This will be the behavior of Spanish travelers next year


Do you already have your next destination in mind?

Do you already have your next destination in mind?

What will become of us in 2019? We don't have the power to predict the future (yet), but , the portal for accommodation reservations, has analyzed more than 163 million verified comments and consulted 21,500 travelers from 29 countries to predict what the 2019 travel trends will be.

social problems of the destination chosen to enjoy a vacation is a matter that concerns more than half of Spanish travelers.

Of course, live experiences is a priority over material possessions and classic weekend getaways they will continue to be religion for the Spanish traveller. Shall we thoroughly discover the predictions, globetrotter?

more escapes please

more escapes please


What will this trip bring me on a personal level? It is no longer worth choosing a destination blindfolded, a new way of traveling has been developed that takes personal growth into account. 63% of Spaniards say that traveling has prepared them better for life, and the remaining percentage promises not only to enjoy every getaway in 2019 , but learn something new from each of them.

This implies a greater number of travellers, regardless of the generation, who spend their vacations train (in languages, for example) or volunteer. 65% of Spanish travelers plan to participate in cultural exchanges to learn languages, 53% would do a volunteer trip and 52% international work experience.

It will be about everything generation Z the one that begins to value more the experiences that help them grow on a personal level and practical learning (which will also open doors for them in the workplace) versus sitting at a desk. And what better experience than traveling?


Those technological innovations that provide practical solutions to travelers will be the ones that succeed in 2019. For example, use your phone to access your hotel room without keys , receive personalized travel advice or have a receptionist robot speak your language.

Not without my 'smartphone'

Not without my 'smartphone'!

However, it will not be the most futuristic creations that win us over, but **checking luggage in real time with our smartphone (59%) ** or having a single application to plan the entire trip (57%) are some of the the wishes of Spanish travelers for 2019, according to statistics.

As a journey begins long before landing at the destination, 30% of Spaniards would not rule out having a "virtual travel agent" at home to make inquiries prior to the getaway , as well as one in five travelers would use augmented reality to familiarize themselves with the destination before arriving.


Did you know that NASA will start building a space station on the moon in 2019? Yes, although it will not be finished until 2022, spaceflight will continue to increase over the next year.

Breaking the borders when traveling is one of the purposes of current tourism, the figures speak for themselves: 37% of Spanish travelers would like to travel to space in the future and 40% would be open to trying the experience firsthand.

ice cave in iceland

ice cave in iceland

But until the dream of traveling to space is something normal for all mortals, we will have to settle for discover the most inhospitable territories on Earth . 58% of Spanish travelers state that they would like stay in a hotel under the sea . What would be your dream accommodation?


Shorter and more personalized content is what travelers will demand during 2019. Compared to exhaustive travel guides, a third of Spanish travelers would find it useful to have a mechanism that recommends places to travel to , and 42% would accept that travel companies use the latest technology as artificial intelligence to make travel suggestions based on their previous experiences.


In 2019 travelers will be more committed to social causes such as working conditions or human rights, issues that will condition the chosen destination. 51% of Spanish travelers believe that social problems are a determining factor when choosing where to go on vacation.

For this reason, 61% prefer not to travel to a destination if they think it will have a negative impact on the people who live there . On the other hand, traveling in complete safety, regardless of gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation, in 2019 will be one of the aspirations of Spanish travellers.

Hence the increase in organizations that support solo female travelers and that report on those places in the world that they defend social acceptance of the LGBT+ community . According to data from, 18% of Spanish travelers, aged 18 to 34, plan to attend a Pride festival next year.

Taking care of nature will be one of the purposes of 2019

Taking care of nature will be one of the purposes of 2019


The use and throw is over. We have experienced during this 2018 how we are becoming more aware of the environment , and the plastic-free supermarkets or reusable containers are proof of this.

Millennials will look for a way to travel that is as sustainable as possible: 85% of Spaniards would be willing to dedicate time to activities that reduce the environmental impact of their stay , and 31% would clean plastics and garbage from beaches and other natural enclaves. In 2019, the triumph will be for accommodations committed to the planet, says


Having experiences is more important than material goods according to 62% of Spanish travellers. Happiness, comfort and creating moments that have a strong impact on social media will be the yearnings of Spanish travelers next year.

And, of course, those getaways and accommodations that make us disconnect will be valued: 46% of Spanish travelers would like visit a destination that teleports them back to their childhood.

'Selfie' for Instagram that is not missing

'Selfie' for Instagram, don't miss it


Lightning trips will have a great weight in 2019. Perfectly organized weekend getaways and more personalized experiences , as well as transport facilities, is what more than 59% of Spanish travelers will look for next year.

And of course, unique accommodations that (despite the brevity of the stay) make your trip unforgettable.

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