Wines for when you see her again



Wines for when you see her again

If you can't be With your mother because you don't have her near her, go thinking about spending good times by her side... with a glass of wine in between.


It is, surely, what you are most wanting, to feel the comfortable contact of her with her , that moment that you want to last forever and you miss when you have not had your mother near her for a long time, its warmth , I shelter her, that one feeling of protection that makes you go back to childhood. It is a special moment that has become a longing, a goal that makes you remain optimistic. That time full of affection demands a wine that is up to the task of reunion, a White Mirlo that keeps you smiling, warm, fluffy and comfortable, with all the strength of a hug.

What came? Valquejigoso White Blackbird 2012 (albillo, sauvignon blanc and viognier, 45 euros. Villamanta, Madrid).

Valquejigoso White Blackbird 2012

Valquejigoso White Blackbird 2012


He has always told you that, to get in the way while he prepares dinner, you should not go into the kitchen, but confinement has made you swallow tutorials on dishes, doughs and desserts to get the Cordon Bleu in record time, so, when you return to see her, you will be able to surprise her with a masterful dish of those that you have seen in the IGLive of great chefs. Serve a Vilarnau Reserva Brut Nature in a long-stemmed glass and approach that maternal gastronomic temple with two glasses.

Make a toast with her and, without further ado, put on her apron and surprise her with your culinary skills. Savor the freshness and sparkling fruit of cava And get to work; It will be your best four-hand menu.

What sparkling? Vilarnau Reserva Brut Nature 2017 (chardonnay, macabeo, parellada; 13.89 euros. Cava, Sant Sadurní D'Anoia)

Vilarnau Brut Nature Reserve 2017

Vilarnau Brut Nature Reserve 2017


And no, not by video call, no. Beside her, next to your mother, hanging out, with nothing to do but catch up, on the terrace, in the garden , watching the sunset, but above all, enjoying the conversation, appreciating the moment like you didn't think you could. and ahead, a wine to make the talk juicier.

Abadía Retuerta Special Selection , talkative, too, and an excellent silent company, which gains nuances as the afternoon progresses. Enjoy the talk, savor those complicit looks and laughs, those moments that, just a few days ago, you thought you could lose forever.

What came? Abbey Retuerta Special Selection 2016 , tempranillo, syrah, cabernet sauvignon, 25 euros. Sardon de Duero, Castilla y Leon.

Abbey Retuerta Special Selection 2016

Abbey Retuerta Special Selection 2016


The end of confinement is coming, or one of the long-awaited phases in which you can go to bars ( blessed bars ) or invite her to come to your house without risk. You serve one of those appetizers that can last for hours, or sit down to enjoy the spring sun : “Jo, mom, how we wanted to do this, after everything we've been through, we can get back together. Not everyone has had that luck”, is, perhaps, part of your conversation.

At the table, a garnachista wine , full of fruit and full of life, dangerous because of how rich it is, Viña Zorzal Grenache , which encourages the chat while the bottle goes down and down without even realizing it. It is one of the best moments of the year, and it tastes really good with your mother by your side. What yes?

What came? Viña Zorzal Grenache 2019 , grenache, 7 euros. Fitero. Navarre.

Viña Zorzal Grenache 2019

Viña Zorzal Grenache 2019


After having heard, and perhaps experienced, very hard times during this crisis, the good news seems much better and should be celebrated. Your mother can't wait to hear that your company is starting to move forward little by little, that you did well in an exam, that you came up with a project during quarantine and have good expectations with some investors, that you and your partner are expecting a child, that your blood tests have come out well...

She will be happy with you to hear it and, when you see her, you'll want to clink glasses and pronounce a cheesy chin chin with your mother for how good she is waiting for you, that she is waiting for you. She looks at you with eyes of pride while she savors the champagne, a wine that you like to bring her when what you are going to tell her is good. Look at her: you adore her, you know that she is always by your side even when you go days without calling her. Celebrate that she is your mother, she celebrates being part of the life of that great woman in front of you.

what champagne? Taittinger Millésime 2013 , chardonnay and pinot noir, 55 euros. Champagne, France.

Taittinger Millsim 2013

Taittinger Millésime 2013


Why not. This year that getaway to a European city may not be, but here there are extraordinary corners to discover or revisit. Perhaps those that you saw together, with the family, when you and your siblings were still children, or that country getaway that your mother is still in shape to undertake. Escape with her, change the environment and air, get away from a routine which has been much more so and much harder than other years.

Take advantage of that long weekend or those vacation days that you still have and give yourself a break to create new memories with your mother . Come on, grab that rosé you've been wanting for a long time , that Zárate Fontecón unusual, fresh and vibrant and knocks on her door with an itinerary in his hands. And start dreaming of one of the best trips of your life, that one you did with your mother in 2020 , when nothing foreshadowed that something like that, traveling with her again could become unattainable.

A pink? Zárate Fontecón Rosé 2017 , caíño red, espadeiro and albariño, 20.50 euros. Rias Baixas, Galicia.

Zrate Fontecón Ros 2017

Zárate Fontecón Rosé 2017


One of those old ones, one that you have seen a thousand times. His favorite that deep down is also a little yours. One day it'll tell you it's Rear Window, one day West Side Story, and the next it's The Apartment. But it will be like with wine and with life, that you will have to decide. At the uncorking, there is no turning back, a classic, a canonical and eternal Ribera del Duero, like the ones made by Emilio Moro. And of course, it will have to be something epic, something that reminds you why you are the same, so come on, two drinks and hand in hand with the Clone of the Family. This deserves a toast... and a movie. Hitchcock or Wilder?

A classic? Family Clone 2014 , 100% Tempranillo, family selection, for important moments (like this one), €199.95, Ribera del Duero.

Family Clone 2014

Family Clone 2014


Now that distances prevail, physical and mental, the arts are there to shorten paths. The music that heals everything can be the perfect ally to remember those moments that mark the particular mother-son or mother-daughter story. What songs unite you? Any that remind you of your mother? Party songs sound when we shared dances in the village festivals ; also some other pearl by Raphael or perhaps Paul Anka... What if we create a joint, also with those songs that make your mother travel towards you?

It will be a time to remember, laugh and cry... in any case, the tears will be happy and nostalgic. Let's toast with a sizzling and fresh touch; Let's toast to the songs that will complete our playlist.

A wine? Prince of Viana Rosé 2019 Red Grenache (€5, Príncipe de Viana, Muchante, Navarra)

Prince of Viana Rosé 2019

Prince of Viana Rosé 2019

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