Mushrooms coming! We tell you how to prepare them


eat mushrooms

Do you like mushrooms? this book is for you

If anyone knows about mushrooms in this country, it is Llorenç Petràs. A man who 50 years ago decided to abandon his Medicine degree to dedicate himself body and soul to this delicious product. He discovered it – by the way – while he was doing military service in Berga, and When he was only 23 years old, he bought a stall in the Boquería market to specialize and gain a foothold in the sector.

José Andrés says that Bolets Petràs is “the largest forest in Europe”. “I discovered it and enjoyed it –explains the chef– with my father. He was and is a different being. He looked at his beard and thought he discovered some secret, ”he says. Llorenç, who is a wise man and a reference for chefs not only in Spain, but throughout the world. They are looking for him, but this man has also enjoyed – and a lot! – his kitchen.

Today, although retired, he is still very active, and with the arrival of autumn he publishes a book. His name is eat mushrooms (Gastro Planet), and in it he discovers us some of the secrets and knowledge that he has been acquiring over the years.

Did you know, for example, that there are ten thousand species throughout the world and that a thousand of them have medicinal uses? Or that all edible mushrooms have a toxic brother much like them? Did you know that the mushroom was raised in caves and now it is made in dark warehouses to maintain its characteristics? And what would you say, Can mushrooms be frozen?

eat mushrooms

He prepares the basket and the tablecloth. we are going to eat mushrooms

Llorenç, a wise man passionate about gastronomy, also reveals to us in this volume which are his favorite mushrooms and how he cooks them. With ox tongue, chanterelles and negritos he makes all kinds of stir-fry.

The trumpets of death he likes them with fried eggs, although in his house they make a cake with this and other varieties that, he says, "takes your breath away." Of chanterelle he says that it is one of the best to cook with fish, and of the perrechico he assures that it is a delicacy by itself.

From the hand of Eva Hausmann he also proposes almost 60 recipes that make our mouths water just by reading them. From some fried eggs with truffle, to a fricassee with senderuelas, going through rice with morels, cuttlefish and vegetables or hake cheeks with pilpil sauce and perrechicos.

eat mushrooms

Llorenç Petràs, author of 'Eating Mushrooms'

There are also options for those looking for something less traditional: mushroom burger, boletus carpaccio, oyster mushroom and spring onion pizza, or beef rolls with wild asparagus, enoki mushrooms and teriyaki sauce.

For now, to start the season, they share with three recipes that you will also find in Eating Mushrooms. For the rest, you will have to get hold of this essential gastronomic encyclopedia right away.

eat mushrooms

The 'bible' of mushrooms arrives


Ingredients: 200 g of desalted cod gut 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon of black peppercorns 100 g of chorizo ​​2 cloves of garlic with skin 200 g of trumpets of death 1 tablespoon of sweet or spicy red paprika 300 g of cooked chickpeas Salt and pepper Extra virgin olive oil


In a pot with cold water add cod gut, bay leaf and peppercorns, and bring to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, remove the pot from the heat and strain. Reserve the broth and cut the cod gut into small portions.

In a saucepan with oil, fry the diced chorizo, the garlic, the mushrooms and the paprika taking care not to burn. Add the chickpeas and the cod tripe, and moisten with a little of the cooking water. Bring to a boil for 15 minutes.

eat mushrooms

Sea and mountain tripe, recipe from the book 'Comer Mushrooms'

Chanterelles with black sausage esparracada (for 4 people)

Ingredients: 300 g of black sausage or onion blood sausage 1 onion 4 cloves of garlic 600 g of chanterelles 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley


Cut the sausage into slices and remove the gut. Sauté the finely chopped onion in a frying pan with oil until golden brown and set aside. Brown the minced garlic and set aside. In the same pan sauté the mushrooms with oil, season them and reserve them.

Crumble the sausage with the help of a fork and sauté it for 3 minutes in a pan with oil. Add the mushrooms, onion, garlic and parsley, and cook everything together for 2 more minutes.

eat mushrooms

Chanterelles with scattered black sausage


Ingredients: 1 large onion 100 g of morels 600 g of cuttlefish 1.2 l of fish stock 3 grated ripe tomatoes 300 g of round rice 50 g of fresh shelled peas 50 g of fresh shelled broad beans Olive oil Salt


Peel and chop the onion finely. Clean the mushrooms, sauté them in the paella pan with oil for 5 minutes, season and set aside.

Discard the cuttlefish shell and wash it under cold water. Cut it into small portions and brown it in the paella with oil. Season and reserve. Bring the broth to a boil.

in the same paella fry the onion, add the tomato until confit and season. Add the cuttlefish, the sofrito and the rice. Moisten with the boiling broth.

Make the paella over high heat for the first 4 minutes and lower the heat to a simmer for the remaining 10 minutes. Add the mushrooms, peas and broad beans, and finish in a preheated oven at 180°C for 4 minutes.

eat mushrooms

Rice with morels, cuttlefish and vegetables, recipe from the book 'Comer Setas'

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