Christmas, sweet? Christmas: how to face the most atypical parties of our lives


'Friends' at Christmas

Christmas, sweet? Christmas: how to face the most atypical parties of our lives

With the arrival of the ' new normal ' Last June, the big question for most of the population was how what would probably be the most atypical summer of all was going to happen. Once the summer period is over and with the uncertainty of day to day in the face of the advance of the coronavirus crisis, there are many who are already focusing on what we can expect from them and what not.

It was the Minister of Health himself, Salvador Island , who last Friday October 16 in declarations to RAC1 affirmed what has been haunting the minds of most Spaniards for a long time: “ Difficult months await us and a Christmas that will not be normal”.

Although there are still weeks to go, knowing the current scenario, it is more than evident that we can already forget about the big gatherings on Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve or Kings . But if things are done right we act responsibly , we will arrive at these important dates celebrating them with our loved ones . In a different way yes, but together.

You can choose to get away from everything and everyone on New Year's Eve like Cameron Diaz in the movie 'Vacation'.

Let's opt for a Cameron Diaz New Year's Eve in the movie 'Vacation'.

And how to do it? A doctor, an expert in events and a psychologist, give us the guidelines to face the next Christmas days and do it in the most bearable way possible (Both physically and mentally). Ready for the most unusual Christmas of all?


This 2020 touches change hugs, kisses and gestures of affection for hydroalcoholic gel, masks, social distance and the reduction of people in our Christmas dinners and lunches.

“We have never faced anything like this and we are going to have to greatly modify the reunions and all the acts that we usually carry out. We will probably see the Christmas atmosphere every year in the streets, but a much colder context than usual will be lived in the houses, ”he tells Santiago Pérez Minguez, Medical specialist in Family and Community Medicine in Valencia.

And how does this translate into Spanish homes? “I think that some must already be tired of hearing the measures, what comes out in the news and the health personnel we do not stop repeating. The use of the mask is essential and social distance too , not to mention the hand hygiene . We have to try keep your distance Y remove our mask exclusively just to eat ”, he continues.

'Home alone'

Gone, for a few months, the big gatherings

As for the groups of guests, we must get used to the idea that meetings of 30, 40 or 50 people in a house are a thing of the past or of a not immediate future. It is very likely that the recommendations by both the Government and the health personnel are those adopted so far, between 6 and 10 individuals . “It would not make sense now to meet dozens of people; nor meeting today with one group, tomorrow with another and the day after with the grandparents . If we get used to the idea that this is as important as the security measures We will better control the situation. I understand that it is complicated, but we have been making a great effort all year to improve this and now we should not spoil all that for a few days of celebration, ”says Santiago Pérez Minguez.

If we are the ones who organize lunches or dinners in our homes, there are some key factors to take into account to prepare it as well as possible before the guests arrive. As indicated to Roberto Castán, founder of Amarguería (agency specializing in experiential events and Hospitality) is of vital importance:

  • Wash your hands well when you get home and use hydroalcoholic gel.

  • It is more than recommended to use disposable tableware (eco-friendly, of course).

  • At the time of service, the best thing is that a family member is in charge of serving others (We will always have a cousin or sibling who has had COVID-19 or at least been tested at work.)

  • Do not share food or drink with anyone.

  • Ventilate the house before and after dinner even if it's cold.

Christmas well or family

Christmas well or family?

  • Do not lengthen the evenings Y avoid large amounts of alcohol with the intention of not disinhibiting ourselves too much.

  • If we do not dare to organize something at home, we can always resort to choosing a restaurant. It is the most comprehensive option and the one that provides the most security. Put yourself in the hands of professionals and in suitable spaces to comply with security measures.

And what about business lunches and dinners or Christmas baskets? More of the same. “With the crisis that we have upon us, I suppose that these types of celebrations will be reduced - and much -. In addition, with the whole issue of ERTES underway and what many families are suffering, I do not see that companies have anything to celebrate, much less give an image of ostentation. The vision of businessmen, I understand, will go towards austerity and prudence this year ”, comments Roberto Castán.

And with the Christmas events? With the arrival of the 'new normality' there has been a change in the paradigm due to the COVID-19 crisis. “I have no doubt that there will be events, people need to get excited again and recover consumption. There is a trend, and it looks set to continue, in which brands seek profitability and a much larger experiential side . For this reason, the events will be smaller, with more content than decoration or entertaining with food and drink; more attention will be paid to the profitability and durability of the content”, comments Roberto Castán.

Bridget Jones

Make yourself a Bridget Jones


It has been more than demonstrated that in this situation we must be alert since the virus can pass through our lives in an almost insignificant way or completely destroy it in a matter of seconds. And that is why a small gesture like putting on the mask or not giving that hug -although you have been wanting it for a long time-, it can also put the balance in our favor almost without realizing it. Not for us anymore, but for those we love the most.

Our Christmas contacts should be with the group of family and friends that we are used to seeing during this stage of 'new normality' ', nothing to meet people that we usually meet only for Christmas or occasionally throughout the year. We have spent an entire confinement being specialists in looking for alternatives to feel close even if we had to be far away. Why not keep doing it now?

video calls they will continue to be the best option to gather large groups of people virtually, for example for New Year's grapes, deliver the invisible friend or give gifts on Three Kings Day . In these last two is when the online commerce will play in our favor - just as it has been doing since last March.

'bad mothers'

Celebrate the holidays in your family or friendship bubble

"In the end, it's about finding healthy alternatives for avoid unnecessary risks and engage in creating new routines that we can also enjoy, while taking care of ourselves. We must avoid focusing on what we cannot do, and pay attention to everything we can do”, he suggests to Judith Viudes, psychologist and sexologist . Creativity is the key!


The good part of this whole thing? This Christmas we can be calm because we will be able to do without the company dinner with your unbearable boss, the Christmas meal with the annoying brother-in-law on duty or the mother-in-law who does not stop criticizing you in everything.

“For many, this situation is the 'perfect excuse' to get together (or not) only with those people closest to them with whom they are comfortable and feel like it. And thus leave aside the classic social pressure to which we are often subjected by obligation on these important dates. Look, it can become a good opportunity to start assertiveness and learn to say no ”, indicates Judith Viudes. And best of all, it can work as a real precedent for the next few years to come, whether with or without a pandemic.


And of course, we must not overlook the fact that we are facing a ephemeral stage Even though we don't know exact date yet , will end in the future (hopefully not too far away). Therefore, as Judith Viudes recommends, we must prepare ourselves emotionally for these dates and think at all times that there is less and less left for better times to come.

'Last Christmas'

We will return to the great celebrations only if we are able to be responsible during this Christmas

“Bearing in mind the holidays of previous years can overwhelm us and create that nostalgic feeling which can become anger or frustration , and even also in an urgent need to more love . And it is normal, because the human being needs affection for its optimal development and social integration, we carry it as standard. So we will have to pay special attention to these emotions so that they do not dominate us, because in the end, the important thing is our health and that of our loved ones ”, comments the expert in psychology and sexology.

“You have to try to think that this is a transitory stage, hard and different, but transitory . And just as we have adapted new routines in our day to day, we will also have to do it during this Christmas, ”she continues.

It is not about NOT CELEBRATING, but about celebrating in a different way than what we are used to, just as we have been practicing throughout this atypical 2020 . "Let's all act responsibly, so that next Christmas 2021 is the best of our lives," predicts Santiago Pérez Minguez. Doesn't sound so difficult, does it?

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