** Abac **, by chef Jordi Cruz and with two Michelin stars. And the story goes a little further when you see that someone **has had his logo tattooed on their body**.

to the initials Pale Ale and Selecta Two other proposals have been joined more recently: Abbey , darker and Belgian type and Summer Ale , more refreshing, light and perfect for lengthen the afternoons in the sun in Cabo de Gata while, for example, you enjoy the sunset on the mini promenade of Las Negras. The Natural Park is the origin of the denomination of these beers, which are found in most restaurants and bars in this natural paradise.

Among the most recommended are The Redfish , in the Pozo de los Frailes, ** La Mandrágora ** in San José and The Haima , in Fernán Pérez, as well as **small gourmet shops like La Despensa **, in Rodalquilar. Not forgetting little towns like Mojacar Y Garrucha or the capital. So now you have a plan: discover the amazing geography of Almería on the trail of El Cabo beers. And if you don't have enough, you can add to the tour the La Cala beers , also from Almeria, fun, tasty and themed.

Looking at the sea

Looking at the sea

** CALIPH - Cordoba**

The Califa beer project was born, literally, in a pool . There they were, in the middle of the barbecue, Rafael Serrano and Alejandro Díaz. They talked about the divine and the human and, also, about beer. And like all fans of this drink, they dreamed of creating their own while they took a dip. One thing led to another and, finally, they made their project a reality. And they even went further: they set up a brewpub to show how their beers are made to all who went there to taste them.

The premises soon outgrew them and they expanded it, to be located today in the Juan Valera Street, one step away from the squares of Las Tendillas and five minutes from the Mosque of Córdoba. They recently opened a second place in the number 46 of the Avenue of the Great Captain.

They have five fixed varieties: the blonde (blonde ale), the brunette (amber ale), Sultana (premium black) , Clean wheat (premium wheat) and Caliph IPA (indian pale ale). And to them are added three other proposals that vary by season , like the letter of the two premises of these brewers, whose kitchen goes to the sound of the seasons.

Of course, they also have Cheese and ham boards from Los Pedroches and fixed dishes one hundred percent Cordovan like the flamenquines and, of course, the salmorejo. A dish that, if you want, you can keep track of in this Andalusian city. And, if you want to enjoy a Califa beer in special places, check out: ** La Regadera ** and ** La Flamenka **, spaces very well located next to the Gualdaquivir River where time hardly flies.

A blue blood beer

A blue blood beer

** LANCHAR BEER - Lanjarón (Granada) **

One of the most interesting aspects of craft beers is the way they relate to the environment where they are produced. A good example is the Lanchar Beers, which are made in Lanjarón. The story is carried out by Miguel who, after more than two decades working on television, in Madrid, he joined the unemployment lists. He then decided that it was time to bet on making one of the ideas that he had been thinking about for years come true. And he traveled to La Alpujarra in Granada to find one of the best waters in Spain.

There he settled and, at the beginning of 2014, he launched his first three varieties after a long and arduous bureaucratic process: vane (american pale ale), Serrana (season) and Elorrieta (belgian specialty ale). From there, he began to perform new recipes with products from the area. Thus, the three new beers brewed since then have been made with honey, herbs, flowers and aromatic plants such as marjoram and hibiscus, to complete a catalog that includes the brands Trigonometry (wheat) , Caribbean (bitter) and PinkFluid, pink beer with hibiscus flower and a touch of acid for a particularly refreshing variety.

Today you can try the six varieties of Lanchar beers in most restaurants, bars and shops in Lanjarón, although we recommend that you go through the Park Grill or the picturesque Hotel Spain , where Lorca spent the summer with his family.

A little further, in the Poqueira ravine, The Mulhacen Route -in Pampaneira- has an interesting menu, just like the Hotel Los Llanos , in Capileira. A great base to get to know towns like Busquistar, Trevelez or the wonderful villages that make up the municipality of La Taha. And if yours is not the field, nothing happens: the capital Granada also has several places where you can taste this craft drink. One of them is the cider house The Trasgu , in Campo del Príncipe, the heart of the Realejo neighborhood. A place where, surely, always you will take the penultimate.

Drink a Lanchar with these views...

Drink a Lanchar with these views...

** LAND OF THE BORDER - Alcalá la Real (Jaén) **

Pedro Gutiérrez and Adora Villejas are husband and wife. Also good cycling fans. So much so that, a few years ago, they decided travel from Pamplona to Paris on two wheels. In the area of ​​the Châteaux of the Loire they found a project that was very similar to the one they had in mind for years: a place where beer was brewed, it was served right there and, furthermore, it was distributed in the towns of the area . It looked a lot like a bar he frequented and that caught Pedro's attention during his university career in Granada, where he graduated in Environmental Sciences. “But the trip was the definitive thing. We saw that our idea could materialize and, on the way back, we got our batteries on”, assures the person in charge of Tierra de Frontera. Based in Alcalá la Real, this is the first craft beer in the province of Jaén and one of the Older from all Andalusia.

The first bottle was released in 2010 and was called Tierra de Frontera. It is the flagship of this brewery that, since then, has released three more proposals, always under one daring image and some fun and casual designs. The second to arrive was Mariloli (golden ale) a refreshing blond perfect for tapas with only 3.8 degrees; the piconera (brow porter) and with hints of coffee and chocolate; Y bad lunch (indian pale ale), which is the most powerful of the team, with 6.2 degrees.

The idea is to continue growing, since both Pedro and his wife have left their respective jobs in the last year to dedicate one hundred percent to his brewing business. Your alcalá factory can visit and if you want, customize the labels to your liking to turn these drinks into a very special gift for your wedding, birthday, farewell or whatever you want to celebrate.

All their beers can be found at Pepe's corner , a restaurant located in the urban center of Alcalá la Real where they pair them with cosmopolitan tapas and local recipes such as the Secretary's Chicken. A good reason to visit this beautiful city of the Sierra Sur of Jaen, in the heart of Andalusia, where **the Etnosur festival** is celebrated every summer and that has in the amazing Mota Fortress its main tourist attraction. From there, you can continue visiting other places in the city, as well as nearby towns that you also have to know as Martos, Ubeda or Baeza, where they also offer these craft beers. Health!

carefree and cheerful

carefree and cheerful

** DESTRAPERLO - Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) **

your logo is the face of a donkey holding an ear of wheat in its mouth . And the slogan: The dumbest beer. This is how they spend them in Jerez. Those responsible for this are the Destraperlo beer team, which both in terms of image and taste seek don't stay indifferent when tasting their beer varieties. "They have a lot character and personality, and that is what we are looking for”, says Irene Roldós, one of those responsible for this drink that is made in the Brewery Command cooperative.

Destraperlo has been on the market for a little over a year and a half, although they have much more time behind them: the eight years that Tomás, the brewmaster, has been preparing your own drink at home and perfecting his recipes. One day he met other people who had the same interests as him, wanted to throw themselves into the mud with new projects or were unemployed. And they launched. His first two beers were the blonde, easy to drink; Y will color it, whose ingredients include cane and beet sugar. They also have a black beer Andalusian Robust Porter for the winter season and soon they want to launch a variety of wheat. If you want to try them, c Every Saturday they propose routes through the factory , where you can also taste them.

Its own facilities are a magnificent place to enjoy Destraperlo's proposals, but ** if you want to get into his hometown ** you can also do it in places as fun as the ** El Gorila ** brewery, one of the oldest of Jerez de la Frontera and where you can also try other local craft beers such as The Sherry . You can also approach classic sales like Antonio or Don Pepe and charming bars like ** Damajuana **, where the beers will taste like Andalusia thanks to their Andalusian patio.

Of course, it is also time to enjoy a fun route through the Jerez tabancos, those little taverns where, in addition to serving local wines, they offer Destraperlo craft beers. ** San Pablo or Silversmiths ** are two of the most suitable for it. And, if not, you can always go to ** Cádiz, Vejer de la Frontera, Tarifa ** or little towns as cool as Setenil de las Bodegas to follow the trail of these beers and, incidentally, tour one of the provinces that best preserve their essence in all of Andalusia.

The dumbest beer

The dumbest beer

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