Costa Rica launches a new project for you to get to know six unknown National Parks in a responsible way


Costa Rica It is one of the most beautiful countries on the planet. : its overflowing nature is unique and draws the attention of those travelers who seek adventure in capital letters. Jungles, beaches, wild animals and food 100% from the land is what you will find when you travel to the country.

This destination is a sustainable tourism sanctuary which offers more than 6.5% of the world's biodiversity and has 28% of protected areas and biological reserves, implementing a sustainable, innovative and inclusive tourism model. This is the path that the country is currently on, knowing that its visitors are interested in these attractions, one of them its National Parks.

In this sense, the project was born 'Let yourself be enchanted' with which the Ministry of Environment and Energy through the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) and the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism (ICT) join in the initiative to publicize and promote the unique and unrepeatable attractions of a group of six National Parks , perhaps little known and explored but full of a wide magical nature to discover. You want to know more?

It is a group of protected areas located in different areas of the country, but with easy access for visitors and their families. The list is made up of national parks The Quetzals, Braulio Carrillo (in the Quebrada Gonzáles and Barba sectors), sling bar, face, Chin, Santa Rosa Y Tapantímassif of death . Both ICT and SINAC will develop exclusive content, audiovisual materials, testimonials from park rangers and attractive designs that will be shared on their social networks.

“By visiting these protected areas, families will be able to have a charming approach to nature on the weekends before the start of the rainy season and in passing they will be able to contribute to the economic reactivation of nearby tourist chains such as restaurants, artisans, tour guides and others. ”, Alberto López, ICT General Manager, said in a statement.

Arenal Volcano Costa Rica.

Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica.


Six of the 30 National Parks in the country will be made known in a responsible manner through this initiative and the 'Magic Nature' application in which travelers and the local population will find practical and accessible information about these wild areas. Location, services, hours and facilities in the facilities, all updated and on the mobile.

For its launch, the application has information from 17 Wilderness Areas but this number is expected to expand in the coming months.

International tourists travel great distances to appreciate the water power of a waterfall , the varied shades of green of our forests, the pure air of our mountains, the rock formations of the caves, the beauty of the flight of a quetzal , buildings that preserve part of our history as examples. For this reason, we must make the most of the magic of our country, a giant of biodiversity, despite its small territory”, said Rafael Gutiérrez, Executive Director of SINAC.

Tortuguero Costa Rica.

Tortuguero, Costa Rica.

And what can you discover in these six unknown National Parks? Of the Quetzals We emphasize that it is a bird protection space, specifically a special area for the sighting of the Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno); Braulio Carrillo It is a National Park consisting mainly of high mountains densely covered with forests and a large number of canyons through which rivers and streams flow, the national park sling bar In addition to protecting an important geological resource, a system of calcareous caverns with stalactite and stalagmite formations, it has the Barra Honda hill, about 450 meters high, and made up of ancient coral reefs.

face It is located just 90 kilometers from the capital and is the ideal park to witness an exuberant flora and fauna through a path with universal access; Santa Rosa is located in Guanacaste and is considered a World Heritage Site, while Chin it is the national park of those who are accustomed to adventures, they live here jaguars and monkeys , that is, pure jungle. Y Tapantí- Massif of Death It is the rainiest of all, also in its elevated part - the Macizo de la Muerte - moors prevail, and from Cerro Asunción, both coasts can be seen: the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

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