Service Information: Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral


Fire service information at Notre Dame Cathedral

Service Information: Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral

About the 6:50 p.m. . From today the alarms began to sound: fire at Notre Dame Cathedral . The shocking images predicted the worst fears: the roof, as well as the spire of the temple, collapsed before the flames at around 8:23 p.m. pm.

The city's fire department points out that the origin of the fire could be due to the works that were currently being carried out in the cathedral. They also ask not to collapse the emergency telephone lines.

The General Directorate of Civil Security of France , confirms that the use of a seaplane in these cases is counterproductive, since it could irreversibly damage the structure of the building. Thus, firefighters continue to work on extinguishing the fire on the ground.

According to the official Twitter account of the city of Paris, it reports that all accesses to the City Island they are closed The city council has arranged the Halle des Blancs Manteaux _(48 rue Vieille du Temple, in the Marais district) _ for the residents of the island.

The Mayor of the city, Anne Hidalgo , asks to respect the security perimeters to ensure the effectiveness of the work in the area.

From the Parisian Police Prefecture, they ask to clear the area, avoid circulating in the surroundings, to let the teams of troops who have moved to the vicinity of the cathedral work.

The French Embassy reiterates the importance of cooperating to clear the area.


In addition to the closure of the island, some metro and bus lines have been affected by the fire. This is the case of the Saint Michel N.D. station, according to the city's regional metro and train network. They make available to the traveler the protocol of alternative lines.

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