The last umbrella repairman in Paris


Summer rain in the Jardin du Luxembourg in front of the Parisian Senate

Summer rain in the Jardin du Luxembourg, in front of the Parisian Senate

Fifty-two days of rain in Paris . Not one more, not one less. From tropical-style downpours to light drizzles, rain has become a relentless daily nightmare for Parisians, and lo and behold! the umbrella in your essential accessory . Luckily, precisely in this city is the last umbrella repairman in Europe, Thierry Millett , a true specialist in rejuvenating and bringing to life the (at the moment) precious objects.

The oldest pass in Paris, the Passage de l'Ancre , in the heart of the French capital, houses an original atelier, that of the craftsman Thierry Millet, dedicated for nine years to the unique trade of repairing umbrellas. "It is the only boutique of these characteristics in all of Europe" -he tells us. “I have been interviewed in media all over the world. Even the Financial Times talked about me in an article ”- he adds, full of pride while deftly repairing the rod of a colorful umbrella.

And it is that with the current meteorological panorama the good-natured Thierry what he does not lack is work . “I normally repair between 8,000 and 10,000 umbrellas a year, but this year I will definitely exceed that number.” His large clientele ranges from humble people to well-known characters from the world of cinema and television whose names Thierry does not allow me to reveal in the article. Ok, a clue, well-known French actress whose name starts with C…

The 'Tour Eiffel' umbrella, Thierry's very indigenous invention

The 'Tour Eiffel' umbrella, a very indigenous invention of Thierry

Today is a particularly hectic day and the bell at the entrance does not stop ringing. A client shows his broken umbrella and the craftsman after a scrupulous observation issues the unappealable diagnosis of him: "repairable" he says triumphantly. And if it isn't, our good friend has the solution, because besides repairing umbrellas Thierry also sells them , “Only of good quality, he points out.

His expertise has risen so high with rods and tissues that he has even launched into the creation of an umbrella that he has baptized with the name "Eiffel Tower" which, by the way, he only sells in his atelier. This curious surgeon describes his small but flourishing business as “economic and cultural curiosity” , because in times of crisis and environmental concerns better repair than throw away . For those interested the aesthetic operation of an umbrella costs between 8 and 18 euros.

Latin Quarter Paris

In Paris, the rain also suits you

I leave the illustrious umbrella repairman to his tasks to find a rainy Paris again and I can't help but think of the phrase of ** Woody Allen ** "Who has not been kissed on one of those rainy Parisian afternoons has never been kissed" . And it is that of course here, opportunities, we do not lack.

PEP'S - Passage de l'Ancre 223, rue Saint-Martin, Paris 3e, Métro Réaumur Sébastopol. Tel: 01 42 78 11 67

Thierry Millet outside Pep's

Thierry Millet outside Pep's, the life or death of Parisian umbrellas

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