iPhone 5 Loves Traveler


iPhone 5

iPhone 5

iPhone 5 starts its journey. The long-awaited Apple device has arrived with a design that is certainly not surprising (only its metal back has changed). But the important thing is (and we have to get a little sentimental), It's inside and in the little details . Rather, "small" details that will help us travel in the best way.

The company has emphasized the ease of navigation with this new device . This helps your panoramic screen four inches (with 44% more saturation) and the retina display technology in which to enjoy with all the resolution of the photographs and articles of Conde Nast Traveler . This is how it is presented on Apple.es.

iPhone 5

iPhone 5

Of course, you will no longer need one camera in addition to your mobile device. The 8 megapixels of resolution that we already had in the iPhone 4S are maintained, but there is an evident improvement in the lenses and the photo capture time in cases of low lighting ( we will no longer have those noise problems ) . In addition, you will be able to get the best landscape snapshots on your travels with the new option of iPhone 5 to take panoramic photos.

And to all this we add speed: the new chip is 22% smaller and twice as fast than the one built into the iPhone 4S. Connecting anywhere and in the fastest way is guaranteed.

Does it seem little to you? Well, watch out. We have spoken with Pablo Ortega-Mateos (our collaborator with residence in The Angels and journalist specialized in new technologies), who tells us everything (as in this special Podcast prepared after the presentation ) :

"From the iPhone 5 (but it will also be possible with the iPhone 4S) we will have navigation 'turn-by-turn' , this is the \ It \ him GPS will guide us at every step to reach our final destination . The voice assistant will indicate the path to follow at all times. Also, Apple has decided to break up with Google and offer its own map service, which even allows us to visualize a city in 3D just by pressing our finger on the screen . Navigating a city in 3D is an experience that greatly facilitates orientation: an ideal way to familiarize ourselves with the city we are traveling to."

What do you think? Apparently Apple Loves Traveler , so for now, we are waiting for it to arrive in Spain to be able to check the power of the new device .

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