'The Buddha Mountains', the journey that will take you to Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan


Durbar square in Kathmandu

Durbar Square, in Kathmandu, one of the stops on the trip

The mystique, that promise of limitless peace that we seem unable to find at home, and the eight-thousanders, which although they are not, seem increasingly accessible, have made Nepal in a more than appetizing destination. Bhutan For its part, mountainous and remote, it is a world mecca after having become the country of happiness. And the Tibet , landscape of legend, roof of the world, is the fetish destination of any pro traveller.

Touring these three countries in a single trip and in 16 days is what he proposes in his itinerary The Buddha Mountains Ratpanat , the company specialized in truck safaris and itineraries that combine luxury and adventure. “We will get to know the ancient imperial cities that today form the Kathmandu Valley; the mecca of Buddhism in Lhasa; the residence of successive Dalai Lama. We will visit the roof of the world: the base camp of the Everest on its north face; We will travel to the remote Kingdom of Bhutan and make a pilgrimage to the Taktsang monastery, better known as El Nido del Tigre”, they say from the company.

A group of Hindu ascetic 'sadhus'

A group of 'sadhus', Hindu ascetics

The trip includes a roadtrip that starts from the forbidden city of Lhasa and goes through mountain passes more than 5,000 meters above sea level, sacred lakes, deserts and some of the highest mountains in the world. There are also sections that will be done on foot, although the physical conditions to join the walks are not demanding, as they are adapted to all audiences. “ The only requirement is to have a strong spirit of adaptation (some of the places to visit are not prepared for tourism, especially on road days in Tibet) ”, they explain from Ratpanat.

Another of the means of transport used will be the plane: “We will carry out beautiful one-hour flights, where we will cross the Himalayas to reach Tibet and we will fly parallel to the highest mountain range in the world to go and return from the Kingdom of Bhutan” . The company's experts classify these routes as " possibly the most beautiful commercial flights on the planet ”.

To join this adventure, which is carried out with a Spanish-speaking guide, travelers will have to choose between several departure dates between June 30 and October 30 , the most favorable months to carry it out. Of course, it must be taken into account that the processing of the visa to Tibet and Bhutan, which is carried out by the company itself, takes a minimum of 30 days.

Gyantse in Tibet at 3,977 meters above sea level

Gyantse, in Tibet, at 3,977 meters above sea level

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